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Quick Start

Automated Installation

To automatically install lage as a devDependency at your workspace's root and create a default lage.config.js, run:

npx lage init
npx lage init

lage is compatible with all the popular workspace managers, including yarn, npm, pnpm, and rush.

Customize lage.config.js

The init command will also generate a default lage.config.js. This will likely need to be modified. In particular, pay attention to the pipeline configuration:

module.exports = {
pipeline: {
build: ["^build"],
test: ["build"],
lint: []
module.exports = {
pipeline: {
build: ["^build"],
test: ["build"],
lint: []

Customize workspace (root level) package.json

Modify the package.json to use lage to run your tasks:

"name": "workspace-root",
"scripts": {
"build": "lage build",
"test": "lage test",
"lint": "lage lint"
"devDependencies": {
"lage": "latest"
"name": "workspace-root",
"scripts": {
"build": "lage build",
"test": "lage test",
"lint": "lage lint"
"devDependencies": {
"lage": "latest"

Ready to Build, Test, and Lint!

You are now ready to start running all the commands in your repository with lage. You'll notice that tasks are now cached!

For example (choose the appropriate command for your package manager):

# choose one
npm run build
yarn build
pnpm build
# choose one
npm run build
yarn build
pnpm build

Next Steps

Now that you've configured lage, dig deeper in the Tutorial section for features like remote caching, task skipping, customized pipelines, and setting priorities.