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A Yardl package is a directory with a _package.yml manifest.

Package Manifest

Here is an example commented _package.yml file:

# _package.yml

# The namespace of the package. Required.
namespace: MyNamespace

# Import model types from external locations (URLs)
# URLs may be one of the following:
#   1. Path to local directory, either
#     - Relative to the `_package.yml` manifest, or
#     - Absolute path
#   2. Remote git repository. Options (provided as query parameters):
#     - ref=<git commit hash>
#     - dir=<relative path to model>
# NOTE: Yardl caches git repositories in `$HOME/.yardl/cache`
  - ../myCommonTypes
  - /workspaces/yardl/models/more-common-types

# Evolve your schema from previous versions
# See imports above for details on specifying model version locations
  v0_1: ../models/test/v0.1

# Settings for C++ code generation (optional)
  # The directory where generated code will be written.
  # The directory will be created if it does not exist.
  sourcesOutputDir: ../path/relative/to/this/file

  # Whether to generate a CMakeLists.txt file in sourcesOutputDir
  # Default true
  generateCMakeLists: true

  # Include path for custom NDArray implementation header file
  # If provided, the generated C++ code will include this header
  # instead of Yardl's default NDArray implementation
  overrideArrayHeader: path/to/custom/NDArray/header

# Settings for Python code generation (optional)
  # The directory where the generated Python package will be written
  outputDir: ../path/relative/to/this/file

# Settings for MATLAB code generation (optional)
  # The directory where the generated MATLAB packages will be written
  outputDir: ../path/relative/to/this/file
# _package.yml

# The namespace of the package. Required.
namespace: MyNamespace

# Import model types from external locations (URLs)
# URLs may be one of the following:
#   1. Path to local directory, either
#     - Relative to the `_package.yml` manifest, or
#     - Absolute path
#   2. Remote git repository. Options (provided as query parameters):
#     - ref=<git commit hash>
#     - dir=<relative path to model>
# NOTE: Yardl caches git repositories in `$HOME/.yardl/cache`
  - ../myCommonTypes
  - /workspaces/yardl/models/more-common-types

# Evolve your schema from previous versions
# See imports above for details on specifying model version locations
  v0_1: ../models/test/v0.1

# Settings for C++ code generation (optional)
  # The directory where generated code will be written.
  # The directory will be created if it does not exist.
  sourcesOutputDir: ../path/relative/to/this/file

  # Whether to generate a CMakeLists.txt file in sourcesOutputDir
  # Default true
  generateCMakeLists: true

  # Include path for custom NDArray implementation header file
  # If provided, the generated C++ code will include this header
  # instead of Yardl's default NDArray implementation
  overrideArrayHeader: path/to/custom/NDArray/header

# Settings for Python code generation (optional)
  # The directory where the generated Python package will be written
  outputDir: ../path/relative/to/this/file

# Settings for MATLAB code generation (optional)
  # The directory where the generated MATLAB packages will be written
  outputDir: ../path/relative/to/this/file

Overriding the Package Manifest

Fields in the _package.yml manifest can be overriden on the command-line using the -c/--config flag, e.g.

$ yardl generate -c cpp.sourcesOutputDir=/tmp/$(date +%F_%T)/generated
 Wrote C++ to /tmp/2024-09-30_16:39:43/generated.
 Wrote Python to /workspaces/yardl/python.
 Wrote Matlab to /workspaces/yardl/matlab/generated.
$ yardl generate -c cpp.sourcesOutputDir=/tmp/$(date +%F_%T)/generated
 Wrote C++ to /tmp/2024-09-30_16:39:43/generated.
 Wrote Python to /workspaces/yardl/python.
 Wrote Matlab to /workspaces/yardl/matlab/generated.