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About Us

Check out our blog post here for more details on our history and evolution.


Core Team:

  • Badrish Chandramouli, Vasileios Zois, Ted Hart, Yoganand Rajasekaran, Tal Zaccai, Lukas Maas, Darren Gehring.
  • Email: garnetteam AT

Project Partners:

  • Alan Yang, Pradeep Yadav, Alex Dubinkov, Venugopal Latchupatulla.
  • Knut Magne Risvik, Sarah Williamson, Narayanan Subramanian, Saurabh Singh, Padmanabh Gupta.
  • Kevin Montrose, Matt Tremblay, Marc Gravell.
  • Paulus Pärssinen.
  • Open-source and prior contributors to the Garnet and FASTER projects.