Termination using Intervention Handler#


This method is valid when using SingleThreadedAgentRuntime.

There are many different ways to handle termination in autogen_core. Ultimately, the goal is to detect that the runtime no longer needs to be executed and you can proceed to finalization tasks. One way to do this is to use an autogen_core.base.intervention.InterventionHandler to detect a termination message and then act on it.

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any

from autogen_core.application import SingleThreadedAgentRuntime
from autogen_core.base import AgentId, MessageContext
from autogen_core.base.intervention import DefaultInterventionHandler
from autogen_core.components import DefaultTopicId, RoutedAgent, default_subscription, message_handler

First, we define a dataclass for regular message and message that will be used to signal termination.

class Message:
    content: Any

class Termination:
    reason: str

We code our agent to publish a termination message when it decides it is time to terminate.

class AnAgent(RoutedAgent):
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self.received = 0

    async def on_new_message(self, message: Message, ctx: MessageContext) -> None:
        self.received += 1
        if self.received > 3:
            await self.publish_message(Termination(reason="Reached maximum number of messages"), DefaultTopicId())

Next, we create an InterventionHandler that will detect the termination message and act on it. This one hooks into publishes and when it encounters Termination it alters its internal state to indicate that termination has been requested.

class TerminationHandler(DefaultInterventionHandler):
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self._termination_value: Termination | None = None

    async def on_publish(self, message: Any, *, sender: AgentId | None) -> Any:
        if isinstance(message, Termination):
            self._termination_value = message
        return message

    def termination_value(self) -> Termination | None:
        return self._termination_value

    def has_terminated(self) -> bool:
        return self._termination_value is not None

Finally, we add this handler to the runtime and use it to detect termination and stop the runtime when the termination message is received.

termination_handler = TerminationHandler()
runtime = SingleThreadedAgentRuntime(intervention_handlers=[termination_handler])

await AnAgent.register(runtime, "my_agent", AnAgent)


# Publish more than 3 messages to trigger termination.
await runtime.publish_message(Message("hello"), DefaultTopicId())
await runtime.publish_message(Message("hello"), DefaultTopicId())
await runtime.publish_message(Message("hello"), DefaultTopicId())
await runtime.publish_message(Message("hello"), DefaultTopicId())

# Wait for termination.
await runtime.stop_when(lambda: termination_handler.has_terminated)

Termination(reason='Reached maximum number of messages')