This tutorial demonstrates how to replicate NCLUSION clustering results for ~94k pure peripheral blood mononuclear cells obtained from Zheng et al 2017 1. Open a bash terminal and follow along with the tutorial from your working directory.
First, install NCLUSION into a Julia environment following the installation instructions here. The NCLUSION tutorials also require installation of additional R and python libraries. These packages are NOT required for running NCLUSION only.
R is a software environment for statistical computing and graphics. The most recent version of R can be downloaded from the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). CRAN provides precompiled binary versions of R for Windows, macOS, and select Linux distributions. For detailed installation instructions for R and R libraries click here.
The following R libraries are required for replicating results in the NCLUSION tutorials:
The easiest method to install these packages is with the following example command entered in an R shell:
if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
BiocManager::install(c("SingleCellExperiment", "ComplexHeatmap",
"clusterProfiler", "enrichplot"))
dependencies = TRUE);
You can find a table of the R package versions here.
We recommend that users install python packages into a new Anconda environment. Details for installing Anaconda and setting up a new environment can be found here.
Packages that are required to run NCLUSION tutorials include:
To install these packages, activate a new Anaconda environment and enter the following commands into a bash terminal:
conda install scikit-learn pandas matplotlib numpy
python -m pip install scanpy anndata gseapy cvi
sudo apt-get install wget
Alternatively, you can download the environment with the exact versions by downloading this file: environment.yml and entering the following command into your bash terminal:
conda env create -f environment.yml
NOTE: to find more detailed documentation for each step of this tutorial, run each
bash script with the
The Zheng + 2017 data contains scRNA-seq data for ~94k pure
peripheral blood mononuclear cells of 10 distinct cell types. The filtered, raw counts can be downloaded from here.
Alternatively, run the following wget commands to create a directory named
in your current working directory and download the filtered count files for each
cell type into that directory.
mkdir -p tutorial_data/
mkdir -p tutorial_data/zheng2017/
cd tutorial_data/zheng2017/
Then, unzip the files in the data directory with the following bash command:
for f in `ls *.gz`; do
filename=$(basename -- "$f")
filename=$(basename -- "$filename")
echo "$filename";
mkdir "${filename}"
mv "${f}" "${filename}"
cd "${filename}"
tar -xzvf "$f"
cd ../
cd ../../
Before running NCLUSION to cluster the Zheng + 2017 cells, the data must be
converted to the AnnData type, and
concatenated into a single data object. Then, to preprocess the data, we filter out genes that were expressed in less than 3 cells, cells
with less than 200 genes expressed, greater than 20% mitochondrial reads, and
less than 5% ribosomal reads to obtain 94,615 high-quality cells representing 10
distinct cell types. We then subset the data to the top 5000 highly-variable
genes. The data conversion, concatenation, and preprocessing can be
executed by entering the following command into a bash terminal, which then
saves the
filtered, preprocessed data as an AnnData file located at
. tutorial_scripts/ --datapath="tutorial_data/zheng2017/" --savepath="tutorial_data/zheng2017/5000hvgs_zheng2017_preprocessed.h5ad" --data_name="zheng" --n_hvgs=5000
To run NCLUSION from your working direcorty, enter the following bash command.
NOTE: set the --julia_env
variable to the
relative path to your Julia project environment where NCLUSION is installed.
mkdir -p zheng2017_outputs
. tutorial_scripts/ --datapath='tutorial_data/zheng2017/5000hvgs_zheng2017_preprocessed.h5ad' --julia_env='PATH/TO/JULIA/ENV' --data_name='zheng2017' --output_dir='zheng2017_outputs/'
All tutorial output files can be found in the specified output
. All output files generated by NCLUSION can be
found in:
NOTE: 'YEAR-MONTH-DATE-TIME' labels in the output path/files corresponds to the time stamp of when the results were generated. The time stamp is added automatically by NCLUSION.
In the output directory, you can find the following output files:
NOTE: In the following analyses, clusters are named according to the cluster mapping file:
which maps
the NCLUSION labels to labels in [1:number of clusters], for aesthetic
purposes. This mapping retains NCLUSION cluster memberships.
To evaluate the NCLUSION clustering results, the following command calculates
various evaluation metrics: Jaccard Indexs, Adjusted Rand Index (ARI) (extrinsic), McIntosh Evenness, and Gini-Simpson Index (intrinsic).
