Click or drag to resize
CanvasSpriteBatchDraw Method
Overload List
Public methodDraw(CanvasBitmap, Matrix3x2)
[Win10_10586] Adds a sprite to the sprite batch, drawn using a specific transform.
Public methodDraw(CanvasBitmap, Vector2)
[Win10_10586] Adds a sprite to the sprite batch, drawn at a specified offset.
Public methodDraw(CanvasBitmap, Rect)
[Win10_10586] Adds a sprite to the sprite batch, scaled to fill a rectangle.
Public methodDraw(CanvasBitmap, Matrix3x2, Vector4)
[Win10_10586] Adds a sprite to the sprite batch, drawn using a specific transform and tinted
Public methodDraw(CanvasBitmap, Vector2, Vector4)
[Win10_10586] Adds a sprite to the sprite batch, drawn at a specified offset and tinted.
Public methodDraw(CanvasBitmap, Rect, Vector4)
[Win10_10586] Adds a sprite to the sprite batch, scaled to fill a rectangle and tinted.
Public methodDraw(CanvasBitmap, Matrix3x2, Vector4, CanvasSpriteFlip)
[Win10_10586] Adds a sprite to the sprite batch, drawn using a specific transform, tinted and optionally flipped.
Public methodDraw(CanvasBitmap, Rect, Vector4, CanvasSpriteFlip)
[Win10_10586] Adds a sprite to the sprite batch, scaled to fill a rectangle, tinted and optionally flipped.
Public methodDraw(CanvasBitmap, Vector2, Vector4, Vector2, Single, Vector2, CanvasSpriteFlip)
[Win10_10586] Adds a sprite to the sprite batch, drawn at a specified offset, tinted with additional rotation and scale and optionally flipped.
See Also