Data Access
Basics #
At the core of GE is a key-value store that handles memory blobs. We can save a blob to the GE key-value store identified by a key we specified and load it back into our program later. A key is a 64-bit integer. Referencing a GE data object (or a cell in the jargon of GE) is through such a key. Other type of keys such as string keys can be realized by hashing the key to a 64-bit integer. Note that each key can at most be associated with one blob value; saving two blob values with the same key will cause one to be overwritten by the other. A key in GE is also called an Id.
GE supports concurrent key-value operations on cells with atomicity guaranteed. The built-in atomic cell operators include: AddCell, SaveCell, LoadCell, and RemoveCell. The operations on the cell with a particular key are serialized; changes made by a writer are observed by everyone in a determined order.
Durability is optional in GE. We can choose whether to commit a write-ahead log (WAL) to the persistent storage or not before writing a cell. WAL guarantees durability, but it comes with some performance penalty. Use it wisely.
Data Access Patterns #
GE provides multiple data access patterns. We should weigh the tradeoff between convenience and performance before we decide to use one of the data access methods introduced here.
Built-in Key-Value Store Interfaces #
The most convenient one is to use the built-in key-value store interfaces, such
as SaveCell and LoadCell. These interfaces are provided by
and Trinity.Global.CloudStorage
for accessing
data locally or over a cluster respectively.
The built-in interfaces treat cells as blobs. After we define our own cell
types in TSL, additional typed key-value store interfaces will be bound to
and Trinity.Global.CloudStorage
. The
TSL-generated interfaces take the form of LoadMyType
and SaveMyType
. For
example, if we define a type of cell in TSL as follows:
cell GraphNode
string Name;
float Value;
List<CellId> Neighbors;
Two new interfaces LoadGraphNode
and SaveGraphNode
will be bound
to LocalStorage
and CloudStorage
. Multiple method overloads are
provided for these interfaces. We can then write:
var root = Global.CloudStorage.LoadGraphNode(123); //123 as the cell id
var sum = 0.0f;
foreach(var neighbor in root.Neighbors)
sum += Global.CloudStorage.LoadGraphNode(neighbor).Value;
Remote Data Manipulation #
GE supports server-side computation. It means that we do not need to pull all
the concerned cells over the network, apply operations on them locally, then
save them back. We can pass the operations over the network and retrieve the
results. To do so, we define a custom protocol for client-server communication.
Instead of issuing cell loading/saving operations, we now send a user-defined
request to the server for the desired result. For example, to obtain the sum of
Value for a set of GraphNode
, instead of loading them to the client, we can
define a protocol as follows:
struct RequestMessage
List<CellId> NodeSet;
struct ResponseMessage
float Result;
protocol CalculateSum
Type : Syn;
Request : RequestMessage;
Response : ResponseMessage;
On the client side we can get the sum by:
var sum = 0.0f;
for(int serverId = 0; serverId < Global.ServerCount; serverId++)
using(var request = new RequestMessageWriter(new List<long>(){1,2,3}))
using(var response = Global.CloudStorage.CalculateSumToMyServer(serverId, request))
var sum += response.Result;
The server side computation can be implemented as follows:
public override void CalculateSumHandler(
RequestMessageReader request,
ResponseMessageWriter response)
response.Result = .0f;
foreach(var nodeId in request.NodeSet)
response.Result += Global.LocalStorage.LoadGraphNode(nodeId).Value;
Cell Accessors #
We can perform any data access tasks via the key-value store interfaces. But soon we will realize that the whole cell needs to be loaded even we need to access only a single data field. In the code snippet shown above, a certain data field of the cells is accessed. For each cell, GE first pinpoints its location in the memory storage. Then, it allocates a cell object and copies the cell content from the storage to the object. The field is then read out from the object and fed into the outer computation loop.
Cell modification is trickier. It takes three cell operations to modify a small portion of a cell: load the cell, modify the cell, and save the cell. The memory copies incurred in this process waste a lot of memory and network bandwidth. Moreover, even though each cell operation is atomic, the cell modification as a whole is not atomic because the three individual cell operations cannot be guaranteed to be executed as a whole.
