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IScriptEngineAddHostType(String, HostItemFlags, Type) Method

Exposes a host type to script code with the specified options.

Namespace: Microsoft.ClearScript
Assembly: ClearScript.Core (in ClearScript.Core.dll) Version: 7.4.5
void AddHostType(
	string itemName,
	HostItemFlags flags,
	Type type


itemName  String
A name for the new global script item that will represent the type.
flags  HostItemFlags
A value that selects options for the operation.
type  Type
The type to expose.

Host types are exposed to script code in the form of objects whose properties and methods are bound to the type's static members and nested types. If the type has generic parameters, the corresponding object will be invocable with type arguments to yield a specific type.

For more information about the mapping between host members and script-callable properties and methods, see AddHostObject(String, HostItemFlags, Object).

See Also