2. Installing dependencies from the Kit Get Started
Again, if you are not coming from the previous workshop, you can download the source code of the project we will be working on in this workshop
After downloading the source code, you should run the following command in the terminal:
cd kitstarter-msgraph-nextjs
npm install
At the root of the project, create a file called env.local
and fill in the following environment variables:
AZURE_AD_CLIENT_ID=<copy Application (client) ID here>
AZURE_AD_CLIENT_SECRET=<copy generated client secret value here>
AZURE_AD_TENANT_ID=<copy the tenant id here>
NEXTAUTH_SECRET= # Linux: `openssl rand -hex 32` or go to https://generate-secret.now.sh/32
And finally to run the project, run the following command:
npm run dev
Open your browser and go to the following address: http://localhost:3000
If everything is working correctly, we can move on to the next section.