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ExperimentAnalysis Objects

class ExperimentAnalysis(EA)

Class for storing the experiment results.


def report(_metric=None, **kwargs)

A function called by the HPO application to report final or intermediate results.


import time
from flaml import tune

def compute_with_config(config):
current_time = time.time()
metric2minimize = (round(config['x'])-95000)**2
time2eval = time.time() - current_time, time2eval=time2eval)

analysis =
'x': tune.lograndint(lower=1, upper=1000000),
'y': tune.randint(lower=1, upper=1000000)
metric='metric2minimize', mode='min',
num_samples=1000000, time_budget_s=60, use_ray=False)



  • _metric - Optional default anonymous metric for (For compatibility with
  • **kwargs - Any key value pair to be reported.


StopIteration (when not using ray, i.e., _use_ray=False): A StopIteration exception is raised if the trial has been signaled to stop. SystemExit (when using ray): A SystemExit exception is raised if the trial has been signaled to stop by ray.


def run(evaluation_function, config: Optional[dict] = None, low_cost_partial_config: Optional[dict] = None, cat_hp_cost: Optional[dict] = None, metric: Optional[str] = None, mode: Optional[str] = None, time_budget_s: Union[int, float] = None, points_to_evaluate: Optional[List[dict]] = None, evaluated_rewards: Optional[List] = None, resource_attr: Optional[str] = None, min_resource: Optional[float] = None, max_resource: Optional[float] = None, reduction_factor: Optional[float] = None, scheduler=None, search_alg=None, verbose: Optional[int] = 2, local_dir: Optional[str] = None, num_samples: Optional[int] = 1, resources_per_trial: Optional[dict] = None, config_constraints: Optional[List[Tuple[Callable[[dict], float], str, float]]] = None, metric_constraints: Optional[List[Tuple[str, str, float]]] = None, max_failure: Optional[int] = 100, use_ray: Optional[bool] = False, use_spark: Optional[bool] = False, use_incumbent_result_in_evaluation: Optional[bool] = None, log_file_name: Optional[str] = None, lexico_objectives: Optional[dict] = None, force_cancel: Optional[bool] = False, n_concurrent_trials: Optional[int] = 0, **ray_args, ,)

The function-based way of performing HPO.


import time
from flaml import tune

def compute_with_config(config):
current_time = time.time()
metric2minimize = (round(config['x'])-95000)**2
time2eval = time.time() - current_time, time2eval=time2eval)
# if the evaluation fails unexpectedly and the exception is caught,
# and it doesn't inform the goodness of the config,
# return {}
# if the failure indicates a config is bad,
# report a bad metric value like np.inf or -np.inf
# depending on metric mode being min or max

analysis =
'x': tune.lograndint(lower=1, upper=1000000),
'y': tune.randint(lower=1, upper=1000000)
metric='metric2minimize', mode='min',
num_samples=-1, time_budget_s=60, use_ray=False)



  • evaluation_function - A user-defined evaluation function. It takes a configuration as input, outputs a evaluation result (can be a numerical value or a dictionary of string and numerical value pairs) for the input configuration. For machine learning tasks, it usually involves training and scoring a machine learning model, e.g., through validation loss.
  • config - A dictionary to specify the search space.
  • low_cost_partial_config - A dictionary from a subset of controlled dimensions to the initial low-cost values. e.g., {'n_estimators': 4, 'max_leaves': 4}
  • cat_hp_cost - A dictionary from a subset of categorical dimensions to the relative cost of each choice. e.g., {'tree_method': [1, 1, 2]} i.e., the relative cost of the three choices of 'tree_method' is 1, 1 and 2 respectively
  • metric - A string of the metric name to optimize for.
  • mode - A string in ['min', 'max'] to specify the objective as minimization or maximization.
  • time_budget_s - int or float | The time budget in seconds.
  • points_to_evaluate - A list of initial hyperparameter configurations to run first.
  • evaluated_rewards list - If you have previously evaluated the parameters passed in as points_to_evaluate you can avoid re-running those trials by passing in the reward attributes as a list so the optimiser can be told the results without needing to re-compute the trial. Must be the same or shorter length than points_to_evaluate. e.g.,
points_to_evaluate = [
{"b": .99, "cost_related": {"a": 3}},
{"b": .99, "cost_related": {"a": 2}},
evaluated_rewards = [3.0]

means that you know the reward for the first config in points_to_evaluate is 3.0 and want to inform run().

