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Portkey Integration with AutoGen

Portkey Metrics Visualization

Portkey is a 2-line upgrade to make your AutoGen agents reliable, cost-efficient, and fast.

Portkey adds 4 core production capabilities to any AutoGen agent:

  1. Routing to 200+ LLMs
  2. Making each LLM call more robust
  3. Full-stack tracing & cost, performance analytics
  4. Real-time guardrails to enforce behavior

Getting Started

  1. Install Required Packages:

  2. pip install -qU autogen-agentchat~=0.2 portkey-ai

    Configure AutoGen with Portkey:

    from autogen import AssistantAgent, UserProxyAgent, config_list_from_json
    from portkey_ai import PORTKEY_GATEWAY_URL, createHeaders

    config = [
    "api_key": "OPENAI_API_KEY",
    "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
    "base_url": PORTKEY_GATEWAY_URL,
    "api_type": "openai",
    "default_headers": createHeaders(

    Generate your API key in the Portkey Dashboard.

And, that's it! With just this, you can start logging all of your AutoGen requests and make them reliable.

  1. Let's Run your Agent
import autogen

# Create user proxy agent, coder, product manager

user_proxy = autogen.UserProxyAgent(
system_message="A human admin who will give the idea and run the code provided by Coder.",
code_execution_config={"last_n_messages": 2, "work_dir": "groupchat"},

coder = autogen.AssistantAgent(
system_message = "You are a Python developer who is good at developing games. You work with Product Manager.",
llm_config={"config_list": config},

# Create groupchat
groupchat = autogen.GroupChat(
agents=[user_proxy, coder], messages=[])
manager = autogen.GroupChatManager(groupchat=groupchat, llm_config={"config_list": config})

# Start the conversation
manager, message="Build a classic & basic pong game with 2 players in python")

Here’s the output from your Agent’s run on Portkey's dashboard
Portkey Dashboard

Key Features

Portkey offers a range of advanced features to enhance your AutoGen agents. Here’s an overview

🌐 Multi-LLM IntegrationAccess 200+ LLMs with simple configuration changes
🛡️ Enhanced ReliabilityImplement fallbacks, load balancing, retries, and much more
📊 Advanced MetricsTrack costs, tokens, latency, and 40+ custom metrics effortlessly
🔍 Detailed Traces and LogsGain insights into every agent action and decision
🚧 GuardrailsEnforce agent behavior with real-time checks on inputs and outputs
🔄 Continuous OptimizationCapture user feedback for ongoing agent improvements
💾 Smart CachingReduce costs and latency with built-in caching mechanisms
🔐 Enterprise-Grade SecuritySet budget limits and implement fine-grained access controls

Colab Notebook

For a hands-on example of integrating Portkey with Autogen, check out our notebook

Google Colab .

Advanced Features


Easily switch between 200+ LLMs by changing the provider and API key in your configuration.

Example: Switching from OpenAI to Azure OpenAI

config = [
"api_key": "api-key",
"model": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
"api_type": "openai",
"default_headers": createHeaders(

Note: AutoGen messages will go through Portkey's AI Gateway following OpenAI's API signature. Some language models may not work properly because messages need to be in a specific role order.


Implement fallbacks, load balancing, and automatic retries to make your agents more resilient.

"strategy": {
"mode": "fallback" # Options: "loadbalance" or "fallback"
"targets": [
"provider": "openai",
"api_key": "openai-api-key",
"override_params": {
"top_k": "0.4",
"max_tokens": "100"
"provider": "anthropic",
"api_key": "anthropic-api-key",
"override_params": {
"top_p": "0.6",
"model": "claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620"

Learn more about Portkey Config object here. Be Careful to Load-Balance/Fallback to providers that don't support tool calling when the request contains a function call.


Agent runs are complex. Portkey automatically logs 40+ comprehensive metrics for your AI agents, including cost, tokens used, latency, etc. Whether you need a broad overview or granular insights into your agent runs, Portkey's customizable filters provide the metrics you need.

Portkey's Observability Dashboard
Portkey Dashboard

Comprehensive Logging

Access detailed logs and traces of agent activities, function calls, and errors. Filter logs based on multiple parameters for in-depth analysis.

Portkey Logging Interface
Portkey Metrics Visualization


AutoGen agents, while powerful, can sometimes produce unexpected or undesired outputs. Portkey's Guardrails feature helps enforce agent behavior in real-time, ensuring your AutoGen agents operate within specified parameters. Verify both the inputs to and outputs from your agents to ensure they adhere to specified formats and content guidelines. Learn more about Portkey's Guardrails here

Continuous Improvement

Capture qualitative and quantitative user feedback on your requests to continuously enhance your agent performance.


Reduce costs and latency with Portkey's built-in caching system.

portkey_config = {
"cache": {
"mode": "semantic" # Options: "simple" or "semantic"

Security and Compliance

Set budget limits on provider API keys and implement fine-grained user roles and permissions for both your application and the Portkey APIs.

Additional Resources

For more information on using these features and setting up your Config, please refer to the Portkey documentation.