Class: MapBuilder
A G3000 map builder.
• new MapBuilder(): MapBuilder
▸ connextMap<MapBuilder
, options
): MapBuilder
Configures a map builder to generate a G3000 Connext weather map.
The controller [GarminMapKeys.Range]: MapRangeController
is added to the map context and can be used to control
the range of the map.
If the map pointer is supported, the controller [GarminMapKeys.Pointer]: MapPointerController
is added to the
map context and can be used to control the pointer.
The map builder will not be configured to apply a custom projected size, dead zone, or to automatically update the map.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
MapBuilder | extends MapSystemBuilder <any , any , any , any > |
Name | Type | Description |
mapBuilder | MapBuilder | The map builder to configure. |
options | Omit <NextGenConnextMapOptions , "waypointIconImageCache" | "waypointStyleFontType" | "runwayDesignationImageCache" | "noGpsBannerText" > & MapDataSourceOptions | Options for configuring the map. |
The builder, after it has been configured.
Defined in
▸ getIauIndexForDisplayPane(displayPaneIndex
): 1
| 2
Gets the index of the IAU (integrated avionics unit) used by a map on a specific display pane.
Name | Type | Description |
displayPaneIndex | DisplayPaneIndex | The index of the display pane on which the map appears. |
| 2
The index of the IAU (integrated avionics unit) used by a map on the specified display pane.
Defined in
▸ hsiMap<MapBuilder
, options
): MapBuilder
Configures a map builder to generate a G3000 NXi HSI map.
The controller [GarminMapKeys.Range]: MapRangeController
is added to the map context and can be used to control
the range of the map.
The map builder will not be configured to apply a custom projected size, dead zone, or to automatically update the map.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
MapBuilder | extends MapSystemBuilder <any , any , any , any > |
Name | Type | Description |
mapBuilder | MapBuilder | The map builder to configure. |
options | Omit <NextGenHsiMapOptions , "waypointIconImageCache" | "waypointStyleFontType" | "runwayDesignationImageCache" > & MapDataSourceOptions | Options for configuring the map. |
The builder, after it has been configured.
Defined in
▸ miniCompassIconSrc(): string
Gets the URI for the mini-compass icon's image asset.
The URI for the mini-compass icon's image asset.
Defined in
▸ navMap<MapBuilder
, options
): MapBuilder
Configures a map builder to generate a G3000 navigation map.
The controller [GarminMapKeys.Range]: MapRangeController
is added to the map context and can be used to control
the range of the map.
If flight plan focus is supported, the module [GarminMapKeys.FlightPlanFocus]: MapFlightPlanFocusModule
is added
to the map model and can be used to control the focus.
If the map pointer is supported, the controller [GarminMapKeys.Pointer]: MapPointerController
is added to the
map context and can be used to control the pointer.
The map builder will not be configured to apply a custom projected size, dead zone, or to automatically update the map.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
MapBuilder | extends MapSystemBuilder <any , any , any , any > |
Name | Type | Description |
mapBuilder | MapBuilder | The map builder to configure. |
options | Omit <NextGenNavMapOptions , "waypointIconImageCache" | "waypointStyleFontType" | "runwayDesignationImageCache" | "noGpsBannerText" > & MapDataSourceOptions | Options for configuring the map. |
The builder, after it has been configured.
Defined in
▸ nearestMap<MapBuilder
, options
): MapBuilder
Configures a map builder to generate a G3000 nearest waypoint map.
The module [GarminMapKeys.WaypointHighlight]: MapWaypointHighlightModule
is added to the map model and can be
used to control the highlighted waypoint.
The controller [GarminMapKeys.Range]: MapRangeController
is added to the map context and can be used to control
the range of the map.
If the map pointer is supported, the controller [GarminMapKeys.Pointer]: MapPointerController
is added to the
map context and can be used to control the pointer.
The map builder will not be configured to apply a custom projected size, dead zone, or to automatically update the map.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
MapBuilder | extends MapSystemBuilder <any , any , any , any > |
Name | Type | Description |
mapBuilder | MapBuilder | The map builder to configure. |
options | Omit <NextGenNearestMapOptions , "waypointIconImageCache" | "waypointStyleFontType" | "runwayDesignationImageCache" | "noGpsBannerText" > & MapDataSourceOptions | Options for configuring the map. |
The builder, after it has been configured.
