
Microsoft Quick Authentication for Android configuration and Java API reference

| Getting Started | Reference | Library Reference | |–|–|–|

These settings and APIs allow you to customize the appearance and behavior of the UI provided by Microsoft Quick Authentication and to invoke functionality provided by MSAL for Android, such as signing out or requesting an access token for user information in the Microsoft Graph.

For information about how to use Quick Authentication for Android, see the Getting Started guide.

Microsoft Quick Authentication is in public preview. This preview is provided without a service-level agreement and isn’t recommended for production workloads. Some features might be unsupported or have constrained capabilities. For more information, see Supplemental terms of use for Microsoft Azure previews.

Creating and configuring MSQASignInClient

To create and configure MSQASignInClient, construct an instance of MSQASignInOptions, set the desired options on it, and pass it to the static create method of MSQASignInClient.

public static void create(@NonNull android.content.Context context,
                          @NonNull MSQASignInOptions signInOptions,
                          @NonNull ClientCreatedListener listener)
Parameter Description
context Application’s Context. Cannot be null.
signInOptions A configuration object for client initialization.
listener A ClientCreatedListener defining callbacks to be invoked when the object is successfully created and when an error occurred. Cannot be null.

The MSQASignInOptions instance can be created by calling the build method on an instance of MSQASignInOptions.Builder:

public MSQASignInOptions build()

And a set of “setter” methods can be used to set configuration options on MSQASignInOptions.Builder

Code example:


    new MQASignInOptions.Builder()
    new ClientCreatedListener() {
        public void onCreated(@NonNull MSQASignInClient client) {
            // success: use client

        public void onError(@NonNull MSQAException error) {
            // failure: handle error


    object : ClientCreatedListener {
        override fun onCreated(client: MSQASignInClient) {
            // success: use client

        override fun onError(error: MSQAException) {
            // failure: handle error


To facilitate debugging the following options are available to configure logging, using the following methods of MSQASignInOptions.Builder.

public static void setLogLevel(@LogLevel int logLevel);

Sets the log level for diagnostic purposes. By default, the sdk sets the logging level to ‘verbose’. | Parameter | Description | |–|–| | logLevel| Log level int enum |

public static void setEnableLogcatLog(boolean enableLogcatLog);

Enables or disables Android logcat logging. By default, the sdk disables it.

Parameter Description
enableLogcatLog If true, enables Android logcat logging.
public static void setExternalLogger(@NonNull ILogger externalLogger);

Configures external logging by providing a callback that the sdk will use to pass each log message.

Parameter Description
externalLogger The reference to the ILogger that can output the logs to the designated places.

Here is a code example setting all three logging methods described above:


MSQASignInOptions signInOptions = new MSQASignInOptions.Builder()
    .setExternalLogger((logLevel, message) -> {
        // handle log message here


var signInOptions : MSQASignInOptions = MSQASignInOptions.Builder()
    .setExternalLogger { logLevel: Int, message: String? ->
        // handle log message here

button customization

MSQASignInButton provides attributes and APIs to customize the button style.

Customizing the buttons type using parameters in the layout xml

You can customize the look and feel of the sign-in button by using the following parameters on the com.microsoft.quick.auth.signin.view.MSQASignInButton element in your application’s layout xml:

XML Parameter Description Values Default Value
msqa_button_type The button type, either a simple icon or a standard button with text. icon
msqa_ button_theme The button visual theme. light
msqa_ button_size Predefined sizes. If width or height are specified, they override this setting.
  width: 280px
  height: 42px
  textSize: 16px
  iconSize: 20px
  width: 280px
  height: 36px
  textSize: 14px
  iconSize: 16px
  width: 280px
  height: 28px
  textSize: 12px
  iconSize: 12px
msqa_button_text The text shown in the button. signin_with
msqa_button_shape The shape of the button. rectangular
msqa_button_logo_alignment Where the Microsoft logo should be in the button. left

