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Cross Compiling for the Raspberry Pi 3

By the end of this tutorial, you will learn how to:

  • Cross compile a simple Matrix Multiplication (MatMul) function for execution on a Raspberry Pi 3.
  • Produce a HAT package containing the MatMul function that can be called on the Pi 3 target.
  • Call the function on a Raspberry Pi 3 from C/C++ code.


  • You should have Accera installed. If not, you can find the instructions in here.
  • Be familiar with writing Python and C++ code.
  • Have access to a Raspberry Pi 3 device.

A naive MatMul algorithm

Consider the example of multiplying matrices A and B and adding the result into matrix C. In NumPy syntax, this can be expressed as:

C += A @ B

A naive algorithm for matrix multiplication typically contains 3 nested for-loops. In Python, this can be expressed as:

# A.shape = (M, K), B.shape = (K, N), C.shape = (M, N)

for i in range(M):
    for j in range(N):
        for k in range(K):
            C[i, j] += A[i, k] * B[k, j]

Accera Python DSL

Let's walk through a naïve Matrix Multiplication (MatMul) using Accera. Instead of using the default target, i.e., the host machine, we specify a target representing a Raspberry Pi 3 to cross-compile the host for a different target.

Create an empty file called First, we import Accera's module:

import accera as acc

Define some matrix sizes, where A's shape is M by K, B's is K by N, and C's, M by N.

# Define our matrix sizes
M = 128
N = 256
K = 256

Write a Python function that receives A, B, and C arrays. These are our input and input/output matrices.

A = acc.Array(role=acc.Role.INPUT, element_type=acc.ScalarType.float32, shape=(M, K))
B = acc.Array(role=acc.Role.INPUT, element_type=acc.ScalarType.float32, shape=(K, N))
C = acc.Array(role=acc.Role.INPUT_OUTPUT, element_type=acc.ScalarType.float32, shape=(M, N))

We now use the Nest class to define our 3-layered nested for-loop. The range indices are M, N, and K, with the outermost loop (M) listed first. We can get the loop nest indices to perform the computation.

# Define the loop nest
nest = acc.Nest(shape=(M, N, K))

# Get the loop nest indices
i, j, k = nest.get_indices()

Next, we define the logic for every iteration of the loop nest:

# Define the loop nest logic
def _():
    C[i, j] += A[i, k] * B[k, j]

We have finished defining the logic of MatMul. Let's now define the schedule which controls the execution of logic. For this, we first create the schedule from the nest:

sched = nest.create_schedule()

At this point, sched represents the default schedule for our algorithm. We can also perform some basic transformations on this schedule. For example, the following lines of code split the k index into blocks of 4 ( k, k+4, k+8, and so on).

# Split the k loop into blocks of 4, effectively doing this
# (assuming K is divisible by 4):
# for i in range(M):
#    for j in range(N):
#        # Split k into two loops
#        for k in range(0, K, 4):
#            for kk in range(4):
#                C[i, j] += A[i, k + kk] * B[k + kk, j]
# If k is not divisible by 4, Accera will take care of the boundary
# case for you.
kk = sched.split(k, 4)

The split index is now k and kk.

The next step is to create a plan from the schedule. For instance, we can use this plan to unroll the innermost loop.

# Create a plan, specify the target to be a Raspberry Pi 3
pi3 = acc.Target(acc.Target.Model.RASPBERRY_PI_3B)
plan = sched.create_plan(pi3)

# Unroll kk, effectively doing this
# (assuming K is divisible by 4):
# for i in range(M):
#    for j in range(N):
#        for k in range(0, K, 4):
#            # Unrolled kk
#            C[i, j] += A[i, k + 0] * B[k + 0, j]
#            C[i, j] += A[i, k + 1] * B[k + 1, j]
#            C[i, j] += A[i, k + 2] * B[k + 2, j]
#            C[i, j] += A[i, k + 3] * B[k + 3, j]
# If k is not divisible by 4, Accera will take care of the boundary
# case for you.

Use the plan to add a callable function named hello_matmul_pi3_py to a HAT package.

# Create a package and add a function to the package based on the plan
package = acc.Package()
package.add(plan, args=(A, B, C), base_name="hello_matmul_pi3_py")

Finally, we build the statically-linked HAT package for the Raspbian platform:

# Build the HAT package"hello_matmul_pi3", format=acc.Package.Format.HAT_STATIC, platform=acc.Package.Platform.RASPBIAN)
After following the above steps, you should now have all the code necessary to generate your Accera MatMul function that can be called on a Raspberry Pi 3 target. You can find the complete Python script here.

Generate HAT package

Next, we run the generator script to produce a HAT package for the Raspberry Pi 3 target.





After we run the script, there should be a header file hello_matmul_pi3.hat and an object file hello_matmul_pi3.o in the ELF format. The .hat file format is described here. Collectively, we call the .hat file and object file a "HAT package".

Runner code

Let's now see how we can call our MatMul implementation from the HAT package on the Raspberry Pi 3.

Create a file called hello_matmul_pi3_runner.cpp with the code below. You can find it here.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <algorithm>

// Include the HAT file that declares our MatMul function
#include "hello_matmul_p3.HAT"

#define M 128
#define N 256
#define K 256

int main(int argc, const char** argv)
    // Prepare our matrices
    float A[M*K];
    float B[K*N];
    float C[M*N];

    // Fill with data
    std::fill_n(A, M*K, 2.0f);
    std::fill_n(B, K*N, 3.0f);
    std::fill_n(C, M*N, 0.42f);

    printf("Calling MatMul M=%d, K=%d, N=%d\n", M, K, N);
    hello_matmul_py(A, B, C);

    printf("Result (first few elements): ");
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
        printf("%f ", C[i]);
    return 0;

The above code creates the A, B, and C matrices and calls the function hello_matmul_pi3_py to perform MatMul.

Now that we have written the code, we compile and link it with the HAT package to create an executable file. Save this file to your working directory, in the exact location as, and the generated *.hat and *.o files.

Build and run

On the Raspberry Pi 3 device

For this step, you'll be working with your Raspberry Pi device. If your Pi device is accessible over the network, copy hello_matmul_pi3_runner.cpp, hello_matmul_pi3.hat, and hello_matmul_pi3.o using the Unix scp tool or the Windows WinSCP tool here., otherwise use a USB thumb drive to transfer files manually. You do not need to copy the other generated files and folders.

You also need gcc. Although it is often installed by default on Raspberry Pi 3 systems, type this for confirmation:

sudo apt-get install -y gcc

This has been verified with "Raspbian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)" and gcc<4:6.3.0-4> and should work with subsequent versions. Now, you can run the following commands to build and run.

gcc hello_matmul_pi3_runner.cpp hello_matmul_pi3.o -o hello_matmul_pi3_runner

The output should look like:

Calling MatMul M=128, K=256, N=256
Result (first few elements): 1536.419922 1536.419922 1536.419922 1536.419922 1536.419922 1536.419922 1536.419922 1536.419922 1536.419922 1536.419922

You can now experiment with the generated MatMul function with your own inputs. To try different inputs, you can modify hello_matmul_pi3_runner.cpp on the Raspberry Pi 3 and recompile it with the existing HAT package.

Last update: 2023-04-17