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PointSpecularEffect Class
Lighting effect creates an image that appears to be a reflective surface. This effect uses the alpha channel as a height map, and lights it with a point light source applying the specular portion of the Phong lighting model. Note, height map is not supported with Composition.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Microsoft.Graphics.Canvas.Effects
Assembly:  Microsoft.Graphics.Canvas (in Microsoft.Graphics.Canvas.dll) Version:
public sealed class PointSpecularEffect : ICanvasEffect, 
	IGraphicsEffect, IGraphicsEffectSource, ICanvasImage, IDisposable

The PointSpecularEffect type exposes the following members.

Public methodPointSpecularEffect
Initializes a new instance of the PointSpecularEffect class.
Public propertyBufferPrecision
Specifies what precision to use for intermediate buffers when drawing this effect.
Public propertyCacheOutput
Enables caching the output from drawing this effect.
Public propertyHeightMapInterpolationMode
[NoComposition] Interpolation mode used to filter the height map. Default value Linear.
Public propertyHeightMapKernelSize
[NoComposition] Size of the Sobel filter kernel used to convert the input heightmap to surface normal vectors. Default value (1,1).
Public propertyHeightMapScale
[NoComposition] Height map scale factor in the Z direction. Default value 1.
Public propertyLightColor
Color of the incoming light. Default value white.
Public propertyLightColorHdr
High-dynamic-range color of the incoming light. Default value white.
Public propertyLightPosition
Position of the light source. Default value (0,0,0).
Public propertyName
Attaches a user-defined name string to the effect.
Public propertySource
Gets or sets the input source for PointSpecular effect.
Public propertySpecularAmount
Intensity of the specular light. Default value 1.
Public propertySpecularExponent
Specular power for the Phong lighting model. Larger values produce more sharply defined highlights. Default value 1.
Public methodDispose
Releases all resources used by the effect.
Public methodGetBounds(ICanvasResourceCreator)
Retrieves the bounds of this PointSpecularEffect.
Public methodGetBounds(ICanvasResourceCreator, Matrix3x2)
Retrieves the bounds of this PointSpecularEffect.
Public methodGetInvalidRectangles
Queries what regions of the effect output have changed since it was last drawn.
Public methodCode exampleGetRequiredSourceRectangle
Queries what part of an effect source image is needed to draw an output region.
Public methodGetRequiredSourceRectangles
Queries what parts of the effect source images are needed to draw an output region.
Public methodInvalidateSourceRectangle
Notifies the effect that one of its source images has changed.

This Windows Runtime type corresponds to the D2D Point-specular lighting effect.

See Also