StateMachine.State class

Abstract class representing a state.

public abstract class State

Protected Members

name description
State() Initializes a new instance of the State class.
class DeferEventsAttribute Attribute for declaring what events should be deferred in a state.
class IgnoreEventsAttribute Attribute for declaring what events should be ignored in a state.
class OnEntryAttribute Attribute for declaring what action to perform when entering a state.
class OnEventDoActionAttribute Attribute for declaring which action should be invoked when the state machine is in the specified state to handle a dequeued event of the specified type.
class OnEventGotoStateAttribute Attribute for declaring a goto state transition when the state machine is in the specified state and dequeues an event of the specified type.
class OnEventPushStateAttribute Attribute for declaring a push state transition when the state machine is in the specified state and dequeues an event of the specified type.
class OnExitAttribute Attribute for declaring what action to perform when exiting a state.
class StartAttribute Attribute for declaring the state that a state machine transitions upon creation.


See State machines for more information.

See Also