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Lab M3 - Enhance plugin with new search command

In this lab, you will enhance the Northwind plugin by adding a new command. While the current message extension effectively provides information about products within the Northwind inventory database, it does not provide information related to Northwind’s customers. Your task is to introduce a new command associated with an API call that retrieves products ordered by a customer name specified by the user.

Navigating the Extend Teams Message Extension labs (Extend Path)


The completed exercise with all of the code changes can be downloaded from here. This can be useful for troubleshooting purposes. If you ever need to reset your edits, you can clone again the repository and start over.

Exercise 1 - Code changes

Step 1 - Extend the Message Extension / plugin User Interface

In your working directory called Northwind from previous lab , open manifest.json in the appPackage folder. Look for discountSearch in the commands array. After the closing braces of the discountSearch command, add a comma ,. Then, copy the companySearch command snippet and add it to the commands array.

    "id": "companySearch",
    "context": [
    "description": "Given a company name, search for products ordered by that company",
    "title": "Customer",
    "type": "query",
    "parameters": [
            "name": "companyName",
            "title": "Company name",
            "description": "The company name to find products ordered by that company",
            "inputType": "text"


The "id" is the connection between the UI and the code. This value is defined as COMMAND_ID in the discount/product/SearchCommand.ts files. See how each of these files has a unique COMMAND_ID that corresponds to the value of "id".

Step 2 - Implement Product Search by Company

You will implement a product search by Company name and return a list of the company's ordered products. Find this information using the tables below:

Table Find Look Up By
Customer Customer Id Customer Name
Orders Order Id Customer Id
OrderDetail Product Order Id

Here's how it works: Use the Customer table to find the Customer Id with the Customer Name. Query the Orders table with the Customer Id to retrieve the associated Order Ids. For each Order Id, find the associated products in the OrderDetail table. Finally, return a list of products ordered by the specified company name.

Open .\src\northwindDB\products.ts

Update the import statement on line 1 to include OrderDetail, Order and Customer. It should look as follows

import {
    TABLE_NAME, Product, ProductEx, Supplier, Category, OrderDetail,
    Order, Customer
} from './model';

Add the new function searchProductsByCustomer() as in the below snippet, right after the import { getInventoryStatus } from '../adaptiveCards/utils';import statement.

export async function searchProductsByCustomer(companyName: string): Promise<ProductEx[]> {

    let result = await getAllProductsEx();

    let customers = await loadReferenceData<Customer>(TABLE_NAME.CUSTOMER);
    let customerId="";
    for (const c in customers) {
        if (customers[c].CompanyName.toLowerCase().includes(companyName.toLowerCase())) {
            customerId = customers[c].CustomerID;

    if (customerId === "") 
        return [];

    let orders = await loadReferenceData<Order>(TABLE_NAME.ORDER);
    let orderdetails = await loadReferenceData<OrderDetail>(TABLE_NAME.ORDER_DETAIL);
    // build an array orders by customer id
    let customerOrders = [];
    for (const o in orders) {
        if (customerId === orders[o].CustomerID) {

    let customerOrdersDetails = [];
    // build an array order details customerOrders array
    for (const od in orderdetails) {
        for (const co in customerOrders) {
            if (customerOrders[co].OrderID === orderdetails[od].OrderID) {

    // Filter products by the ProductID in the customerOrdersDetails array
    result = result.filter(product => 
        customerOrdersDetails.some(order => order.ProductID === product.ProductID)

    return result;

Step 3: Create a handler for the new command

In VS Code, duplicate the productSearchCommand.ts file located in the src/messageExtensions folder. Then, rename the copied file to "customerSearchCommand.ts"

Change value of COMMAND_ID constant to:

const COMMAND_ID = "companySearch";

Replace below import statement from:

import { searchProducts } from "../northwindDB/products";`


import { searchProductsByCustomer } from "../northwindDB/products";

Inside the existing brackets of handleTeamsMessagingExtensionQuery , replace exisiting code with below snippet:

    let companyName;

