class int, db_name: str, db_folder: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: ABC, Dataset

Abstract base class for fitting classes. It inherits from nt.Dataset to have access to post processed data as necessary. The abstract find_fit and plot_fit methods, as well as the range_update_directives property need to be implemented by child classes. They are used by tuningstage classes.


features extracted by child classes.


directives on how to update voltages other than those swept in the current fit. Typically indicating general directions such as more positive or negative, determined based on the normalized signal strength. E.g. if the signal is too low, i.e. the device is pinched off, this property will say that some other voltages need to be set to more positive values.

property features: Dict[str, Any]

Overwrites feature attribute of nt.Dataset class. Computes features if they are not found.


dict – mapping strings indicating the feature type to its value.

abstract property range_update_directives: List[str]

Indicating general directions such as more positive or negative, determined based on the normalized signal strength. E.g. if the signal is too low, i.e. the device is pinched off, this property will say that some other voltages need to be set to more positive values.


list – list of directives.

abstract find_fit() None[source]

Method to extract features. To be defined by child classes and tailored to a specific measurement. It needs to populate self._features.

abstract plot_fit() Tuple[Axes, Colorbar][source]

Should display a plot fit important features shown.

save_features() None[source]

Saves extracted features to QCoDeS metadata.