Extrinsic metric calculations are dependent on
experimental annotations of the data, that act as the "true" labels, while intrinsic metrics do not. Therefore, extrinsic metrics are
only calculated when "true" labels are provided in the "cell_type" observation
layer of the input AnnData object. The metric calculations are
automatically saved to .csv
files in the specified output
directory. Each file is labeled according to the following format: '{name_of_metric}_NCLUSION_pbmc_5000hvgs.csv'
To calculate evaluation metrics, enter the following command into your bash terminal.
NOTE: be sure to replace --input_path variable with the relative path to your NCLUSION clustering results and --project with the path to your Julia environment where NCLUSION is installed.
python tutorial_scripts/utility_scripts/ --input_path "/PATH/TO/NCLUSION/CLUSTERING/FILE" --title "NCLUSION Zheng et al 2017" --output_path_file "zheng2017_outputs/" --output_path_figure "zheng2017_outputs/" --output_suffix '' --dataset_ordering_mode "pbmc" --col_sum_threshold '0.15'
julia --project='PATH/TO/JULIA/ENV' tutorial_scripts/utility_scripts/get_Julia_jaccard_metrics.jl "zheng2017_outputs/pbmc_NCLUSION_mapped_clusters.csv" '4' '6' '1' 'NCLUSION' '5000' "pbmc" "" 'jaccardtrans' "zheng2017_outputs/"
python tutorial_scripts/utility_scripts/ --labels_path "zheng2017_outputs/pbmc_NCLUSION_mapped_clusters.csv" --data_path 'tutorial_data/zheng2017/5000hvgs_zheng2017_preprocessed.h5ad' --eval_metric "ginisimpsonindex" --condition_idx '1' --data_partition '' --dataset "pbmc" --method 'NCLUSION' --hvgs '5000' --output_path_file "zheng2017_outputs/" --output_suffix ''
python tutorial_scripts/utility_scripts/ --labels_path "zheng2017_outputs/pbmc_NCLUSION_mapped_clusters.csv" --data_path 'tutorial_data/zheng2017/5000hvgs_zheng2017_preprocessed.h5ad' --eval_metric "mcintosheveness" --condition_idx '1' --data_partition '' --dataset "pbmc" --method 'NCLUSION' --hvgs '5000' --output_path_file "zheng2017_outputs/" --output_suffix ''
Next, generate a heatmap that displays how cells from each cell-type (determined by the "true" labels obtained from Zheng et al 2017) are distributed across clusters that are identified by NCLUSION. Each row, i, represents one cell-type, and each column, j, represents one cluster. Therefore the color intensity at location (i, j) on the heatmap corresponds to percent of cells with "true" cell-type label i that were assigned to cluster j by NCLUSION.
To generate the heatmap from the NCLUSION result, enter the following commands into a bash terminal.
NOTE: be sure to replace --nclusion_results input with the relative path to your NCLUSION clustering results.
NOTE: if you want to load packages from a specific R library, append --rlib="/PATH/TO/R/LIBRARY"
this command.
. tutorial_scripts/ --nclusion_results="/PATH/TO/NCLUSION/CLUSTERING/FILE" --pct_table="zheng2017_outputs/cell_distribution_table.csv" --cluster_dict="tutorial_scripts/cluster_mapping/zheng_mapping.csv" --save_heatmap="zheng2017_outputs/cell_distribution_heatmap.pdf" --data_name="zheng"
This will produce a pdf file named zheng2017_outputs/cell_distriubtion_heatmap.pdf
containing the cell distriubtion heatmap shown
below. The
column labels do not correspond to NCLUSION's cluster labels. The script labels
each cluster with their positional values in the heatmap for aesthetic purposes. A
mapping of the original NCLUSION cluster labels to these new positional labels can
be found in a file named tutorial_scripts/cluster_mapping/zheng_mapping.csv
Now, we will plot the t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (tSNE) for the data annotated with various labels: the called cell type labels that were published along with the data, and the NCLUSION-inferred cell type labels. We will also generate tSNEs corresponding to the boolean label of each cells' membership to a given NCLUSION-inferred cluster, such that cells assigned to cluster n are colored and all other cells are greyed out. The total number of tSNEs produced are equal to the total number of NCLUSION-inferred clusters plus two. Run the following command to generate these plots.
NOTE: be sure to replace --nclusion_results input with the relative path to your NCLUSION clustering results.
