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Lab M0 - Prerequisites

In this lab, you will set up the development environment to build, test, and deploy the plugins that will extend the capabilities of Copilot for Microsoft 365.

Navigating the Extend Teams Message Extension labs (Extend Path)

In this lab you will learn:

  • How to set up your developer tenant for the entire lab exercises
  • How to install and configure Teams toolkit for Visual Studio Code and other tools
  • How to set up your development environment with a base project


To extend Copilot for Microsoft 365, you must ensure that your development environment meets the requirements.

Exercise 1: Enable Teams application uploads

You will need a Microsoft work or school account with permissions to upload custom Teams applications.

By default, end users can't upload applications directly; instead an administrator needs to upload them into the enterprise app catalog. In this step you will ensure your tenant is set up for direct uploads by Teams Toolkit.

  • Sign in to Microsoft Teams admin center with your admin credentials.
  • Go to Teams apps > Setup Policies > Global.
  • Toggle Upload custom apps to the "On" position.
  • Select "Save". Your test tenant can permit custom app upload.

The change can take up to 24 hours to take effect, but usually it's much faster.

Exercise 2: Install Teams Toolkit and prerequisites

You can complete these labs on a Windows, Mac, or Linux machine, but you do need the ability to install the prerequisites. If you are not permitted to install applications on your computer, you'll need to find another machine (or virtual machine) to use throughout the workshop.

Step 1: Install Visual Studio Code

It should be no surprise that Teams Toolkit for Visual Studio Code requires Visual Studio Code! You can download it here: Visual Studio Code.

Step 2: Install NodeJS

Node.js is a runtime that allows you to run JavaScript on your computer. It uses the open-source V8 engine, which is used in popular web browsers like Google Chrome (and the Chromium-based version of Microsoft Edge). You will need Node.js to run the web server code used throughout this workshop.

Browse to and install the "LTS" (Long Term Support) version for your operating system.

If you need more than one version of NodeJS

Browse to and install the "LTS" (Long Term Support) version for your operating system. This lab has been tested using NodeJS version 18.x and 20.x. If you already have another version of NodeJS installed, or want future flexibility to change Node versions, you may want to set up the Node Version Manager (or this variation for Microsoft Windows), which allows you to easily switch Node versions on the same computer.

Step 3: Install Tools

These labs are based on the latest general available version of Teams Toolkit. Follow the steps as shown in the screen shot below.

1️⃣ Open Visual Studio Code and click on the Extensions toolbar button

2️⃣ Search for "Teams" and locate Teams Toolkit

3️⃣ Click "Install"

Open the App setup policies

If you have Teams Toolkit installed but hidden

If you previously installed Teams Toolkit, and then hid it on the Visual Studio sidebar, you might wonder why you can't see it. Right-click on the left sidebar and check off Teams Toolkit to bring it back into view.

Azure Storage Explorer

Azure Storage Explorer (OPTIONAL) - Download this if you want to view and edit the Northwind database used in this sample

Exercise 3 - Set up your project and developer tenant data

Step 1 - Download the sample code

In a web browser navigate to this link. You will get a prompt to download a ZIP file called

  • Save the ZIP file on your computer.

  • Extract the ZIP file contents, it will extract into a folder called Northwind .

  • Open Visual Studio Code.

In Visual Studio Code:

  • From the "File" menu choose the "Open folder"... option

  • Open the folder Northwind.

These labs will refer to this Northwind folder as your "root folder" or "working folder" since this is where you'll be working.

Step 2 - Set up accounts in Teams Toolkit

Now select the Teams Toolkit icon in the left 1️⃣ . If it offers options to create a new project, you're probably in the wrong folder. In the Visual Studio Code file menu select "Open Folder" and directly open the Northwind folder. You should see sections for Accounts, Environment, etc. as shown below.

Under "Accounts" click "Sign in to Microsoft 365" 2️⃣ and log in with your own Microsoft 365 account.

Logging into Microsoft 365 from within Teams Toolkit

A browser window will pop up and offer to log into Microsoft 365. When it says "You are signed in now and close this page", please do so.

Now verify that the "Custom App Upload Enabled" checker has a green checkmark. If it doesn't, that means that your user account doesn't have permission to upload Teams applications. Follow steps in Exercise 1 of this lab.

Now verify that the "Copilot Access Enabled" checker has a green checkmark. If it doesn't, that means that your user account license for Copilot. This is required to continue the labs.


Step 3 - Copy sample documents to your test user's OneDrive

The sample application includes some documents for Copilot to reference during the labs. In this step you will copy these files to your user's OneDrive so Copilot can find them. Depending on how the tenant is set up, you may be asked to set up multi-factor authentication as part of this process.

Open your browser and browse to Microsoft 365 ( Log in using the Microsoft 365 account you will be using throughout the lab. You may be asked to set up multi-factor authentication.

Using the "waffle" menu in the upper left corner of the page 1️⃣ , navigate to the OneDrive application within Microsoft 365 2️⃣ .

Navigating to the OneDrive application in Microsoft 365

Within OneDrive, navigate to "My Files" 1️⃣ . If there's a documents folder, click into that as well. If not, you can work directly within the "My Files" location.

Navigating to your documents in OneDrive

Now click "Add new" 1️⃣ and "Folder" 2️⃣ to create a new folder.

Adding a new folder in OneDrive

Name the folder "Northwind contracts" and click "Create".

Naming the new folder "Northwind contracts"

Now, from within this new folder, click "Add new" 1️⃣ again but this time click "Files upload" 2️⃣ .

Adding new files to the new folder

Now browse to the sampleDocs folder within your working folder. Highlight all the files 1️⃣ and click "OK" 2️⃣ to upload them all.

Uploading the sample files from this repo into the folder

By doing this step early, there's a good chance that the Microsoft 365 search engine will have discovered them by the time you're ready for them.


You have completed the prerequisites lab. You are now ready to proceed to run your app. Select "Next" button below.