    // Validate the incoming query, making sure it's the 'companySearch' command
    // The value of the 'companyName' parameter is the company name to search for
    if (query.parameters.length === 1 && query.parameters[0]?.name === "companyName") {
        [companyName] = (query.parameters[0]?.value.split(','));
    } else { 
        companyName = cleanupParam(query.parameters.find((element) => === "companyName")?.value);
    console.log(`🍽️ Query #${++queryCount}:\ncompanyName=${companyName}`);    

    const products = await searchProductsByCustomer(companyName);

    console.log(`Found ${products.length} products in the Northwind database`)
    const attachments = [];
    products.forEach((product) => {
        const preview = CardFactory.heroCard(product.ProductName,
            `Customer: ${companyName}`, [product.ImageUrl]);

        const resultCard = cardHandler.getEditCard(product);
        const attachment = { ...resultCard, preview };
    return {
        composeExtension: {
            type: "result",
            attachmentLayout: "list",
            attachments: attachments,

Step 4 - Update the command routing

In this step you will route the companySearch command to the handler you implemented in the previous step.

Open searchApp.ts in the src folder and add the following import statement:

import customerSearchCommand from "./messageExtensions/customerSearchCommand";

In the switch statement of the handler function handleTeamsMessagingExtensionQuery add another case statement as below:

      case customerSearchCommand.COMMAND_ID: {
        return customerSearchCommand.handleTeamsMessagingExtensionQuery(context, query);


in the UI-based operation of the Message Extension / plugin, this command is explicitly called. However, when invoked by Microsoft 365 Copilot, the command is triggered by the Copilot orchestrator.

Exercise 2 - Run the App! Search for product by company name

Now you're ready to test the sample as a plugin for Copilot for Microsoft 365.

Step 1: Run the updated app locally

Stop the local debugger if it is kept running. Since you have updated the manifest with a new command, you will want to re install the app with the new package. Update the manifest version in the manifest.json file inside the appPackage folder from "1.0.9" to "1.0.10". This ensurers the new changes of the app is refelected.

Restart debugger by clicking F5, or click the start button 1️⃣. You will have an opportunity to select a debugging profile; select Debug in Teams (Edge) 2️⃣ or choose another profile.

Run application locally

The debugging will open teams in a browser window. Make sure you login using the same credentials you signed into Teams Toolkit. Once you're in, Microsoft Teams should open up and display a dialog offering to open your application.


Once opened it immediately ask you where you want to open the app in. By default it's personal chat. You could also select it in a channel or group chat as shown. Select "Open".

Open surfaces

Now you are in a personal chat with the app. But we are testing in Copilt so follow next instruction.

In Teams click on Chat and then Copilot. Copilot should be the top-most option. Click on the Plugin icon and select Northwind Inventory to enable the plugin.

Step 2: Test with new command in Copilot

Enter the prompt:

What are the products ordered by 'Consolidated Holdings' in Northwind Inventory?

The Terminal output shows Copilot understood the query and executed the companySearch command, passing company name extracted by Copilot. 03-07-response-customer-search

Here's the output in Copilot: 03-07-response-customer-search

Here is another prompt to try:

What are the products ordered by 'Consolidated Holdings' in Northwind Inventory? Please list the product name, price and supplier in a table.

Step 3: Test the command as Message extension (Optional)

Of course, you can test this new command also by using the sample as a Message Extension, like we did in previous lab.

  1. In the Teams sidebar, move to the Chats section and pick any chat or start a new chat with a colleague.
  2. Click on the + sign to access to the Apps section.
  3. Pick the Northwind Inventory app.
  4. Notice how now you can see a new tab called Customer.
  5. Search for Consolidated Holdings and see the products ordered by this company. They will match the ones that Copilot returned you in the previous step.

The new command used as a message extension


You are now a plugin champion. You are now ready to secure your plugin with authentication. Proceed to the next lab. Select "Next"