# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
import logging
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
from olive.common.config_utils import ConfigBase, NestedConfig, validate_config
from olive.common.pydantic_v1 import validator
from olive.strategy.search_algorithm import REGISTRY, SearchAlgorithm
from olive.strategy.search_results import SearchResults
from olive.evaluator.metric_result import MetricResult
from olive.strategy.search_parameter import SearchParameter
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_VALID_EXECUTION_ORDERS = ("joint", "pass-by-pass")
# pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
class SearchStrategyConfig(NestedConfig):
_nested_field_name = "search_algorithm_config"
execution_order: str
search_algorithm: str
search_algorithm_config: ConfigBase = None
output_model_num: int = None
stop_when_goals_met: bool = False
max_iter: int = None
max_time: int = None
@validator("execution_order", pre=True)
def _validate_execution_order(cls, v):
raise ValueError(f"Unknown execution order: {v}")
return v
@validator("search_algorithm", pre=True)
def _validate_search_algorithm(cls, v):
if v not in REGISTRY:
raise ValueError(f"Unknown search algorithm: {v}")
return v
@validator("search_algorithm_config", pre=True, always=True)
def _validate_search_algorithm_config(cls, v, values):
if "search_algorithm" not in values:
raise ValueError("Invalid search_algorithm")
config_class = REGISTRY[values["search_algorithm"]].get_config_class()
return validate_config(v, config_class)
@validator("stop_when_goals_met", "max_iter", "max_time", pre=True)
def _validate_stop_when_goals_met(cls, v, values, field):
if "execution_order" not in values:
raise ValueError("Invalid execution_order")
if v and values["execution_order"] != "joint":
logger.info("%s is only supported for joint execution order. Ignoring...", field.name)
return field.default
return v
class SearchStrategy:
def __init__(self, config: Union[Dict[str, Any], SearchStrategyConfig]):
self._config = validate_config(config, SearchStrategyConfig)
self._initialized = False
self.exit_criteria_met = False
def initialize(
pass_flows_search_spaces: List[List[Tuple[str, Dict[str, "SearchParameter"]]]],
init_model_id: str,
objective_dict: Dict[str, dict],
"""Initialize the search strategy.
pass_flows_search_spaces: list of list of tuples of format (search_space_name, {param_name: SearchParameter})
objective_dict: dictionary of format {objective_name: {"higher_is_better": bool, "goal": float}}
self._objective_dict = objective_dict
# search spaces
self._spaces_order = [[pass_ss[0] for pass_ss in pass_flow_ss] for pass_flow_ss in pass_flows_search_spaces]
self._spaces_dict = {}
for pass_flow_ss in pass_flows_search_spaces:
for pass_ss in pass_flow_ss:
self._spaces_dict[pass_ss[0]] = pass_ss[1]
# search space dictionaries for pass are grouped based on execution_order
self._spaces_groups = self._group_search_spaces(self._spaces_order)
# sub spaces group in pass-by-pass execution order
self._pass_by_pass_sg = None
self._done_spaces_groups = []
self._active_spaces_group = None
# state
self._searchers: Dict[Any, SearchAlgorithm] = {}
self._search_results: Dict[Any, SearchResults] = {}
self._init_model_ids: Dict[Any, str] = {}
self.init_model_id = init_model_id
self._best_search_points = {}
# initialize the first search space
self._initialized = True
def _group_search_spaces(self, search_space_names: List[List]):
"""Group search spaces based on execution order."""
# joint: all passes grouped together
# pass-by-pass: each pass is a separate group
if self._config.execution_order == "joint":
search_spaces_groups = search_space_names
elif self._config.execution_order == "pass-by-pass":
# run pass-by-pass for each pass flow which is defined as a list of registered passes
search_spaces_groups = []
for pass_flow_ss in search_space_names:
pass_flow_groups = [[pass_ss] for pass_ss in pass_flow_ss]
raise ValueError(f"Unknown execution order: {self._config.execution_order}")
return search_spaces_groups
def _next_search_group(self, init_model_id: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[SearchAlgorithm]:
"""Get the next search space group and initialize the search algorithm."""
