errorThis will write an error to the console if possible. Provided by the default DiagnosticLogger instance, and internally the SDK will fall back to warnToConsole, however, direct callers MUST check for its existence on the logger as you can provide your own IDiagnosticLogger instance.
The error message
logLogs a message to the internal queue.
The severity of the log message
The message to log.
This method will throw exceptions in debug mode or attempt to log the error as a console warning.
The severity of the log message
properties: ObjectOptional
isUserAct: booleanOptional
unloadUnload and remove any state that this IDiagnosticLogger may be holding, this is generally called when the owning SDK is being unloaded.
isAsync: booleanCan the unload be performed asynchronously (default)
If the unload occurs synchronously then nothing should be returned, if happening asynchronously then the function should return an IPromise / Promise to allow any listeners to wait for the operation to complete.
updateOptional Callback hook to allow the diagnostic logger to update it's configuration
The new configuration state to apply to the diagnostic logger
0: OFF 1: only critical (default) 2: critical + info