Azure Kinect Body Tracking SDK  1.0.1

◆ k4abt_tracker_create()

k4a_result_t k4abt_tracker_create ( const k4a_calibration_t sensor_calibration,
k4abt_tracker_configuration_t  config,
k4abt_tracker_t tracker_handle 

Create a body tracker handle.

sensor_calibrationThe sensor calibration that will be used for capture processing.
configThe configuration we want to run the tracker in. This can be initialized with K4ABT_TRACKER_CONFIG_DEFAULT.
tracker_handleOutput parameter which on success will return a handle to the body tracker.
K4A_RESULT_SUCCEEDED if the body tracker handle was created successfully.
If successful, k4abt_tracker_create() will return a body tracker handle in the tracker parameter. This handle grants access to the body tracker and may be used in the other k4abt API calls.
When done with body tracking, close the handle with k4abt_tracker_destroy().
Only one tracker is allowed to exist at the same time in each process. If you call this API without destroying the previous tracker you created, the API call will fail.