How To Configure Pass

This document describes how to configure a Pass.

When configuring a Pass, the user can chose to set the values of parameters to their default value (no search), pre-defined search space (search for the best value from the possible options) or a combination of the two (fix some parameters to a certain value, default or user provided, and/or search for other parameters).

To fully configure a Pass, we require three things: type, disable_search, and config.

  • type: This is the type of the Pass. Check out Passes for the full list of supported Passes.

  • disable_search: This decides whether to use the default value (disable_search=True) or the default searchable values, if any, (disable_search=False) for the optional parameters. This is False by default.

  • config: This is a dictionary of the config parameters and values. It must contain all required parameters. For optional parameters the default value or default searchable values (depending on whether disable_search is True or False) can be overridden by providing user defined values. You can also assign the value for a specific parameter as "DEFAULT_VALUE" to use the default value or "SEARCHABLE_VALUES" to use the default searchable values (if available).

Let’s take the example of the OnnxQuantization Pass:

    "type": "OnnxQuantization",
    "disable_search": false,
    "data_config": "calib_data_config",
    // set per_channel to "DEFAULT_VALUE"
    "per_channel": "DEFAULT_VALUE",
    // set reduce_range to "SEARCHABLE_VALUES" value
    // redundant since disable_search is false
    "reduce_range": "SEARCHABLE_VALUES",
    // user defined value for weight_type
    "weight_type": "QUInt8"


type is case insensitive.