Configuration provided to SDK core

interface ITelemetryPlugin {
    core?: IAppInsightsCore<IConfiguration>;
    identifier: string;
    initialize: ((config: IConfiguration, core: IAppInsightsCore<IConfiguration>, extensions: IPlugin[], pluginChain?: ITelemetryPluginChain) => void);
    isInitialized?: (() => boolean);
    priority: number;
    processTelemetry: ((env: ITelemetryItem, itemCtx?: IProcessTelemetryContext) => void);
    setNextPlugin?: ((next: ITelemetryPlugin | ITelemetryPluginChain) => void);
    teardown?: ((unloadCtx: IProcessTelemetryUnloadContext, unloadState?: ITelemetryUnloadState) => boolean | void);
    update?: ((updateCtx: IProcessTelemetryUpdateContext, updateState: ITelemetryUpdateState) => boolean | void);
    version?: string;

Hierarchy (view full)

Implemented by


The App Insights core to use for backward compatibility. Therefore the interface will be able to access the core without needing to cast to "any". [optional] any 3rd party plugins which are already implementing this interface don't fail to compile.

identifier: string

Extension name

initialize: ((config: IConfiguration, core: IAppInsightsCore<IConfiguration>, extensions: IPlugin[], pluginChain?: ITelemetryPluginChain) => void)

Initialize plugin loaded by SDK

Type declaration

    • (config, core, extensions, pluginChain?): void
    • Parameters

      • config: IConfiguration

        The config for the plugin to use

      • core: IAppInsightsCore<IConfiguration>

        The current App Insights core to use for initializing this plugin instance

      • extensions: IPlugin[]

        The complete set of extensions to be used for initializing the plugin

      • OptionalpluginChain: ITelemetryPluginChain

        [Optional] specifies the current plugin chain which identifies the set of plugins and the order they should be executed for the current request.

      Returns void

isInitialized?: (() => boolean)

Returns a value that indicates whether the plugin has already been previously initialized. New plugins should implement this method to avoid being initialized more than once.

priority: number

Priority of the extension

processTelemetry: ((env: ITelemetryItem, itemCtx?: IProcessTelemetryContext) => void)

Call back for telemetry processing before it it is sent

Type declaration

    • (env, itemCtx?): void
    • Parameters

      • env: ITelemetryItem

        This is the current event being reported

      • OptionalitemCtx: IProcessTelemetryContext

        This is the context for the current request, ITelemetryPlugin instances can optionally use this to access the current core instance or define / pass additional information to later plugins (vs appending items to the telemetry item)

      Returns void

setNextPlugin?: ((next: ITelemetryPlugin | ITelemetryPluginChain) => void)

Set next extension for telemetry processing, this is not optional as plugins should use the processNext() function of the passed IProcessTelemetryContext instead. It is being kept for now for backward compatibility only.

teardown?: ((unloadCtx: IProcessTelemetryUnloadContext, unloadState?: ITelemetryUnloadState) => boolean | void)

Tear down the plugin and remove any hooked value, the plugin should be removed so that it is no longer initialized and therefore could be re-initialized after being torn down. The plugin should ensure that once this has been called any further processTelemetry calls are ignored and it just calls the processNext() with the provided context.

Type declaration

    • (unloadCtx, unloadState?): boolean | void
    • Parameters

      • unloadCtx: IProcessTelemetryUnloadContext

        This is the context that should be used during unloading.

      • OptionalunloadState: ITelemetryUnloadState

        The details / state of the unload process, it holds details like whether it should be unloaded synchronously or asynchronously and the reason for the unload.

      Returns boolean | void

      boolean - true if the plugin has or will call processNext(), this for backward compatibility as previously teardown was synchronous and returned nothing.

update?: ((updateCtx: IProcessTelemetryUpdateContext, updateState: ITelemetryUpdateState) => boolean | void)

The the plugin should re-evaluate configuration and update any cached configuration settings or plugins. If implemented this method will be called whenever a plugin is added or removed and if the configuration has bee updated.

Type declaration

    • (updateCtx, updateState): boolean | void
    • Parameters

      Returns boolean | void

      boolean - true if the plugin has or will call updateCtx.processNext(), this allows the plugin to perform any asynchronous operations.

version?: string

Plugin version (available in in common schema)