Code example:

    android:layout_height="wrap_content" />

Customizing the button style programmatically

You can also customize the button programmatically by using the following setter methods of MSQASignInButton: | Setter Method | Description | Parameter Values | Default Value | – | – | – | – | | setButtonType(ButtonType type) | Set the ButtonType | ButtonTyle.ICON
ButtonTyle.STANDARD | ButtonTyle.STANDARD | | setButtonTheme (ButtonTheme theme) | Set the ButtonTheme | ButtonTheme.LIGHT
ButtonTheme.DARK | ButtonTheme.DARK | setButtonSize(ButtonSize size) | Set the ButtonSize. Predefined sizes. If width or height are specified, they override this setting.
  width: 280px
  height: 42px
  textSize: 16px
  iconSize: 20px
  width: 280px
  height: 36px
  textSize: 14px
  iconSize: 16px
  width: 280px
  height: 28px
  textSize: 12px
  iconSize: 12px | ButtonSize.SMALL
ButtonSize.LARGE | ButtonSize.LARGE | | setButtonText(ButtonText text) | Set the ButtonText | ButtonText.SIGNIN_WITH
| ButtonText.SIGNIN_WITH | | setButtonShape(ButtonShape shape) | Set the ButtonShape | ButtonShape.RECTANGULAR
ButtonShape.ROUNDED |ButtonShape.RECTANGULAR | | setButtonLogoAlignment(ButtonLogoAlignment alignment) | Where the Microsoft logo should be in the button | ButtonLogoAlignment.LEFT
ButtonLogoAlignment.CENTER |ButtonLogoAlignment.LEFT |

Code example:

MSQASignInButton signInButton = findViewById(R.id.sign_in_button);


Setting the sign-in button callback

This method of MSQASignInButton allows you to set a callback in your code to be invoked when the user is done with the sign-in flow.

public void setSignInCallback (
        @NonNull Activity activity,
        @NonNull MSQASignInClient client,
        @NonNull OnCompleteListener <MSQAAccountInfo> onCompleteListener);
Parameter Description
@NonNull activity Activity that is used as the parent activity for launching sign page.
@NoNull client A sign-in client object, provides sign-in, sign-out etc.
@NoNull listener An OnCompleteListener callback to be invoked when sign-in completed, canceled or failed.
Returns none

If sign-in succeeds, listener will be invoked, its first parameter will return the MSQAAccountInfo and its error parameter will be null. If sign-in fails, listener will be invoked with the accountInfo parameter being null and error will contain the error information.

Code example:


MSQASignInButton signInButton = findViewById(R.id.sign_in_button);

signInButton.setSignInCallback(activity, client,
        new OnCompleteListener<MSQAAccountInfo>() {
            public void onComplete(@Nullable MSQAAccountInfo accountInfo,
                                   @Nullable MSQAException error) {
                if (accountInfo != null) {
                    // success: use account
                } else {
                    // failure: handle error


var signInButton: MSQASignInButton = findViewById(R.id.ms_sign_button)

signInButton.setSignInCallback(activity, client) {
        accountInfo: MSQAAccountInfo?, error: MSQAException? ->
    if (accountInfo != null) {
        // successful sign-in: use account
    } else {
        // unsuccessful sign-in: handle error


MSQAAccountInfo defines an interface for getting user account information.

Method Description
@Nullable String getFullName() return full name.
@Nullable String getUsername() return user email or phone.
@Nullable String getId() CID for MSA.
@Nullable String getIdToken() MSA account id token.
@Nullable String getBase64Photo() User jpeg / png, etc. as base64 encoded string.
@Nullable String getGivenName() User given name.
@Nullable String getSurname() User surname.
@Nullable String getEmail() User email.

MSQASignInClient methods

The following methods of MSQASignInClient offer programmatic triggering of the sign-in flow and additional functionality.

Method Description
signIn() Starts the process of signing in the user with MSA.
signOut() Signs the user out of this application.
getCurrentAccount() Gets the current MSQAAccountInfo for the user.
acquireTokenSilent() Perform acquire token silent call.
acquireToken() Acquires an access token interactively, will pop-up web UI.
create() Static method to create an MSQASignInClient instance object.

MSQASignInClient method: signIn

This method allows to request sign-in programmatically instead of or in addition to having the button do it automatically. This will trigger the same user experience workflow as the user clicking the sign-in button.

void signIn(@NonNull Activity activity
            @NonNull OnCompleteListener<MSQAAccountInfo> listener);

| Parameter | Description | | – | – | | activity | The activity that will be used as the parent activity of the sign in activity. | | @NonNull listener | An OnCompleteListener callback to be invoked when sign in finishes, is cancelled or fails. It will return the MSQAAccountInfo if successful. If it fails, its accountInfo parameter will be null and error will contain error info.| | Returns | none |

If multiple sign-in requests are made one after the other they will queue up. Once a sign-in sequence is finished next sign-in request in queue will get handled.

