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CanvasComposite Enumeration
The composite mode used for the effect.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Graphics.Canvas
Assembly:  Microsoft.Graphics.Canvas (in Microsoft.Graphics.Canvas.dll) Version:
public enum CanvasComposite
  Member nameValueDescription
SourceOver0Union of source and destination bitmaps. Equation: O = S + (1 - SA) * D.
DestinationOver1Union of source and destination bitmaps. Equation: O = (1 - DA) * S + D.
SourceIn2Intersection of source and destination bitmaps. Equation: O = DA * S.
DestinationIn3Intersection of source and destination bitmaps. Equation: O = SA * D.
SourceOut4Region of the source bitmap. Equation: O = (1 - DA) * S.
DestinationOut5Region of the destination bitmap. Equation: O = (1 - SA) * D.
SourceAtop6Region of the destination bitmap. Equation: O = DA * S + (1 - SA) * D.
DestinationAtop7Region of the source bitmap. Equation: O = (1 - DA) * S + SA * D.
Xor8Union of source and destination bitmaps with xor function for pixels that overlap. Equation: O = (1 - DA) * S + (1 - SA) * D.
Add9Union of source and destination bitmaps. Equation: O = S + D.
Copy10Region of the source bitmap. Equation: O = S.
BoundedCopy11Union of source and destination bitmaps with no destination override. Equation: O = S (only where source exists).
MaskInvert12Union of source and destination bitmaps with unchanged alpha. Equation: O = (1 - D) * S + (1 - SA) * D.

The equations listed in enum descriptions use these elements: O = Output S = Source SA = Source Alpha D = Destination DA = Destination Alpha

See Also