FasterKV C++ Port
Building C++ FASTER
The C++ version of FASTER uses CMake for builds. To build C++ FASTER, create one or more build directories and use CMake to set up build scripts for your target OS. Once CMake has generated the build scripts, it will try to update them, as needed, during ordinary build.
Building on Windows
Create new directory “build” off the root directory (FASTER\cc). From the new “build” directory, execute:
cmake .. -G "<MSVC compiler>"
To see a list of supported MSVC compiler versions, just run “cmake -G”. As of this writing, we’re using Visual Studio 2019, so you would execute:
cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 16 2019"
That will create build scripts inside your new “build” directory, including a “FASTER.sln” file that you can use inside Visual Studio. CMake will add several build profiles to FASTER.sln, including Debug/x64 and Release/x64.
Building on Linux
The Linux build requires several packages (both libraries and header files); see “CMakeFiles.txt” in the root directory (FASTER/cc) for the list of libraries being linked to, on Linux.
As of this writing, the required libraries are:
- stdc++fs : for <experimental/filesytem>, used for cross-platform directory creation.
- uuid : support for GUIDs.
- tbb : Intel’s Thread Building Blocks library, used for concurrent_queue.
- gcc
- aio : Kernel Async I/O, used by QueueFile / QueueIoHandler.
- stdc++
- pthread : thread library.
Also, CMake on Linux, for the gcc compiler, generates build scripts for either Debug or Release build, but not both; so you’ll have to run CMake twice, in two different directories, to get both Debug and Release build scripts.
Create new directories “build/Debug” and “build/Release” off the root directory (FASTER/cc). From “build/Debug”, run:
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ../..
–and from “build/Release”, run:
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../..
Then you can build Debug or Release binaries by running “make” inside the relevant build directory.
Other options
You can try other generators (compilers) supported by CMake. The main CMake build script is the CMakeLists.txt located in the root directory (FASTER/cc).
There are some unit tests in FASTER/cc/test.
Sum-store, located in FASTER/cc/playground/sum_store-dir, is a good example of checkpointing and recovery.
There’s a basic YCSB test driver in FASTER/cc/benchmark-dir.
Remote Device
The C++ version’s persistent layer can be extended from local storage to a remote tier using the
. This
device stores data across a set of files locally, and transparently flushes them to a remote tier.
Reads are also transparently served from the appropriate tier too. This device is templated with
the remote tier, and we currently support Azure blob storage.
An example along with unit tests can be found under FASTER/cc/test/blobs.
This device depends on cpprestsdk
and azure-storage-cpp
. On Linux, these
can be installed using the helper script at
On windows, use vcpkg to install the azure-storage-cpp:x64-windows
library, and
then run vcpkg integrate install
to satisfy these dependencies.
To compile the unit tests, pass in -DUSE_BLOBS=ON
when generating build scripts with cmake
. To run the unit tests, you will need an instance
of Azurite running for Linux, or the
Azure storage emulator running
for Windows.
If you run into issues while trying to setup this device, please refer to FASTER’s CI; it contains rules that setup and test this layer on both, Linux and Windows.