This interface identifies the details of an internal performance event - it does not represent an outgoing reported event




ChildrenContextKey: string = "childEvts"
complete: (() => void)

Mark this event as completed, calculating the total execution time.

exTime?: number

Identifies the exclusive time spent in for this event (not including child events), this will be undefined until the event is completed.

getCtx?: ((key: string) => any)

Get the names additional context associated with this perf event

isAsync: boolean

Is this occurring from an asynchronous event

isChildEvt: (() => boolean)

Identifies whether this event is a child event of a parent

name: string

The name of the event

ParentContextKey: string = "parent"
payload: any

The payload (contents) of the perfEvent, may be null or only set after the event has completed depending on the runtime environment.

setCtx?: ((key: string, value: any) => void)

Set the named additional context to be associated with this perf event, this will replace any existing value

start: number

The start time of the event in ms

time?: number

Identifies the total inclusive time spent for this event, including the time spent for child events, this will be undefined until the event is completed