channelsChannel queues that is setup by caller in desired order. If channels are provided here, core will ignore any channels that are already setup, example if there is a SKU with an initialized channel
connectionConnection string of resource. Either this or instrumentationKey must be specified.
cookie[Optional] A Cookie Manager configuration which includes hooks to allow interception of the get, set and delete cookie operations. If this configuration is specified any specified enabled and domain properties will take precedence over the cookieDomain and disableCookiesUsage values.
create[Optional] Callback function that will be called to create a the IPerfManager instance when required and enablePerfMgr
is enabled, this enables you to override the default creation of a PerfManager() without needing to setPerfMgr()
after initialization.
diagnosticSet the timer interval (in ms) for internal logging queue, this is the amount of time to wait after logger.queue messages are detected to be sent. Note: since 3.0.1 and 2.8.13 the diagnostic logger timer is a normal timeout timer and not an interval timer. So this now represents the timer "delay" and not the frequency at which the events are sent.
disable[Optional] A boolean that indicated whether to disable the use of cookies by the SDK. If true, the SDK will not store or read any data from cookies. Cookie usage can be re-enabled after initialization via the core.getCookieMgr().enable().
disable[Optional] A flag for performance optimization to disable attempting to use the Chrome Debug Extension, if disabled and the extension is installed this will not send any notifications.
disableFlag that disables the Instrumentation Key validation.
disable[Optional] An array of page show events that you would like to be ignored, special note there must be at lease one valid show event hooked, if you list all or the runtime environment only supports a listed (disabled) event it will STILL be hooked, if required by the SDK. Page Show events include "pageshow" and "visibilitychange" (with 'visible' state)
disable[Optional] An array of the page unload events that you would like to be ignored, special note there must be at least one valid unload event hooked, if you list all or the runtime environment only supports a listed "disabled" event it will still be hooked, if required by the SDK. Unload events include "beforeunload", "unload", "visibilitychange" (with 'hidden' state) and "pagehide"
enableIf enabled, uncaught exceptions will be thrown to help with debugging
enable[Optional] When enabled this will create local perfEvents based on sections of the code that have been instrumented to emit perfEvents (via the doPerf()) when this is enabled. This can be used to identify performance issues within the SDK, the way you are using it or optionally your own instrumented code. The provided IPerfManager implementation does NOT send any additional telemetry events to the server it will only fire the new perfEvent() on the INotificationManager which you can listen to. This also does not use the window.performance API, so it will work in environments where this API is not supported.
enableWParamAdd "&w=0" parameter to support UA Parsing when web-workers don't have access to Document. Default is false
endpointEndpoint where telemetry data is sent
exp[Optional] Set additional configuration for exceptions, such as more scripts to include in the exception telemetry.
extensionExtension configs loaded in SDK
extensionsAdditional plugins that should be loaded by core at runtime
featureCustom optional value to opt in features
id[Optional] Identifies the default length used to generate random session and user id's if non currently exists for the user / session. Defaults to 22, previous default value was 5, if you need to keep the previous maximum length you should set this value to 5.
initIf your connection string, instrumentation key and endpoint url are promises, this config is to manually set in memory proxy track calls count limit before promises finished. Default: 100
initIf your connection string, instrumentation key and endpoint url are promises, this config is to manually set timeout for those promises. Default: 50000ms
instrumentationInstrumentation key of resource. Either this or connectionString must be specified.
loggingConsole logging level. All logs with a severity level higher than the configured level will be printed to console. Otherwise they are suppressed. ie Level 2 will print both CRITICAL and WARNING logs to console, level 1 prints only CRITICAL.
Note: Logs sent as telemetry to instrumentation key will also be logged to console if their severity meets the configured loggingConsoleLevel
0: ALL console logging off 1: logs to console: severity >= CRITICAL 2: logs to console: severity >= WARNING
loggingTelemtry logging level to instrumentation key. All logs with a severity level higher than the configured level will sent as telemetry data to the configured instrumentation key.
0: ALL iKey logging off 1: logs to iKey: severity >= CRITICAL 2: logs to iKey: severity >= WARNING
maxMaximum number of iKey transmitted logging telemetry per page view
perf[Optional] Fire every single performance event not just the top level root performance event. Defaults to false.
storageCustom optional value that will be added as a prefix for storage name.
Configuration provided to SDK core