Enumeration eValueKindConst

The eValueKind contains a set of values that specify value kind of the property. Either PII (Personal Identifiable Information) or customer content.

Enumeration Members

CustomerContent_GenericContent: 32

Generic content.

NotSet: 0

No kind.

Pii_DistinguishedName: 1

An LDAP distinguished name. For example, CN=Jeff Smith,OU=Sales,DC=Fabrikam,DC=COM.

Pii_Fqdn: 12

The fully-qualified domain name.

Pii_GenericData: 2

Generic information.

Pii_IPV4Address: 3

An IPV4 Internet address. For example,

Pii_IPV4AddressLegacy: 13

Scrubs the last octet in a IPV4 Internet address. For example: becomes 10.121.227.*

Pii_IPv6Address: 4

An IPV6 Internet address. For example, 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334.

Pii_Identity: 10

An user ID.

Pii_MailSubject: 5

The Subject of an e-mail message.

Pii_PhoneNumber: 6

A telephone number.

Pii_QueryString: 7

A query string.

Pii_SipAddress: 8

An SIP (Session Internet Protocol) address.

Pii_SmtpAddress: 9

An e-mail address.

Pii_Uri: 11

A URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).

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