Generate your synthetic document


Genalog provides a simple interface (AnalogDocumentGeneration) to programmatic generate documents with degradation from a body of text.

from genalog.pipeline import AnalogDocumentGeneration


To use the pipeline, you will need to supply the following information:

CSS Style Combinations

STYLE_COMBINATIONS: a dictionary defining the combination of styles to generate per text document (i.e. a copy of the same text document is generate per style combination)

    "language": ["en_US"],
     "font_family": ["Segeo UI"],
     "font_size": ["12px"],
     "text_align": ["justify"],
     "hyphenate": [True],


Genalog depends on Weasyprint as the engine to render these CSS styles. Most of these fields are standard CSS properties and accepts common values as specified in W3C CSS Properties. For details, please see Weasyprint Documentation.

Choose a Prebuild HTML Template

HTML_TEMPLATE: name of html template used to generate the synthetic images. The genalog package has the following default templates:


Fig. 11 Document template with 2 columns


Fig. 12 Letter-like document template


Fig. 13 Simple text block template

HTML_TEMPLATE = "text_block.html.jinja"

Image Degradations

DEGRADATIONS: a list defining the sequence of degradation effects applied onto the synthetic images. Each element is a two-element tuple of which the first element is one of the method names from genalog.degradation.effect and the second element is the corresponding function keyword arguments.


Fig. 14 Mimics a document printed on two sides. Valid values: [0,1].


Fig. 15 Lowers image quality. Unit are in number of pixels.


Fig. 16 Mimics ink degradation. Valid values: [0, 1].


Fig. 17 Degrades printing quality.


Fig. 18 Ink overflows

from genalog.degradation.degrader import ImageState

    ("blur", {"radius": 5}),
    ("bleed_through", {
        "src": ImageState.CURRENT_STATE,
        "background": ImageState.ORIGINAL_STATE,
        "alpha": 0.8,
        "offset_x": -6,
        "offset_y": -12,
    ("morphology", {"operation": "open", "kernel_shape":(9,9), "kernel_type":"plus"}),
    ("pepper", {"amount": 0.005}),
    ("salt", {"amount": 0.15}),


ImageState.ORIGINAL_STATE refers to the origin state of the image before applying any degradation, while ImageState.CURRENT_STATE refers to the state of the image after applying the last degradation effect.

The example above will apply degradation effects to synthetic images in the sequence of:

    blur -> bleed_through -> morphological operation (open) -> pepper -> salt

For the full list of supported degradation effects, please see documentation on degradation.

We use Jinja to prepare html templates. You can find example of these Jinja templates in our source code.

Document Generation

With the above configurations, we can go ahead and start generate synthetic document.

Load Sample Text content

You can use any text documents as the content of the generated images. For the sake of the tutorial, you can use the sample text from our repo.

import requests

sample_text_url = ""
sample_text = "example.txt"

r = requests.get(sample_text_url, allow_redirects=True)
open(sample_text, 'wb').write(r.content)

Generate Synthetic Documents

Next, we can supply the three aforementioned configurations in initalizing AnalogDocumentGeneration object

from genalog.pipeline import AnalogDocumentGeneration

IMG_RESOLUTION = 300 # dots per inch (dpi) of the generated pdf/image

doc_generation = AnalogDocumentGeneration(styles=STYLE_COMBINATIONS, degradations=DEGRADATIONS, resolution=IMG_RESOLUTION, template_path=None)

To use custom templates, please set template_path to the folder of containing them. You can find more information from our document_generation.ipynb.

Once initialized, you can call generate_img() method to get the synthetic documents as images

# for custom templates, please set template_path.
img_array = doc_generation.generate_img(sample_text, HTML_TEMPLATE, target_folder=None) # returns the raw image bytes if target_folder is not specified


Setting target_folder to None will return the raw image bytes as a Numpy.ndarray. Otherwise the generated image will be save on the disk as a PNG file in the specified path.

Display the Document

import cv2
from IPython.core.display import Image, display

_, encoded_image = cv2.imencode('.png', img_array)
display(Image(data=encoded_image, width=600))

Document Generation (Multi-process)

To scale up the generation across multiple text files, you can use generate_dataset_multiprocess. The method will split the list of text filenames into batches and run document generation across different batches as subprocesses in parallel

from genalog.pipeline import generate_dataset_multiprocess

DST_PATH = "data" # where on disk to write the generated image

    resolution=IMG_RESOLUTION, batch_size=5


[sample_text] is a list of filenames to generate the synthetic dataset over.