Enumeration EventSendTypeConst

Define a specific way to send an event synchronously

Enumeration Members

Enumeration Members

Batched: 0

Batch and send the event asynchronously, this is the same as either setting the event sync flag to false or not setting at all.

SendBeacon: 2

Attempt to send the event synchronously with a preference for the sendBeacon() API. As per the specification, the payload of the event (when converted to JSON) must not be larger than 64kb, the sendHook is also not supported or used when sendBeacon.

SyncFetch: 3

Attempt to send the event synchronously with a preference for the fetch() API with the keepalive flag, the SDK checks to ensure that the fetch() implementation supports the 'keepalive' flag and if not it will fallback to either sendBeacon() or a synchronous XHR request. As per the specification, the payload of the event (when converted to JSON) must not be larger than 64kb. Note: Not all browsers support the keepalive flag so for those environments the events may still fail

Synchronous: 1

Attempt to send the event synchronously, this is the same as setting the event sync flag to true

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