Having seen what the problems caused by using key-value store interfaces are, we give the cure now. We solve the problems discussed above with a mechanism called data accessor. For any cell construct defined in TSL, the TSL compiler automatically generates a cell accessor. An accessor does not possess any data. Rather, all the fields are provided as properties; operations on these properties will be translated into in-place memory operations on the underlying memory blob. With cell accessor, the server logic can be rewritten as:
public override void ComputeAverageHandler(
RequestMessageReader request,
ResponseMessageWriter response)
response.Result = .0f;
foreach(var nodeId in request.NodeSet)
using( var neighbor = Global.LocalStorage.UseGraphNode(nodeId) )
response.Result += neighbor.Value;
In this new version, accessing neighbor.Value
will only result in a 4-byte
memory access. For more information on cell accessors, please refer to
Whenever possible, use cell accessors instead of key-value store interfaces to access the data.
Cell Access Options #
GE provides a cell access option to most of the cell access interfaces. According to the cell interface, one or more options listed below can be applied.
public enum CellAccessOptions
// Throws an exception when a cell is not found.
// Returns null when a cell is not found.
// Creates a new cell when a cell is not found.
// Specifies that write-ahead-log should be performed with strong durability.
// Specifies that write-ahead-log should be performed with weak durability.
// This option brings better performance, but under certain circumstances
// the log may fail to be persistent, for example, during a power outage
// or equipment failure.
Cell access options are used to control the behavior of a cell operation.
long cellId = 1;
// MyCell is a cell type defined in a TSL project
Global.LocalStorage.SaveMyCell(CellAccessOptions.StrongLogAhead, cellId, ...);
Global.LocalStorage.RemoveCell(CellAccessOptions.WeakLogAhead, cellId);
using (var cell = Global.LocalStorage.UseMyCell(cellId, CellAccessOptions.ReturnNullOnCellNotFound))
// Do something here
using (var cell = Global.LocalStorage.UseMyCell(3, CellAccessOptions.CreateNewOnCellNotFound))
// Do something here
Cell Selector #
GE provides enumerators for iterating the cells stored in the local memory storage. Note that enumeration on cloud memory storage is currently not supported.
For each cell type defined in TSL, the TSL compiler generates a selector
interface on the local memory storage:
. As the name implies, the selector
interface selects all the cells of the given type and returns an
collection. We can then use foreach to iterate
though the collection:
foreach( var node in Global.LocalStorage.GraphNode_Selector() )
//Do something...
Both cell objects and cell accessors are supported. Here is the accessor counterpart:
foreach( var accessor in Global.LocalStorage.GraphNode_Accessor_Selector() )
//Do something...
Enumerating cells through a selector is thread-safe; Multiple enumerations can be carried out simultaneously. However, it is not allowed to cache accessors, because the accessor object will be reused to point to other cells during enumeration. Thus, the following piece of code would cause data corruption or system crash:
// Attempting to cache cell accessors
List<GraphNode_Accessor> accessor_cache = new List<GraphNode_Accessor>();
foreach( var accessor in Global.LocalStorage.GraphNode_Accessor_Selector() )
// It will crash on visiting the cached accessors!
var f = accessor_cache.Sum(accessor.AdditionalData);
Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) #
The selectors implement the IEnumerable
var results = from node in Global.LocalStorage.GraphNode_Accessor_Selector()
select node.Value;
var min = results.Min();
In this example, the clause is translated into a substring query. The results are projected into a list of float numbers, and then aggregated using the built-in LINQ interface Min().
GE LINQ/PLINQ is elaborated in the Language-Integrated Query section.
Substring Query #
If the substring index attribute is specified on a cell field in TSL, a set of substring query interfaces will be generated for the specified cell field. A substring query interface accepts one or more query strings and returns a list of matched cell ids. Refer to the substring query section for more information.