Interface which identifiesAdd this hook so that it is automatically removed during unloading

The single hook or an array of IInstrumentHook objects

interface IUnloadHookContainer {
    add: ((hooks:
        | IUnloadHook
        | ILegacyUnloadHook
        | Iterator<IUnloadHook, any, undefined>
        | Iterator<ILegacyUnloadHook, any, undefined>
        | IUnloadHook[]
        | ILegacyUnloadHook[]) => void);
    run: ((logger?: IDiagnosticLogger) => void);



add: ((hooks:
    | IUnloadHook
    | ILegacyUnloadHook
    | Iterator<IUnloadHook, any, undefined>
    | Iterator<ILegacyUnloadHook, any, undefined>
    | IUnloadHook[]
    | ILegacyUnloadHook[]) => void)
run: ((logger?: IDiagnosticLogger) => void)