Source code for qcodes.instrument_drivers.Keysight.keysight_e4980a

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Union, cast

from packaging import version
from pyvisa.errors import VisaIOError

from qcodes.instrument import (
from qcodes.parameters import (
from qcodes.utils import convert_legacy_version_to_supported_version
from qcodes.validators import Bool, Enum, Ints, Numbers

    from import Sequence

    from typing_extensions import Unpack

[docs] class KeysightE4980AMeasurementPair(MultiParameter): """ Data class for E4980A measurement, which will always return two items at once. The two items are for two different parameters, depending on the measurement function. Hence, the names of the two attributes are created from the "names" tuple of the measurement functions. Examples: To create a measurement data with capacitance=1.2, and dissipation_factor=3.4. >>> data = KeysightE4980AMeasurementPair(name="CPD", names=("capacitance", "dissipation_factor"), units=("F", "")) >>> data.set((1.2, 3.4)) >>> data.get() (1.2, 3.4) """ value: tuple[float, float] = (0.0, 0.0) def __init__( self, name: str, names: "Sequence[str]", units: "Sequence[str]", **kwargs: Any ): super().__init__( name=name, names=names, shapes=((), ()), units=units, setpoints=((), ()), **kwargs, ) self.__dict__.update({names[0]: 0, names[1]: 0})
[docs] def set_raw(self, value: tuple[float, float]) -> None: self.value = value setattr(self, self.names[0], value[0]) setattr(self, self.names[1], value[1])
[docs] def get_raw(self) -> tuple[ParamRawDataType, ...]: return self.value
MeasurementPair = KeysightE4980AMeasurementPair "Alias for backwards compatibility"
[docs] class KeysightE4980AMeasurements: """ All the measurement function for E4980A LCR meter. See user's guide P353 """ CPD = KeysightE4980AMeasurementPair( "CPD", ("capacitance", "dissipation_factor"), ("F", "") ) CPQ = KeysightE4980AMeasurementPair( "CPQ", ("capacitance", "quality_factor"), ("F", "") ) CPG = KeysightE4980AMeasurementPair( "CPG", ("capacitance", "conductance"), ("F", "S") ) CPRP = KeysightE4980AMeasurementPair( "CPRP", ("capacitance", "resistance"), ("F", "Ohm") ) CSD = KeysightE4980AMeasurementPair( "CSD", ("capacitance", "dissipation_factor"), ("F", "") ) CSQ = KeysightE4980AMeasurementPair( 'CSQ', ("capacitance", "quality_factor"), ("F", "") ) CSRS = KeysightE4980AMeasurementPair( "CSRS", ("capacitance", "resistance"), ("F", "Ohm") ) LPD = KeysightE4980AMeasurementPair( "LPD", ("inductance", "dissipation_factor"), ("H", "") ) LPQ = KeysightE4980AMeasurementPair( "LPQ", ("inductance", "quality_factor"), ("H", "") ) LPG = KeysightE4980AMeasurementPair( "LPG", ("inductance", "conductance"), ("H", "S") ) LPRP = KeysightE4980AMeasurementPair( "LPRP", ("inductance", "resistance"), ("H", "Ohm") ) LSD = KeysightE4980AMeasurementPair( "LSD", ("inductance", "dissipation_factor"), ("H", "") ) LSQ = KeysightE4980AMeasurementPair( "LSQ", ("inductance", "quality_factor"), ("H", "") ) LSRS = KeysightE4980AMeasurementPair( "LSRS", ("inductance", "resistance"), ("H", "Ohm") ) LSRD = KeysightE4980AMeasurementPair( "LSRD", ("inductance", "resistance"), ("H", "Ohm") ) RX = KeysightE4980AMeasurementPair( "RX", ("resistance", "reactance"), ("Ohm", "Ohm") ) ZTD = KeysightE4980AMeasurementPair( "ZTD", ("impedance", "theta"), ("Ohm", "Degree") ) ZTR = KeysightE4980AMeasurementPair( "ZTR", ("impedance", "theta"), ("Ohm", "Radiant") ) GB = KeysightE4980AMeasurementPair("GB", ("conductance", "susceptance"), ("S", "S")) YTD = KeysightE4980AMeasurementPair("YTD", ("admittance", "theta"), ("Y", "Degree")) YTR = KeysightE4980AMeasurementPair( "YTR", ("admittance", "theta"), ("Y", "Radiant") ) VDID = KeysightE4980AMeasurementPair("VDID", ("voltage", "current"), ("V", "A"))
E4980AMeasurements = KeysightE4980AMeasurements "Alias for backwards compatibility"
[docs] class KeysightE4980ACorrection(InstrumentChannel): """ Module for correction settings. """ def __init__( self, parent: VisaInstrument, name: str, **kwargs: "Unpack[InstrumentBaseKWArgs]", ) -> None: super().__init__(parent, name, **kwargs) self.add_parameter( "open", set_cmd=":CORRection:OPEN", docstring="Executes OPEN correction based on all frequency points." ) self.add_parameter( "open_state", get_cmd=":CORRection:OPEN:STATe?", set_cmd=":CORRection:OPEN:STATe {}", val_mapping=create_on_off_val_mapping(on_val="1", off_val="0"), docstring="Enables or disable OPEN correction" ) self.add_parameter( "short", set_cmd=":CORRection:SHORt", docstring="Executes SHORT correction based on all frequency points." ) self.add_parameter( "short_state", get_cmd=":CORRection:SHORt:STATe?", set_cmd=":CORRection:SHORt:STATe {}", val_mapping=create_on_off_val_mapping(on_val="1", off_val="0"), docstring="Enables or disable SHORT correction." )