# if there is no more search space group, return None
# 1. joint: no more flows(self._space_groups)
# 2. pass-by-pass: no more flows(self._space_groups) and no more passes(self._pass_by_pass_sg)
if not (self._spaces_groups or self._pass_by_pass_sg):
self._active_spaces_group = None
return None
# for the fist search group, init_model_id must be provided
if init_model_id is None and self._active_spaces_group is None:
raise ValueError("init_model_id must be provided for the first search group")
if self._config.execution_order == "joint":
next_sg = self._next_search_group_joint(init_model_id)
elif self._config.execution_order == "pass-by-pass":
next_sg = self._next_search_group_pass_by_pass(init_model_id)
raise ValueError(f"Invalid execution order {self._config.execution_order}")
return next_sg
def _next_search_group_pass_by_pass(self, init_model_id: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[SearchAlgorithm]:
# passes are exhausted or empty for current flow, try next pass flow
if not self._pass_by_pass_sg:
self._pass_by_pass_sg = self._spaces_groups.pop(0)
self._active_spaces_group = None
init_model_id = self.init_model_id
# get the best model from last space group
if self._active_spaces_group is not None:
# legacy, will update once search results has info function
sorted_model_ids, sorted_search_points, sorted_results = self._search_results[
if sorted_model_ids is None:
"No models in this search group %s met the goals. Sorting the models without applying goals...",
sorted_model_ids, sorted_search_points, sorted_results = self._search_results[
# TODO(trajep): this is a hack to get the best search point for the current search space group
# it totally work for joint execution order, but not for pass-by-pass
if sorted_search_points and sorted_results:
best_search_point = (
self._best_search_points[tuple(self._active_spaces_group)] = best_search_point
init_model_id = best_search_point[2][-1]
if init_model_id is None and self._active_spaces_group is not None:
raise ValueError(
f"The previous search group {self._active_spaces_group} has no output models that were created and"
" evaluated successfully. Cannot continue."
# set up next search group
# if it is the first run in this flow, init_model_id should be input model id
# otherwise, it should be the best model id from last search group
self._active_spaces_group = self._pass_by_pass_sg.pop(0)
self._searchers[tuple(self._active_spaces_group)] = self._create_searcher(self._active_spaces_group)
self._search_results[tuple(self._active_spaces_group)] = SearchResults(self._objective_dict)
self._init_model_ids[tuple(self._active_spaces_group)] = init_model_id
return self._active_spaces_group
def _next_search_group_joint(self, init_model_id: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[SearchAlgorithm]:
init_model_id = init_model_id or self.init_model_id
# get the first pass flow
# for "joint" model, init_model_id should be input_model_id
sg = self._spaces_groups.pop(0)
self._searchers[tuple(sg)] = self._create_searcher(sg)
self._search_results[tuple(sg)] = SearchResults(self._objective_dict)
self._init_model_ids[tuple(sg)] = init_model_id
self._active_spaces_group = sg
return self._active_spaces_group
def _create_searcher(self, search_space_names: List[str]) -> SearchAlgorithm:
"""Create a search algorithm."""
search_spaces_dict = {space_name: deepcopy(self._spaces_dict[space_name]) for space_name in search_space_names}
objectives = list(self._objective_dict.keys())
higher_is_betters = [self._objective_dict[objective]["higher_is_better"] for objective in objectives]
if self._config.search_algorithm in REGISTRY:
searcher = REGISTRY[self._config.search_algorithm](
search_spaces_dict, objectives, higher_is_betters, self._config.search_algorithm_config
raise ValueError(f"Unknown search algorithm: {self._config.search_algorithm}")
return searcher
def next_step(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]:
"""Get the next step in the search."""
if not self._initialized:
raise ValueError("Search strategy is not initialized")
if self.exit_criteria_met:
# if there is no active searcher, we are done
if self._active_spaces_group is None:
return None
# get the next search point from the active searcher
search_point = self._searchers[tuple(self._active_spaces_group)].suggest()
# if there are no more search points, move to the next search space group
if search_point is None:
return self.next_step()
return {
"search_point": search_point,
"model_id": self._init_model_ids[tuple(self._active_spaces_group)],
"passes": [(space_name, search_point[space_name]) for space_name in self._active_spaces_group],
def record_feedback_signal(
search_point: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]],
signal: "MetricResult",
model_ids: List[str],
should_prune: bool = False,
"""Record the feedback signal for the given search point."""
if not self._initialized:
raise ValueError("Search strategy is not initialized")
self._search_results[tuple(self._active_spaces_group)].record(search_point, signal, model_ids)
self._searchers[tuple(self._active_spaces_group)].report(search_point, signal, should_prune)
def check_exit_criteria(self, iter_num, time_diff, metric_signal):
"""Check if the olive search_strategy should exit."""
self.exit_criteria_met = False
if not self._config.stop_when_goals_met:
# stop early stopping when stop_when_goals_met is False, but still apply goals check without stopping
# early exit is not supported for pass-by-pass execution order currently
if self._config.execution_order == "pass-by-pass":
if self._config.max_iter is not None and iter_num > self._config.max_iter:
self.exit_criteria_met = True
if self._config.max_time is not None and time_diff > self._config.max_time:
self.exit_criteria_met = True
if metric_signal == {}:
self.exit_criteria_met = self._config.stop_when_goals_met and self._search_results[
def get_output_model_num(self):
return self._config.output_model_num