This defines an internal performance manager for tracking and reporting the internal performance of the SDK -- It does not represent or report any event to the server.

interface IPerfManager {
    create(src: string, payloadDetails?: (() => any), isAsync?: boolean): IPerfEvent;
    fire(perfEvent: IPerfEvent): void;
    getCtx(key: string): any;
    setCtx(key: string, value: any): void;

Implemented by


  • Create a new event and start timing, the manager may return null/undefined to indicate that it does not want to monitor this source event.


    • src: string

      The source name of the event

    • OptionalpayloadDetails: (() => any)

      An optional callback function to fetch the payload details for the event.

        • (): any
        • Returns any

    • OptionalisAsync: boolean

      Is the event occurring from a async event

    Returns IPerfEvent