Correction4980A = KeysightE4980ACorrection "Alias for backwards compatibility"
[docs] class KeysightE4980A(VisaInstrument): """ QCodes driver for E4980A Precision LCR Meter """ default_terminator = "\n" def __init__( self, name: str, address: str, **kwargs: "Unpack[VisaInstrumentKWArgs]" ): """ Create an instance of the instrument. Args: name: Name of the instrument instance address: Visa-resolvable instrument address. terminator: Character to terminate messages with. **kwargs: kwargs are forwarded to base class. """ super().__init__(name, address, **kwargs) idn = self.IDN.get() self.has_firmware_a_02_10_or_above = version.parse( convert_legacy_version_to_supported_version(idn["firmware"]) ) >= version.parse(convert_legacy_version_to_supported_version("A.02.10")) self.has_option_001 = '001' in self._options() self._dc_bias_v_level_range: Union[Numbers, Enum] if self.has_option_001: self._v_level_range = Numbers(0, 20) self._i_level_range = Numbers(0, 0.1) self._imp_range = Enum(0.1, 1, 10, 100, 300, 1000, 3000, 10000, 30000, 100000) self._dc_bias_v_level_range = Numbers(-40, 40) else: self._v_level_range = Numbers(0, 2) self._i_level_range = Numbers(0, 0.02) self._imp_range = Enum(1, 10, 100, 300, 1000, 3000, 10000, 30000, 100000) self._dc_bias_v_level_range = Enum(0, 1.5, 2) self._measurement_pair = KeysightE4980AMeasurementPair( "CPD", ("capacitance", "dissipation_factor"), ("F", "") ) self.add_parameter( "frequency", get_cmd=":FREQuency?", set_cmd=":FREQuency {}", get_parser=float, unit="Hz", vals=Numbers(20, 2E6), docstring="Gets and sets the frequency for normal measurement." ) self.add_parameter( "current_level", get_cmd=self._get_current_level, set_cmd=self._set_current_level, unit="A", vals=self._i_level_range, docstring="Gets and sets the current level for measurement signal." ) self.add_parameter( "voltage_level", get_cmd=self._get_voltage_level, set_cmd=self._set_voltage_level, unit="V", vals=self._v_level_range, docstring="Gets and sets the AC bias voltage level for measurement " "signal." ) self.add_parameter( "measurement_function", get_cmd=":FUNCtion:IMPedance?", set_cmd=self._set_measurement ) self.add_parameter( "range", get_cmd=":FUNCtion:IMPedance:RANGe?", set_cmd=self._set_range, unit='Ohm', vals=self._imp_range, docstring="Selects the impedance measurement range, also turns " "the auto range function OFF." ) self.add_parameter( "imp_autorange_enabled", get_cmd=":FUNCtion:IMPedance:RANGe:AUTO?", set_cmd=":FUNCtion:IMPedance:RANGe:AUTO {}", val_mapping=create_on_off_val_mapping(on_val="1", off_val="0"), docstring="Enables the auto-range for impedance measurement." ) self.add_parameter( "dc_bias_enabled", get_cmd=":BIAS:STATe?", set_cmd=":BIAS:STATe {}", vals=Bool(), val_mapping=create_on_off_val_mapping(on_val="1", off_val="0"), docstring="Enables DC bias. DC bias is automatically turned " "off after recalling the state from memory." ) self.add_parameter( "dc_bias_voltage_level", get_cmd=":BIAS:VOLTage:LEVel?", set_cmd=":BIAS:VOLTage:LEVel {}", get_parser=float, unit="V", vals=self._dc_bias_v_level_range, docstring="Sets the DC bias voltage. Setting does not " "implicitly turn the DC bias ON." ) self.add_parameter( "meas_time_mode", val_mapping={"short": "SHOR", "medium": "MED", "long": "LONG"}, parameter_class=GroupParameter ) self.add_parameter( "averaging_rate", vals=Ints(1, 256), parameter_class=GroupParameter, get_parser=int, docstring="Averaging rate for the measurement." ) self._aperture_group = Group( [self.meas_time_mode, self.averaging_rate], set_cmd=":APERture {meas_time_mode},{averaging_rate}", get_cmd=":APERture?" ) if self.has_firmware_a_02_10_or_above: self.add_parameter( "dc_bias_autorange_enabled", get_cmd=":BIAS:RANGe:AUTO?", set_cmd=":BIAS:RANGe:AUTO {}", vals=Bool(), val_mapping=create_on_off_val_mapping(on_val="1", off_val="0"), docstring="Enables DC Bias range AUTO setting. When DC bias " "range is fixed (not AUTO), '#' is displayed in " "the BIAS field of the display." ) self.add_parameter( "signal_mode", initial_value=None, vals=Enum("Voltage", "Current", None), parameter_class=ManualParameter, docstring="This