Code example:


signInClient.signIn(activity, new OnCompleteListener<MSQAAccountInfo>() {
    public void onComplete(@Nullable MSQAAccountInfo accountInfo,
                           @Nullable MSQAException error) {
        if (accountInfo != null) {
            // success: use account
        } else {
            // failure: handle the error


signInClient.signIn(activity) { accountInfo, error ->
    if (accountInfo != null) {
        // success: use account
    } else {
        // failure: handle the error

MSQASignInClient method: signOut

This method requests to sign the user out.

void signOut(@NonNull OnCompleteListener<Boolean> listener);
Parameters Description
@NonNull listener A callback to be invoked when sign out finishes and returns sign-out result.
Returns none

If there is no currently existing sign-in, OnCompleteListener is invoked with its second (error) parameter returning an error. If sign-out succeeds, the first parameter will return true, and the second parameter will be null.

Code example:


signInClient.signOut(new OnCompleteListener<Boolean>() {
    public void onComplete(@Nullable Boolean signOutSuccess,
                           @Nullable MSQAException error) {
        if (signOutSuccess) {
            // sign out success
        } else {
            // handle error


signInClient.signOut {
        signOutSuccess: Boolean?, error: MSQAException? ->
    if (signOutSuccess == true) {
        // sign out success
    } else {
        // handle error

MSQASignInClient method: getCurrentAccount

This method returns the account the user is currently signed-in with, if any.

void getCurrentAccount (@NonNull OnCompleteListener <MSQAAccountInfo> listener);
Parameter Description
@NonNull listener An OnCompleteListener callback to be invoked on completion and will return the MSQAAccountInfo for the current account if one is retrieved.
Returns none

If there is no current sign-in, OnCompleteListener will be invoked with its first and second parameters both null. If sign-out succeeds, the first parameter will return the MSQAAccountInfo for the current account. The second parameter will return null.

Code example:


    new OnCompleteListener<MSQAAccountInfo>() {
        public void onComplete(@Nullable MSQAAccountInfo accountInfo,
                               @Nullable MSQAException error) {
            if (accountInfo != null) {
                // use account
            } else {
                // handle error


signInClient.getCurrentAccount {
        accountInfo: MSQAAccountInfo?, error: MSQAException? ->
    if (accountInfo != null) {
        // use account
    } else {
        // handle error

MSQASignInClient method: acquireToken

This method acquires an access token interactively. A UI flow will be presented to the user to consent to the request.

void acquireToken (
        @NonNull Activity activity,
        @NonNull List<String> scopes,
        @NonNull OnCompleteListener<MSQATokenResult> listener);
Parameter Description
@NonNull activity Activity that is used as the parent activity for get token.
@NonNull scopes A non-null array of scopes to be requested for the access token. Some example scopes can be found in Microsoft Graph permissions reference.
@NonNull listener A OnCompleteListener callback to be invoked when the the token has been successfully acquired or after an error occurred.
Returns none

If the scopes array is empty, then listener will be called with a non-null error. If there is no account in the cache, then listener will be called with non-null error. If acquiring the token succeeds, OnCompleteListener will be invoked with its first parameter returning a MSQATokenResult, and its second parameter returning null.

See next section for a code example.

MSQASignInClient method: acquireTokenSilent

This method attempts to acquire an access token silently, i.e., without presenting any consent UI to the user. If it fails, then acquireToken can be invoked to acquire the token with prompting the user for consent.

void acquireTokenSilent (
                @NonNull List <String> scopes,
                @NonNull OnCompleteListener <MSQATokenResult> listener);
Parameter Description
@NonNull scopes A non-null and non-empty array of scopes to be requested for the access token. Some example scopes can be found in Microsoft Graph permissions reference.
@NonNull listener A OnCompleteListener callback to be invoked when the the token has been successfully acquired or after an error occurred.
Returns none

If the scopes array is empty, then listener will be called with a non-null error. If there is no account in the cache, then listener will be called with a non-null error. If acquiring the token succeeds, OnCompleteListener will be invoked with its first parameter returning a MSQATokenResult, and its second parameter returning null. If a refresh token does not exist or fails the refresh, then an error is returned.

