Basic Stats module.
StatInitArguments ObjectsStats Arguments.
BasicStats ObjectsBasis Stats class provides a common place for collects long interval stats and step interval stats that can be recorded in the various writers provided at the time of calling rebuild() in trainer. This class is used as a Singleton pattern via global_stats provided in the init.py file.
rebuildRebuild Stat Args and Writers.
resetReset all stats.
reset_shortReset step interval stats.
reset_longReset long interval stats.
updateUpdate step interval and long interval scalar stats.
update_multiUpdate step interval and long interval multiple scalar stats.
update_matplotlib_figureUpdate matplotlib figure.
update_imageUpdate image. Will be logged with infrequent metric.
update_prUpdate pr curve stats. Only binary classification preds = probabilities
update_histogramUpdate histogram stats.
update_embeddingUpdate embeddings. Used to project embeddings with corresponding labels (numerical).
update_system_statsUpdate system stats related to Memory and Compute (CPU and GPUs) usage.
log_long_statsLog long interval stats to correponding writers.
log_argsLog Arguments to correponding writers.
log_modelLog model to correponding writers.
log_graphLog graph to correponding writers.
finishCall finish() on all writers.