parameter tracks the signal mode which is being " "set." ) self.add_submodule("_correction", KeysightE4980ACorrection(self, "correction")) self._set_signal_mode_on_driver_initialization() self.connect_message() @property def correction(self) -> KeysightE4980ACorrection: submodule = self.submodules['_correction'] return cast(KeysightE4980ACorrection, submodule) @property def measure_impedance(self) -> KeysightE4980AMeasurementPair: return self._get_complex_impedance() @property def measurement(self) -> KeysightE4980AMeasurementPair: return self._measurement() def _set_range(self, val: str) -> None: self.write(f":FUNCtion:IMPedance:RANGe {val}") self.imp_autorange_enabled.get() def _get_complex_impedance(self) -> KeysightE4980AMeasurementPair: """ Returns the impedance in the format of (R, X), where R is the resistance, and X is the reactance. """ measurement = self.ask(":FETCH:IMPedance:CORRected?") r, x = (float(n) for n in measurement.split(",")) measurement_pair = KeysightE4980AMeasurementPair( name="RX", names=("resistance", "reactance"), units=("Ohm", "Ohm") ) measurement_pair.set((r, x)) return measurement_pair def _measurement(self) -> KeysightE4980AMeasurementPair: """ Returns a measurement result with the selected measurement function. """ measurement = self.ask(":FETCH:IMPedance:FORMatted?") val1, val2, _ = (float(n) for n in measurement.split(",")) measurement_pair = KeysightE4980AMeasurementPair(, names=self._measurement_pair.names, units=self._measurement_pair.units ) measurement_pair.set((val1, val2)) return measurement_pair def _set_measurement(self, measurement_pair: KeysightE4980AMeasurementPair) -> None: """ Selects the measurement function. """ self._measurement_pair = measurement_pair self.write(f":FUNCtion:IMPedance {}") def _get_voltage_level(self) -> float: """ Gets voltage level if signal is set with voltage level parameter otherwise raises an error. """ if self.signal_mode() == "Current": raise RuntimeError("Cannot get voltage level as signal is set " "with current level parameter.") v_level = self.ask(":VOLTage:LEVel?") return float(v_level) def _set_voltage_level(self, val: str) -> None: """ Sets voltage level """ self.signal_mode("Voltage") self.voltage_level.snapshot_exclude = False self.current_level.snapshot_exclude = True self.write(f":VOLTage:LEVel {val}") def _set_current_level(self, val: str) -> None: """ Sets current level """ self.signal_mode("Current") self.voltage_level.snapshot_exclude = True self.current_level.snapshot_exclude = False self.write(f":CURRent:LEVel {val}") def _get_current_level(self) -> float: """ Gets current level if signal is set with current level parameter otherwise raises an error. """ if self.signal_mode() == "Voltage": raise RuntimeError("Cannot get current level as signal is set " "with voltage level parameter.") i_level = self.ask(":CURRent:LEVel?") return float(i_level) def _is_signal_mode_voltage_on_driver_initialization(self) -> bool: """ Checks if signal is set with voltage_level param at instrument driver initialization """ assert self.signal_mode() is None try: self.voltage_level() return True except VisaIOError: return False def _set_signal_mode_on_driver_initialization(self) -> None: """ Sets signal mode on driver initialization """ if self._is_signal_mode_voltage_on_driver_initialization(): self.signal_mode("Voltage") self.voltage_level.snapshot_exclude = False self.current_level.snapshot_exclude = True else: self.signal_mode("Current") self.voltage_level.snapshot_exclude = True self.current_level.snapshot_exclude = False def _options(self) -> tuple[str, ...]: """ Returns installed options numbers. Combinations of different installed options are possible. Two of the possible options are Power/DC Bias Enhance (option 001) and Bias Current Interface (option 002). """ options_raw = self.ask('*OPT?') return tuple(options_raw.split(','))
[docs] def system_errors(self) -> str: """ Returns the oldest unread error message from the event log and removes it from the log. """ return self.ask(":SYSTem:ERRor?")
[docs] def clear_status(self) -> None: """ Clears the following: Error Queue Status Byte Register Standard Event Status Register Operation Status Event Register Questionable Status Event Register (No Query) """ self.write('*CLS')
[docs] def reset(self) -> None: """ Resets the instrument settings. """ self.write('*RST')