Single Source Shortest Paths
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The vertex centric graph computation model provides an intuitive way of computing single source shortest paths. Each vertex maintains its current distance to the source vertex. Once a vertex's distance is updated, it sends out its shortest distance to its adjacent vertices. When a vertex receives the shortest distances from its neighbors, it re-calculates its shortest distance to the source vertex. The process continues until nothing can be updated. Now, we use GE to implement this algorithm.
Cell Struct SSSPCell
int distance;
long parent;
List<long> neighbors;
We first define a cell struct SSSPCell in TSL for this problem. The SSSPCell has an integer field distance that holds the current shortest distance to the source vertex. We will initially set it to the maximum positive value of 32-bit integer. The second field parent is the cell id of the vertex from which the shortest path is routed. To trace the path, we need a pointer pointing to its parent vertex through which the current vertex has the shortest distance to the source vertex. Using the parent pointer, we can trace back to the source vertex from the current vertex. The field neighbors stores the cell ids of its neighbors.
struct StartSSSPMessage
long root;
struct DistanceUpdatingMessage
long senderId;
int distance;
List<long> recipients;
Now we define two types of messages for the computation: StartSSSPMessage and DistanceUpdatingMessage. StartSSSPMessage is used to initialize an SSSP computation. It is a simple struct containing only the cell id of the source vertex. A GE client can kick off the computation by sending a StartSSSPMessage to all GE servers. Receiving this message, the servers will check whether the specified source vertex is in its LocalStorage. If this is the case, it will load the source vertex's adjacent vertices and propagates DistanceUpdatingMessages to its neighbors. On receiving a DistanceUpdatingMessage, a vertex will check whether its distance can be updated according to the received shortest distance. The corresponding TSL protocols are shown below.
protocol StartSSSP
Type: Asyn;
Request: StartSSSPMessage;
Response: void;
protocol DistanceUpdating
Type: Asyn;
Request: DistanceUpdatingMessage;
Response: void;
server SSSPServer
protocol StartSSSP;
protocol DistanceUpdating;
The message handling logic can be implemented by overriding the generated SSSPServerBase.
class SSSPServerImpl : SSSPServerBase
public override void DistanceUpdatingHandler(DistanceUpdatingMessageReader request)
List<DistanceUpdatingMessage> DistanceUpdatingMessageList = new List<DistanceUpdatingMessage>();
request.recipients.ForEach((cellId) =>
using (var cell = Global.LocalStorage.UseSSSPCell(cellId))
if (cell.distance > request.distance + 1)
cell.distance = request.distance + 1;
cell.parent = request.senderId;
Console.Write(cell.distance + " ");
MessageSorter sorter = new MessageSorter(cell.neighbors);
for (int i = 0; i < Global.ServerCount; i++)
DistanceUpdatingMessageWriter msg = new DistanceUpdatingMessageWriter(cell.CellId,
cell.distance, sorter.GetCellRecipientList(i));
Global.CloudStorage.DistanceUpdatingToSSSPServer(i, msg);
public override void StartSSSPHandler(StartSSSPMessageReader request)
if (Global.CloudStorage.IsLocalCell(request.root))
using (var rootCell = Global.LocalStorage.UseSSSPCell(request.root))
rootCell.distance = 0;
rootCell.parent = -1;
MessageSorter sorter = new MessageSorter(rootCell.neighbors);
for (int i = 0; i < Global.ServerCount; i++)
DistanceUpdatingMessageWriter msg = new DistanceUpdatingMessageWriter(rootCell.CellId, 0, sorter.GetCellRecipientList(i));
Global.CloudStorage.DistanceUpdatingToSSSPServer(i, msg);
The key logic in the sample code shown above is truly simple:
if (cell.distance > request.distance + 1)
cell.distance = request.distance + 1;
cell.parent = request.senderId;
We can try out the example by following the steps shown below:
Generate a testing graph using
SSSP.exe -g NumberOfVertices
. For example,SSSP.exe -g 10000
.Start computing each vertex's shortest distance to the specified source vertex by
SSSP.exe -c SourceVertexId
. For example,SSSP.exe -c 1
.Get the shortest path between a specified vertex and the source vertex by
SSSP.exe -q VertexId
. For example,SSSP.exe -q 123
A sample output of executing SSSP.exe -q 123
Current vertex is 123, the distance to the source vertex is 3.
Current vertex is 1001, the distance to the source vertex is 2.
Current vertex is 2432, the distance to the source vertex is 1.
Current vertex is 1, the distance to the source vertex is 0.