  • resource_attr - A string to specify the resource dimension used by the scheduler via "scheduler".
  • min_resource - A float of the minimal resource to use for the resource_attr.
  • max_resource - A float of the maximal resource to use for the resource_attr.
  • reduction_factor - A float of the reduction factor used for incremental pruning.
  • scheduler - A scheduler for executing the experiment. Can be None, 'flaml', 'asha' (or 'async_hyperband', 'asynchyperband') or a custom instance of the TrialScheduler class. Default is None: in this case when resource_attr is provided, the 'flaml' scheduler will be used, otherwise no scheduler will be used. When set 'flaml', an authentic scheduler implemented in FLAML will be used. It does not require users to report intermediate results in evaluation_function. Find more details about this scheduler in this paper When set 'asha', the input for arguments "resource_attr", "min_resource", "max_resource" and "reduction_factor" will be passed to ASHA's "time_attr", "max_t", "grace_period" and "reduction_factor" respectively. You can also provide a self-defined scheduler instance of the TrialScheduler class. When 'asha' or self-defined scheduler is used, you usually need to report intermediate results in the evaluation function via ''. If you would like to do some cleanup opearation when the trial is stopped by the scheduler, you can catch the StopIteration (when not using ray) or SystemExit (when using ray) exception explicitly, as shown in the following example. Please find more examples using different types of schedulers and how to set up the corresponding evaluation functions in test/tune/, and test/tune/
def easy_objective(config):
width, height = config["width"], config["height"]
for step in range(config["steps"]):
intermediate_score = evaluation_fn(step, width, height)
try:, mean_loss=intermediate_score)
except (StopIteration, SystemExit):
# do cleanup operation here
  • search_alg - An instance/string of the search algorithm to be used. The same instance can be used for iterative tuning. e.g.,
from flaml import BlendSearch
algo = BlendSearch(metric='val_loss', mode='min',
for i in range(10):
analysis =,
search_alg=algo, use_ray=False)
  • verbose - 0, 1, 2, or 3. If ray or spark backend is used, their verbosity will be affected by this argument. 0 = silent, 1 = only status updates, 2 = status and brief trial results, 3 = status and detailed trial results. Defaults to 2.

  • local_dir - A string of the local dir to save ray logs if ray backend is used; or a local dir to save the tuning log.

  • num_samples - An integer of the number of configs to try. Defaults to 1.

  • resources_per_trial - A dictionary of the hardware resources to allocate per trial, e.g., {'cpu': 1}. It is only valid when using ray backend (by setting 'use_ray = True'). It shall be used when you need to do parallel tuning.

  • config_constraints - A list of config constraints to be satisfied. e.g., config_constraints = [(mem_size, '<=', 1024**3)]

    mem_size is a function which produces a float number for the bytes needed for a config. It is used to skip configs which do not fit in memory.

  • metric_constraints - A list of metric constraints to be satisfied. e.g., ['precision', '>=', 0.9]. The sign can be ">=" or "<=".

  • max_failure - int | the maximal consecutive number of failures to sample a trial before the tuning is terminated.

  • use_ray - A boolean of whether to use ray as the backend.

  • use_spark - A boolean of whether to use spark as the backend.

  • log_file_name - A string of the log file name. Default to None. When set to None: if local_dir is not given, no log file is created; if local_dir is given, the log file name will be autogenerated under local_dir. Only valid when verbose > 0 or use_ray is True.

