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Accera v1.2 Reference[, format, mode, platform, tolerance, output_dir])

Builds a HAT package.


argument description type/default
name The package name. string
format The format of the package. accera.Package.Format, defaults to Package.Format.HAT_STATIC
mode The package mode, such as whether it is optimized or used for debugging. robopy.Package.Mode, defaults to Package.Mode.Release
platform The platform where the package runs. accera.Package.Platform
tolerance The tolerance for correctness checking when mode = Package.Mode.Debug. float, defaults to 1e-5
output_dir The path to an output directory. Defaults to the current directory if unspecified. string


Build a Dynamically-linked HAT package called myPackage containing func1 for the host platform in the current directory:

package = acc.Package()
package.add(plan, base_name="func1"), name="myPackage")

Build a statically-linked HAT package called myPackage containing func1 for the host platform in the hat_packages subdirectory:

package = acc.Package()
package.add(plan, base_name="func1"), name="myPackage", output_dir="hat_packages")

Build a statically-linked myPackage with additional intermediate MLIR files for debugging purposes. To build a dynamically-linked package, use acc.Package.Format.MLIR_DYNAMIC:

package = acc.Package()
package.add(plan, base_name="func1"), name="myPackage")

Build a package with error checking for func1, outputing error messages to stderr if the default implementation and the Accera implementation do not match within a tolerance of 1.0e-6:

package = acc.Package()
package.add(plan, base_name="func1"), name="myPackage", mode=acc.Package.Mode.DEBUG, tolerance=1.0e-6)

Cross-compile a statically-linked HAT package called myPackage containing func1 for the Raspberry Pi 3. Note that dynamically-linked HAT packages are not supported for cross-compilation:

pi3 = Target("Raspberry Pi 3B", category=Target.Category.CPU)
plan = schedule.create_plan(target=pi3)
package = acc.Package()
package.add(plan, base_name="func1"), name="myPackagePi3", platform=acc.Package.Platform.RASPBIAN)

Last update: 2023-04-17