FasterKV Checkpointing and Recovery

Checkpointing and Recovery

Overall Summary

Recall that FASTER basically consists of a primary hash index operating over a hybrid log that spans disk and main memory. By default, operations on main memory are lost on failure, similar to in-memory stores. To address this, FASTER supports asynchronous non-blocking checkpoint-based recovery.

The user invokes a checkpoint periodically. Every new checkpoint persists (or makes durable) the effects of all operations (Read, Upsert, RMW) until that point. FASTER allows clients to keep track of which operations have persisted using a session-based API. In this recovery model (details here), a session can issue a sequence of operations with monotonic operation sequence numbers. After a checkpoint, and during recovery, the session is informed of what prefix of issued sequence numbers is now durable on the session.

Note that FASTER operations return as soon as they complete in memory. In order to wait for commit, you simply issue an await session.WaitForCommitAsync() call. This call completes only after all prior operations on the session are made persistent. Note that the user is responsible for initiating the checkpoint.

Taking Checkpoints

A FASTER checkpoint consists of an optional index checkpoint, coupled with a later log checkpoint. FASTER first recovers the index and then replays the relevant part of the log to get back to a consistent recovered state. If an index checkpoint is unavailable, FASTER replays the entire log to reconstruct the index. An index-only checkpoint is taken as follows:

await store.TakeIndexCheckpointAsync();

FASTER supports two types of log checkpointing: Snapshot and Fold-Over.

Snapshot Log Checkpoint

This checkpoint is a full snapshot of in-memory portion of the hybrid log into a separate snapshot file in the checkpoint folder. We recover using the main log followed by reading the snapshot back into main memory to complete recovery. FASTER also supports incremental snapshots, where the changes since the last full (or incremental) snapshot are captured into a delta log file in the same folder as the base snapshot. This is specified using the tryIncremental parameter to the checkpoint operation.

await store.TakeHybridLogCheckpointAsync(CheckpointType.Snapshot, tryIncremental: false);

Fold-Over Log Checkpoint

A fold-over checkpoint simply flushes the main data log to disk, making it read-only, and writes a small metadata file (info.dat) to the checkpoint folder. This is an incremental checkpoint by definition, as the mutable log consists of all changes since the previous fold-over checkpoint. FoldOver effectively moves the read-only marker of the hybrid log to the tail, and thus all the data is persisted as part of the same hybrid log (there is no separate snapshot file).

All subsequent updates are written to new hybrid log tail locations, which gives Fold-Over its incremental nature. FoldOver is a very fast checkpointing scheme, but creates multiple versions of the data on the main log, which can increase the cost of garbage collection and take up main memory.

await store.TakeHybridLogCheckpointAsync(CheckpointType.FoldOver);

Full Checkpoint

You can take an index and log checkpoint together as follows:

await store.TakeFullCheckpointAsync(CheckpointType.FoldOver);

This is usually more expensive than log-only checkpoints as it needs to write the entire hash table to disk. When using a large hash index, a preferred approach is to take frequent log-only checkpoints and take an index checkpoint at coarse-grained intervals in order to reduce recovery time.

Checkpoint Management

By default, FASTER creates checkpoints in the folder specified using CheckpointSettings.CheckpointDir, with one folder per index or log checkpoint (each as a unique Guid token). You can auto-purge old checkpoint as new ones are generated, by setting CheckpointSettings.RemoveOutdated to true. The last two index checkpoints and the last log checkpoint are kept. We keep the last two index checkpoints because the last index checkpoint may not be usable in case there is no subsequent log checkpoint available. Make sure every index checkpoint is followed by at least one log checkpoint, for the index checkpoint to be usable during recovery.


You can find several checkpointing examples here:

Below, we show a simple recovery example with asynchronous fold-over checkpointing.

public class PersistenceExample
    private FasterKV<long, long> fht;
    private IDevice log;

    public PersistenceExample()
        log = Devices.CreateLogDevice("C:\\Temp\\hlog.log");
        fht = new FasterKV<long, long>(1L << 20, new LogSettings { LogDevice = log });

    public void Run()

    public void Continue()

    /* Helper Functions */
    private void RunSession()
        using var session = fht.NewSession(new SimpleFunctions<long, long>(), "s1");
        long seq = 0; // sequence identifier

        long key = 1, input = 10;
        while (true)
            key = seq % (1L << 20);
            session.RMW(ref key, ref input, Empty.Default, seq++);

    private void ContinueSession()
        using var session = fht.ResumeSession(new SimpleFunctions<long, long>(), "s1", out CommitPoint cp); // recovered session
        var seq = cp.UntilSerialNo + 1;

        long key = 1, input = 10;
        while (true)
            key = seq % (1L << 20);
            session.RMW(ref key, ref input, Empty.Default, seq++);

    private void IssuePeriodicCheckpoints()
        var t = new Thread(() =>
            while (true)
                (_, _) = fht.TakeHybridLogCheckpointAsync(CheckpointType.FoldOver).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

Concurrent Prefix Recovery

Concurrent Prefix Recovery (CPR for short) is the default recovery model of FASTER. You can read more about CPR in the research paper here. Briefly, CPR is based on (periodic) group commit. However, instead of using an expensive write-ahead log (WAL) which can kill FASTER’s high performance, CPR: (1) provides a semantic description of committed operations, of the form “all operations until offset Ti in session i”; and (2) uses asynchronous incremental checkpointing instead of a WAL to implement group commit in a scalable bottleneck-free manner.

Recall that each FASTER client starts a session, associated with a unique session ID (or name). All FASTER session operations (Read, Upsert, RMW) carry a monotonic sequence number (sequence numbers are implicit in case of async calls). At any point in time, one may call the checkpointing API to initiate an asynchronous checkpoint of FASTER. After invoking the checkpoint, each FASTER session is (eventually) notified of a commit point. A commit point consists of (1) a sequence number, such that all operations until, and no operations after, that sequence number, are guaranteed to be persisted as part of that checkpoint; (2) an optional exception list of operations that were not part of the commit because they went pending and could not complete before the checkpoint, because the session was not active at the time of checkpointing.

The commit point information can be used by the session to clear any in-memory buffer of operations waiting to be performed. During recovery, sessions can continue using ResumeSession invoked with the same session ID. The function returns the thread-local sequence number until which that session has been recovered. The new thread may use this information to replay all uncommitted operations since that point.
