How To Configure Data

Olive Data config organizes the data loading, preprocessing, batching and post processing into a single json config and defines several popular templates to serve Olive optimization.

The configuration of Olive data config is positioned under Olive run config with the field of data_configs, and the data config is defined as a list of data config items. Here is an example of data config: open_llama_sparsegpt_gpu .

"data_configs": [
    { "name": "dataset_1", ...},
    { "name": "dataset_2", ...},

Note: name for each dataset should be unique, and must be composed letters, numbers, and underscores.

Then if there is any requirement to leverage the data config in Olive passes/evaluator, we can simply refer to the data config key name. For above open_llama_sparsegpt_gpu case, the passes/evaluator data config is: open_llama_sparsegpt_gpu data_config reference .

"evaluators": {
    "common_evaluator": {
        "data_config": "dataset_1"
"passes": {
    "common_pass": {
        "data_config": "dataset_2"

Before deep dive to the generic data config, let’s first take a look at the data config template.

Supported Data Config Template

The data config template is defined in module which is used to create data_config easily.

Currently, we support the following data container which can be generated from

1. DummyDataContainer: Convert the dummy data config to the data container.

    "name": "dummy_data_config_template",
    "type": "DummyDataContainer",
    "load_dataset_config": {
        "input_shapes": [[1, 128], [1, 128], [1, 128]],
        "input_names": ["input_ids", "attention_mask", "token_type_ids"],
        "input_types": ["int64", "int64", "int64"],

2. HuggingfaceContainer: Convert the huggingface data config to the data container.

    "name": "huggingface_data_config",
    "type": "HuggingfaceContainer",
    "load_dataset_config": {
        "data_name": "glue",
        "split": "validation",
        "subset": "mrpc"
    "pre_process_data_config": {
        "model_name": "Intel/bert-base-uncased-mrpc",
        "task": "text-classification",
        "input_cols": ["sentence1", "sentence2"],
        "label_cols": ["label"]
    "post_process_data_config": {
        "task": "text-classification"
    "dataloader_config": {
        "batch_size": 1

3. RawDataContainer: Convert the raw data config to the data container.

    "name": "raw_data",
    "type": "RawDataContainer",
    "load_dataset_config": {
        "data_dir": "data",
        "input_names": ["data"],
        "input_shapes": [[1, 3, 224, 224]],
        "input_dirs": ["."],
        "input_suffix": ".raw",
        "input_order_file": "input_order.txt"

4. TransformersDummyDataContainer: Convert the transformer dummy data config to the data container.

    "name": "transformers_dummy_data_config",
    "type": "TransformersDummyDataContainer"

Also, based on TransformersDummyDataContainer, Olive provides templates for transformer inference based on prompt(first prediction, no kv_cache now) and token(with kv_cache) inputs. - TransformersPromptDummyDataContainer where seq_len >= 1(default 8) and past_seq_len = 0. - TransformersTokenDummyDataContainer where seq_len == 1 and past_seq_len >= 1(default 8).

Generic Data Config

If no data config template can meet the requirement, we can also define the data config directly. The data config is defined as a dictionary which includes the following fields:
  1. name: the name of the data config.

  2. type: the type name of the data config. Available type:
  3. components: the dictionary of four components which contain:


    Available component type


    local_dataset(default), simple_dataset, huggingface_dataset, raw_dataset


    pre_process(default), huggingface_pre_process, ner_huggingface_preprocess, text_generation_huggingface_pre_process


    post_process(default), text_classification_post_process, ner_post_process, text_generation_post_process


    default_dataloader(default), no_auto_batch_dataloader

    each component can be customized by the following fields:
    • name: the name of the component.

    • type: the type name of the available component type. Besides the above available type in above table, user can also define their own component type in user_script with the way Olive does for huggingface_dataset. In this way, they need to provide user_script and script_dir. There is an example with customized component type.

    • params: the dictionary of component function parameters. The key is the parameter name for given component type and the value is the parameter value.

  4. user_script: the user script path which contains the customized component type.

  5. script_dir: the user script directory path which contains the customized script.

Configs with built-in component:

Then the complete config would be like:

    "name": "data",
    "type": "DataContainer",
    "load_dataset_config": {
        "type": "huggingface_dataset",
        "data_dir": null,
        "data_name": "glue",
        "subset": "mrpc",
        "split": "validation",
        "data_files": null
    "pre_process_data_config": {
        "type": "huggingface_pre_process",
        "model_name": "Intel/bert-base-uncased-mrpc",
        "input_cols": [
        "label_cols": [
        "max_samples": null
    "post_process_data_config": {
        "type": "text_classification_post_process"                },
    "dataloader_config": {
        "type": "default_dataloader",
        "batch_size": 1

Configs with customized component:

The above case shows to rewrite all the components in data config. But sometime, there is no need to rewrite all the components. For example, if we only want to customize the load_dataset component for DataContainer, we can just rewrite the load_dataset component in the data config and ignore the other default components.

    "name": "data",
    "type": "DataContainer",
    "user_script": "",
    "script_dir": "user_dir",
    "load_dataset_config": {
        "type": "customized_huggingface_dataset",
        "data_dir": null,
        "data_name": "glue",
        "subset": "mrpc"


User should provide the user_script and script_dir if they want to customize the component type. The user_script should be a python script which contains the customized component type. The script_dir should be the directory path which contains the user_script. Another thing you might need to notice is that when your customized dataset is from huggingface, you should at least allow the trust_remote_code in your function’s arguments list to indicate whether you trust the remote code or not. kwargs is the additional keyword arguments provided in the config, it can cover the case of trust_remote_code as well. Here is an example for user_script:

from import Registry

def customized_huggingface_dataset(data_dir, **kwargs):
    # kwargs can cover the case of trust_remote_code or user can add trust_remote_code in the function's
    # arguments list, like, customized_huggingface_dataset(data_dir, trust_remote_code=None, **kwargs):

def customized_huggingface_pre_process(dataset, **kwargs):

def customized_post_process(output):

def customized_dataloader(dataset):
More examples:
  1. inception_post_process:


The components will be called with the following arguments along with any additional keyword arguments provided in the config:
  • load_dataset: data_dir (required, but the type can be Optional[str])

  • pre_process_data: dataset (required, must be the first argument)

  • post_process_data: output (required, must be the first argument)

  • dataloader: dataset (required, must be the first argument)

the required arguments for pre_process_data/post_process_data/dataloader must start with _ to avoid the conflict with the additional keyword arguments provided in the config.