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V8ScriptEngineCompileDocument(String, DocumentCategory, DocumentContextCallback, V8CacheKind, Byte) Method

Loads and compiles a document with the specified category and context callback, generating cache data for accelerated recompilation.

Namespace: Microsoft.ClearScript.V8
Assembly: ClearScript.V8 (in ClearScript.V8.dll) Version: 7.4.5
public V8Script CompileDocument(
	string specifier,
	DocumentCategory category,
	DocumentContextCallback contextCallback,
	V8CacheKind cacheKind,
	out byte[] cacheBytes


specifier  String
A string specifying the document to be loaded and compiled.
category  DocumentCategory
An optional category for the requested document.
contextCallback  DocumentContextCallback
An optional context callback for the requested document.
cacheKind  V8CacheKind
The kind of cache data to be generated.
cacheBytes  Byte
Cache data for accelerated recompilation.

Return Value

A compiled script that can be executed by multiple V8 script engine instances.
The generated cache data can be stored externally and is usable in other V8 runtimes and application processes.
See Also