Defined in
▸ ownAirplaneIconOptions(config
, includeNoHeadingIcon?
): MapOwnAirplaneIconOptions
Gets a set of standard options for the map's own airplane icon.
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
config | MapConfig | undefined | The map configuration object defining the path to the own airplane icon's image asset. |
includeNoHeadingIcon | boolean | true | Whether to include the no-heading icon. Defaults to true . |
A set of standard options for the map's own airplane icon.
Defined in
▸ procMap<MapBuilder
, options
): MapBuilder
Configures a map builder to generate a G3000 procedure map. The map displays a flight plan procedure (departure, arrival, approach) and its transitions, and is always focused on the displayed procedure. The map is also locked to a North Up orientation.
The module [GarminMapKeys.ProcedurePreview]: MapProcedurePreviewModule
is added to the map model and can be
used to control the displayed procedure.
The module [GarminMapKeys.FlightPlanFocus]: MapFlightPlanFocusModule
is added to the map model and can be used
to control the procedure focus.
The controller [GarminMapKeys.Range]: MapRangeController
is added to the map context and can be used to control
the range of the map.
If the map pointer is supported, the controller [GarminMapKeys.Pointer]: MapPointerController
is added to the
map context and can be used to control the pointer.
The map builder will not be configured to apply a custom projected size, dead zone, or to automatically update the map.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
MapBuilder | extends MapSystemBuilder <any , any , any , any > |
Name | Type | Description |
mapBuilder | MapBuilder | The map builder to configure. |
options | Omit <NextGenProcMapOptions , "waypointIconImageCache" | "waypointStyleFontType" | "noGpsBannerText" > & MapDataSourceOptions | Options for configuring the map. |
The builder, after it has been configured.
Defined in
▸ relativeTerrainIconSrc(): string
Gets the URI for the relative terrain mode indicator icon's image asset.
The URI for the relative terrain mode indicator icon's image asset.
Defined in
▸ trafficMap<MapBuilder
, options
): MapBuilder
Configures a map builder to generate a G3000 Garmin traffic map. The map consists of an optional active flight plan layer, an optional traffic range ring layer, a traffic intruder layer, an airplane icon layer, and an optional mini-compass layer. The map is centered on the player airplane and is locked in Heading Up orientation.
The controller [GarminMapKeys.TrafficRange]: TrafficMapRangeController
is added to the map context and can be
used to control the range of the traffic map.
The map builder will not be configured to apply a custom projected size, dead zone, or to automatically update the map.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
MapBuilder | extends MapSystemBuilder <any , any , any , any > |
Name | Type | Description |
mapBuilder | MapBuilder | The map builder to configure. |
options | Omit <NextGenTrafficMapOptions , "waypointIconImageCache" | "waypointStyleFontType" > & MapDataSourceOptions | Options for configuring the map. |
The builder, after it has been configured.
Defined in
▸ waypointMap<MapBuilder
, options
): MapBuilder
Configures a map builder to generate a G3000 waypoint map. The map is locked to a North Up orientation, targets a highlighted waypoint, and follows the player airplane when there is no highlighted waypoint.
The module [GarminMapKeys.WaypointHighlight]: MapWaypointHighlightModule
is added to the map model and can be
used to control the highlighted waypoint.
The controller [GarminMapKeys.Range]: MapRangeController
is added to the map context and can be used to control
the range of the waypoint map.
If the map pointer is supported, the controller [GarminMapKeys.Pointer]: MapPointerController
is added to the
map context and can be used to control the pointer.
The map builder will not be configured to apply a custom projected size, dead zone, or to automatically update the map.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
MapBuilder | extends MapSystemBuilder <any , any , any , any > |
Name | Type | Description |
mapBuilder | MapBuilder | The map builder to configure. |
options | Omit <NextGenWaypointMapOptions , "waypointIconImageCache" | "waypointStyleFontType" | "runwayDesignationImageCache" | "noGpsBannerText" > & MapDataSourceOptions | Options for configuring the map. |
The builder, after it has been configured.
Defined in