  • lexico_objectives - dict, default=None | It specifics information needed to perform multi-objective optimization with lexicographic preferences. When lexico_objectives is not None, the arguments metric, mode, will be invalid, and flaml's tune uses CFO as the search_alg, which makes the input (if provided) `search_alg' invalid. This dictionary shall contain the following fields of key-value pairs:

    • "metrics": a list of optimization objectives with the orders reflecting the priorities/preferences of the objectives.
    • "modes" (optional): a list of optimization modes (each mode either "min" or "max") corresponding to the objectives in the metric list. If not provided, we use "min" as the default mode for all the objectives.
    • "targets" (optional): a dictionary to specify the optimization targets on the objectives. The keys are the metric names (provided in "metric"), and the values are the numerical target values.
    • "tolerances" (optional): a dictionary to specify the optimality tolerances on objectives. The keys are the metric names (provided in "metrics"), and the values are the absolute/percentage tolerance in the form of numeric/string. E.g.,
lexico_objectives = {
"metrics": ["error_rate", "pred_time"],
"modes": ["min", "min"],
"tolerances": {"error_rate": 0.01, "pred_time": 0.0},
"targets": {"error_rate": 0.0},

We also support percentage tolerance. E.g.,

lexico_objectives = {
"metrics": ["error_rate", "pred_time"],
"modes": ["min", "min"],
"tolerances": {"error_rate": "5%", "pred_time": "0%"},
"targets": {"error_rate": 0.0},
  • force_cancel - boolean, default=False | Whether to forcely cancel the PySpark job if overtime.
  • n_concurrent_trials - int, default=0 | The number of concurrent trials when perform hyperparameter tuning with Spark. Only valid when use_spark=True and spark is required: pip install flaml[spark]. Please check here for more details about installing Spark. When is called from AutoML, it will be overwritten by the value of n_concurrent_trials in AutoML. When <= 0, the concurrent trials will be set to the number of executors.
  • **ray_args - keyword arguments to pass to Only valid when use_ray=True.

Tuner Objects

class Tuner()

Tuner is the class-based way of launching hyperparameter tuning jobs compatible with Ray Tune 2.


  • trainable - A user-defined evaluation function. It takes a configuration as input, outputs a evaluation result (can be a numerical value or a dictionary of string and numerical value pairs) for the input configuration. For machine learning tasks, it usually involves training and scoring a machine learning model, e.g., through validation loss.

  • param_space - Search space of the tuning job. One thing to note is that both preprocessor and dataset can be tuned here.

  • tune_config - Tuning algorithm specific configs. Refer to ray.tune.tune_config.TuneConfig for more info.

  • run_config - Runtime configuration that is specific to individual trials. If passed, this will overwrite the run config passed to the Trainer, if applicable. Refer to ray.air.config.RunConfig for more info.

    Usage pattern:

    .. code-block:: python

    from sklearn.datasets import load_breast_cancer

    from ray import tune from import from_pandas from ray.air.config import RunConfig, ScalingConfig from ray.train.xgboost import XGBoostTrainer from ray.tune.tuner import Tuner

    def get_dataset(): data_raw = load_breast_cancer(as_frame=True) dataset_df = data_raw["data"] dataset_df["target"] = data_raw["target"] dataset = from_pandas(dataset_df) return dataset

    trainer = XGBoostTrainer( label_column="target", params={},

  • datasets={"train" - get_dataset()}, )

    param_space = {

  • "scaling_config" - ScalingConfig( num_workers=tune.grid_search([2, 4]), resources_per_worker={

  • "CPU" - tune.grid_search([1, 2]), }, ),

    You can even grid search various datasets in Tune.

    "datasets": {

    "train": tune.grid_search(

    [ds1, ds2]



  • "params" - {

  • "objective" - "binary:logistic",

  • "tree_method" - "approx",

  • "eval_metric" - ["logloss", "error"],

  • "eta" - tune.loguniform(1e-4, 1e-1),

  • "subsample" - tune.uniform(0.5, 1.0),

  • "max_depth" - tune.randint(1, 9), }, } tuner = Tuner(trainable=trainer, param_space=param_space, run_config=RunConfig(name="my_tune_run")) analysis =

    To retry a failed tune run, you can then do

    .. code-block:: python

    tuner = Tuner.restore(experiment_checkpoint_dir)

    experiment_checkpoint_dir can be easily located near the end of the console output of your first failed run.