childThe child perf events that are contained within the total time of this event.
Mark this event as completed, calculating the total execution time.
exIdentifies the exclusive time spent in for this event (not including child events), this will be undefined until the event is completed.
getGet the names additional context associated with this perf event
Is this occurring from an asynchronous event
Identifies whether this event is a child event of a parent
The name of the performance event
parentThe Parent event that was started before this event was created
The payload (contents) of the perfEvent, may be null or only set after the event has completed depending on the runtime environment.
setSet the named additional context to be associated with this perf event, this will replace any existing value
The start time of the performance event
timeIdentifies the total inclusive time spent for this event, including the time spent for child events, this will be undefined until the event is completed
This interface identifies the details of an internal performance event - it does not represent an outgoing reported event