class int, db_name: str, db_folder: Optional[str] = None, gradient_percentile: float = 25, get_transition_from_fit: bool = False, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: DataFit

Data fitting class for pinch-off curves.


percentage of the highest gradient of the traces, above which a portion of the trace is considered to be dropping, i.e. to be the transition interval.


whether to get transition interval from the fit. If not, filtered data is used.

property range_update_directives: List[str]

List of directives how nearby gates need to be adjusted. Depends on the signal strength of the trace.

find_fit() None[source]

Fits a pinchoff curve to a hyperbolic tangent and extracts transition voltages as well as interval.

compute_transition_interval() None[source]

Determines the transition interval based on a trace’s gradient, for all traces (readout methods) measured.

compute_transition_voltage() None[source]

Computes the transition voltage based in a trace’s gradient.

compute_initial_guess(readout_method: str = 'transport') Tuple[Tuple[List[float], List[float]], List[float]][source]

Computes initial guess for fitting.

fit_function(v: ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]], params: List[float]) ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]][source]

Function to fit pinch off curves.

  • v – voltage vector in V.

  • params – parameter vector with the following entries: [amplitude, slope, shift, tanh sign].


np.array – tanh function values.

plot_fit(ax: Optional[Axes] = None, colorbar: Optional[Colorbar] = None, save_figures: bool = True, plot_gradient: Optional[bool] = True, plot_smooth: Optional[bool] = True, filename: Optional[str] = None, file_location: Optional[str] = None, plot_params: Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, float, int, bool, List[float]]]] = None, plot_format: str = 'png') Tuple[Axes, Colorbar][source]

Plots the measurement including the fit, gradient and filtered trace.

plot_features(save_figures: bool = True, ax: Optional[Axes] = None, highlight_color: Optional[str] = 'indianred', fill_color: Optional[str] = 'indianred', fill_hatch: Optional[str] = None, filename: Optional[str] = None, file_location: Optional[str] = None, plot_params: Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, float, int, bool, List[float]]]] = None, plot_format: str = 'png') Tuple[Axes, Colorbar][source]

Plots measurement, indicating some of the extracted features.