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5. Important Changes in the Reminder Page

Now that we have getPresence file, we need to update the reminder.tsx page to make the connection between the api with client-side in our application.

Open the reminder.tsx file and update the code as follows:

  • pages/reminder.tsx:

import { useSession } from 'next-auth/react';
import { useState } from 'react';
import Layout from '../components/Layout/layout';

export default function ReminderPage() {
const [isTimerStarted, setIsTimerStarted] = useState(false);
const { data: session, status } = useSession();
const isLoading = status === 'loading';

const isPresent = async () => {
const data = await fetch('/api/getPresence');
const presence = await data.json();
return !['Offline', 'Away'].includes(presence.availability);

const maybeAlert = async () => {
if (await isPresent()) {
alert('Take a Break!');

const startTimer = async () => {
if (!(await isPresent())) {
alert('You are offline!');

// 60 minutes = 3600000 milliseconds
// 2 minutes = 120000 milliseconds
setTimeout(timerIsOver, 120000);


const timerIsOver = async () => {
await maybeAlert();

if (isLoading) {
return <div>Loading...</div>;

return (
<h1>Reminder Page</h1>
<h2>Welcome, {session?.user?.name}!</h2>

<h3>⏰ Time goes by... so slowly! ⏰</h3>
{isTimerStarted ? (
{' '}
<strong>Timer is running right now...</strong>
) : (
<button onClick={startTimer}>Start Timer!</button>

Let's understand what we did in the code above. First, we imported the useSession hook from next-auth/react and the useState hook from react.

Then, we created some variables such as isTimerStarted, setIsTimerStarted and isLoading. All of them with initial status as false.

Now, let's understand each functions from this page:

  • isPresent - This function is responsible for checking if the user is present or not on Microsoft Teams. It makes this requesting the API that we created in the previous step and then, will check if the value availability is different from Offline or Away. If it is, it will return true and if not, it will return false.

  • maybeAlert - This function is responsible for checking if the user is present or not. If it is, it will show an alert message to the user.

  • startTimer - This function will verify if the user is present (with status Available) on Microsoft Teams. If so, it will start the timer for 60 minutes (what is 3600000 milliseconds). For demonstration purposes, we will set the timer for 2 minutes (what is 120000 milliseconds).

  • timerIsOver: This function will check if the user is present or not. If it is, it will show an alert message to the user. If not, it will set the isTimerStarted to false.

  • isLoading: This variable is responsible for checking if the page is loading or not.

And in the return block code in the ReminderPage function, we will show the user's name and if the timer is running, it will show a message: Timer is running right now.... If not, it will show a button: Start Timer.

And that's it! Before to test it out our application, there's an important file that we need to create. Let's make it in the next session!