Code example:


String[] scopes = { "Mail.Read" };
OnCompleteListener<MSQATokenResult> tokenResultListener = new OnCompleteListener<MSQATokenResult>() {
    public void onComplete(@Nullable MSQATokenResult token,
                           @Nullable MSQAException error) {
        if (token != null) {
            // success: use token
        } else {
            // failure: handle error
signInClient.acquireTokenSilent(scopes, new OnCompleteListener<MSQATokenResult>() {
    public void onComplete(@Nullable MSQATokenResult token,
                            @Nullable MSQAException error) {
        if (token != null) {
            // success: use token
        } else if (error instanceof MSQAUiRequiredException) {
            // If acquireTokenSilent() returns an
            // MSQAUiRequiredException,invoke acquireToken()
            // to have the user resolve the interrupt interactively
                activity, scopes, tokenResultListener);
        } else {
            // failure: handle error


val scopes = arrayOf("Mail.Read")
val tokenResultListener: OnCompleteListener<MSQATokenResult> =
        OnCompleteListener { token, error ->
    if (token != null) {
        // success: use token
    } else {
        // failure: handle error
signInClient.acquireTokenSilent(scopes) { token, error ->
    if (token != null) {
        // success: use token
    } else if (error is MSQAUiRequiredException) {
        // If acquireTokenSilent() returns an
        // MSQAUiRequiredException,invoke acquireToken()
        // to have the user resolve the interrupt interactively
            activity, scopes, tokenResultListener
    } else {
        // failure: handle error

Supported locales

Language ID Language name
af-ZA Afrikaans (South Africa)
ar-SA Arabic (Saudi Arabia)
az-Latn-AZ Azerbaijani (Latin, Azerbaijan)
bg-BG Bulgarian (Bulgaria)
bs-Latn-BA Bosnian (Latin, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
ca-ES Catalan (Catalan)
cs-CZ Czech (Czech Republic)
cy-GB Welsh (United Kingdom)
da-DK Danish (Denmark)
de-DE German (Germany)
el-GR Greek (Greece)
en-GB English (United Kingdom)
en-US English (United States)
es-ES Spanish (Spain, International Sort)
es-MX Spanish (Mexico)
et-EE Estonian (Estonia)
eu-ES Basque (Basque)
fa-IR Persian
fi-FI Finnish (Finland)
fil-PH Filipino (Philippines)
fr-CA French (Canada)
fr-FR French (France)
gl-ES Galician (Galician)
gu-IN Gujarati (India)
he-IL Hebrew (Israel)
hi-IN Hindi (India)
hr-HR Croatian (Croatia)
hu-HU Hungarian (Hungary)
id-ID Indonesian (Indonesia)
is-IS Icelandic (Iceland)
it-IT Italian (Italy)
ja-JP Japanese (Japan)
ka-GE Georgian (Georgia)
kk-KZ Kazakh (Kazakhstan)
km-KH Khmer (Cambodia)
kn-IN Kannada (India)
ko-KR Korean (Korea)
lo-LA Lao (Laos P.D.R.)
lt-LT Lithuanian (Lithuania)
lv-LV Latvian (Latvia)
mk-MK Macedonian (North Macedonia)
mr-IN Marathi (India)
ms-MY Malay (Malaysia)
nb-NO Norwegian, Bokmål (Norway)
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands)
nn-NO Norwegian, Nynorsk (Norway)
pl-PL Polish (Poland)
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil)
pt-PT Portuguese (Portugal)
ro-RO Romanian (Romania)
ru-RU Russian (Russia)
sk-SK Slovak (Slovakia)
sl-SI Slovenian (Slovenia)
sq-AL Albanian (Albania)
sr-Cyrl-RS Serbian (Cyrillic, Serbia)
sr-Latn-RS Serbian (Latin, Serbia)
sv-SE Swedish (Sweden)
ta-IN Tamil (India)
te-IN Telugu (India)
th-TH Thai (Thailand)
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey)
uk-UA Ukrainian (Ukraine)
uz-Latn-UZ Uzbek (Latin, Uzbekistan)
vi-VN Vietnamese (Vietnam)
zh-CN Chinese (Simplified, PRC)
zh-TW Chinese (Traditional, Taiwan)