. tutorial_scripts/ --datapath="tutorial_data/zheng2017/5000hvgs_zheng2017_preprocessed.h5ad" --nclusion_results="/PATH/TO/NCLUSION/CLUSTERING/FILE" --data_name="zheng2017"
mv figures/ zheng2017_outputs/
All tsnes produces by this script can be found in the output directory:
. The tSNEs colored by called
cell-type, inferred cell-type, and Cluster 1 membership are shown below.
Next, analyze results of NCLUSION's variable selection functionality to gain insight into the biological mechanisms driving the formation of each cluster. The reulting plots are described in detail in the following sub-sections. To generate these plots, enter the following command into a bash terminal.
NOTE: if you want to load packages from a specific R library, append --rlib="/PATH/TO/R/LIBRARY"
this command.
NOTE: be sure to replace --nclusion_results, --pips, and --path_to_nk inputs with the relative path to your clustering assignment, PIP, and Nk results files (generated by NCLUSION).
. tutorial_scripts/ --datapath="tutorial_data/zheng2017/5000hvgs_zheng2017_preprocessed.h5ad" --pips="/PATH/TO/PIPS/FILE" --nclusion_results="/PATH/TO/NCLUSION/CLUSTERING/FILE" --output_dir="zheng2017_outputs/" --data_name='zheng' --mapping="tutorial_scripts/cluster_mapping/zheng_mapping.csv" --path_to_nk="PATH/TO/NK/FILE"
All plots produced by this script can be found in the specified output
directory: zheng2017_outputs/
directory. Each plot is described in detail below.
We generated a heatmap that displays adjusted Posterior Inclusion
Probabilities (PIPs) of genes across
clusters identified by NCLUSION. We use PIPs as a summary of evidence for gene being associated with driving the identity of any phenotypic cluster.
For a particular cluster, a
higher PIP indicates that a gene is more significant to the formation of that
cluster. Before generating this heatmap, the plotting script adjusted the PIP
values to account for
the number of clusters in which it is deemed significant. For example, if a gene
is deemed to be significant in driving all clusters, its PIP score will be
scaled down, as it is less helpful for identifying important differences between each
cluster compared to unique significant genes that are identified in fewer clusters. Only
genes with adjusted PIPs above a threshold of 0.5 are included in this analysis.
The plot is saved to zheng2017_outputs/heatmap_AdjustedPips_KbyG_defaultclustering.pdf
The script also generated heatmap representing the effect size of the genes included
in the adjusted PIP heatmap, which is shown below. For a given cluster, the effect size
indicates the direction of expression (+ or -) for each gene in that cluster.
The plot is saved to zheng2017_outputs/heatmap_EffectSizeSignMat_KbyG_basedonAdjPips.pdf
In addition to the heatmaps, this script generated module expression violin
plots for each cluster. Each violin plot compares the expression of
significant genes identified in a particular cluster to the expression of
that group of genes in the other clusters. The module expression analysis for
Cluster 1 is shown below. The plots are saved to
where N is equal to the cluster label.
Lastly, this script produced biological pathway
enrichment plots. For each cluster, this analysis uses a
hypergeometric test to calculate the enrichment of genes in a supplied gene
set (genes with significant PIPs [>0.5] in that cluster). The GO analysis
for Cluster 1 is shown below. The plots are saved to
where N is equal to the cluster label.
Grace X. Y. Zheng, Jessica M. Terry, Phillip Belgrader, Paul Ryvkin, Zachary W. Bent, Ryan Wilson, Solongo B. Ziraldo, Tobias D. Wheeler, Geoff P. McDermott, Junjie Zhu, Mark T. Gregory, Joe Shuga, Luz Montesclaros, Jason G. Underwood, Donald A. Masquelier, Stefanie Y. Nishimura, Michael Schnall-Levin, Paul W. Wyatt, Christopher M. Hindson, Rajiv Bharadwaj, Alexander Wong, Kevin D. Ness, Lan W. Beppu, H. Joachim Deeg, Christopher McFarland, Keith R. Loeb, William J. Valente, Nolan G. Ericson, Emily A. Stevens, Jerald P. Radich, Tarjei S. Mikkelsen, Benjamin J. Hindson, and Jason H. Bielas. Massively parallel digital transcriptional profiling of single cells. Nature Communications, 8(11):14049, Jan 2017. ISSN 2041-1723. doi: 10.1038/ ncomms14049↩︎