Monitor.State class

Abstract class representing a state.

public abstract class State

Protected Members

name description
State() Initializes a new instance of the State class.
class ColdAttribute Attribute for declaring a cold monitor state. A monitor that is in a cold state satisfies a liveness property.
class HotAttribute Attribute for declaring a hot monitor state. A monitor that is in a hot state violates a liveness property.
class IgnoreEventsAttribute Attribute for declaring what events should be ignored in a monitor state.
class OnEntryAttribute Attribute for declaring what action to perform when entering a monitor state.
class OnEventDoActionAttribute Attribute for declaring what action a monitor should perform when it receives an event in a given state.
class OnEventGotoStateAttribute Attribute for declaring which state a monitor should transition to when it receives an event in a given state.
class OnExitAttribute Attribute for declaring what action to perform when exiting a monitor state.
class StartAttribute Attribute for declaring that a state of a monitor is the start one.

See Also