quilla.common package

All shared bits of code that are used throughout much of the UIValidation package that don’t have any better place to be. This encompasses all shared utility code such as the utility classes, enums, and exceptions used by this application.


quilla.common.enums module

Module with all requried enums for the UIValidation

class quilla.common.enums.BrowserTargets(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

All the currently supported browser targets

CHROME = 'Chrome'
EDGE = 'Edge'
FIREFOX = 'Firefox'
class quilla.common.enums.OutputSources(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

Supported sources for the OutputValue action

LITERAL = 'Literal'
XPATH_PROPERTY = 'XPathProperty'
XPATH_TEXT = 'XPathText'
class quilla.common.enums.ReportType(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

All the currently supported report types

STEP_FAILURE = 'StepFailure'
VALIDATION = 'Validation'
class quilla.common.enums.UITestActions(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

All supported UI test actions

ADD_COOKIES = 'AddCookies'
CLEAR = 'Clear'
CLEAR_COOKIES = 'ClearCookies'
CLICK = 'Click'
HOVER = 'Hover'
NAVIGATE_BACK = 'NavigateBack'
NAVIGATE_FORWARD = 'NavigateForward'
NAVIGATE_TO = 'NavigateTo'
OUTPUT_VALUE = 'OutputValue'
REFRESH = 'Refresh'
SEND_KEYS = 'SendKeys'
SET_BROWSER_SIZE = 'SetBrowserSize'
SET_COOKIES = 'SetCookies'
VALIDATE = 'Validate'
WAIT_FOR_EXISTENCE = 'WaitForExistence'
WAIT_FOR_VISIBILITY = 'WaitForVisibility'
class quilla.common.enums.URLValidationStates(value)

Bases: quilla.common.enums.ValidationStates

States that the URL validation class recognizes

CONTAINS = 'Contains'
EQUALS = 'Equals'
MATCHES = 'Matches'
NOT_CONTAINS = 'NotContains'
NOT_EQUALS = 'NotEquals'
NOT_MATCHES = 'NotMatches'
class quilla.common.enums.ValidationStates(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

Base class for validation state enums

class quilla.common.enums.ValidationTypes(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

The currently-supported types of validation allowed

XPATH = 'XPath'
class quilla.common.enums.VisualParityImageType(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

The types of images that are supported by the VisualParity validation state

BASELINE = 'Baseline'
TREATMENT = 'Treatment'
class quilla.common.enums.XPathValidationStates(value)

Bases: quilla.common.enums.ValidationStates

States that the XPath validation class recognizes

ATTRIBUTE_HAS_VALUE = 'AttributeHasValue'
EXISTS = 'Exists'
HAS_ATTRIBUTE = 'HasAttribute'
HAS_PROPERTY = 'HasProperty'
NOT_ATTRIBUTE_HAS_VALUE = 'NotAttributeHasValue'
NOT_EXISTS = 'NotExists'
NOT_HAS_ATTRIBUTE = 'NotHasAttribute'
NOT_HAS_PROPERTY = 'NotHasProperty'
NOT_PROPERTY_HAS_VALUE = 'NotPropertyHasValue'
NOT_TEXT_MATCHES = 'NotTextMatches'
NOT_VISIBLE = 'NotVisible'
PROPERTY_HAS_VALUE = 'PropertyHasValue'
TEXT_MATCHES = 'TextMatches'
VISIBLE = 'Visible'
VISUAL_PARITY = 'VisualParity'

quilla.common.exceptions module

Custom exceptions for the UIValidation module

exception quilla.common.exceptions.EnumValueNotFoundException(str_value, enum)

Bases: quilla.common.exceptions.UIValidationException

Exception for when an enum value cannot be found by string value

exception quilla.common.exceptions.FailedStepException

Bases: quilla.common.exceptions.UIValidationException

Exception for when there is a failed step in the chain

exception quilla.common.exceptions.InvalidBrowserStateException

Bases: quilla.common.exceptions.UIValidationException

Exception caused by attempting to change the browser target while the browser is currently open

exception quilla.common.exceptions.InvalidContextExpressionException

Bases: quilla.common.exceptions.UIValidationException

Exception caused by the context expression syntax being invalid

exception quilla.common.exceptions.InvalidOutputName

Bases: quilla.common.exceptions.UIValidationException

Exception caused by an invalid output name

exception quilla.common.exceptions.NoDriverException

Bases: quilla.common.exceptions.UIValidationException

Exception for when steps are called to action without being bound to a driver

exception quilla.common.exceptions.UIValidationException

Bases: Exception

Base exception for all UIValidation module exceptions

quilla.common.utils module

A module containing an assortment of utility classes that don’t really fit in anywhere else. These classes define shared behaviour for specific actions that some other classes require, such as checking for the actual existence of a valid driver when attempting to retrieve the driver, or alternatively attempting to resolve a valid enum given its type and the value associated with it.

class quilla.common.utils.DriverHolder(driver=None)

Bases: object

Utility class to define shared behaviour for classes that contain a driver property

property driver: selenium.webdriver.remote.webdriver.WebDriver

The webdriver attached to this object


NoDriverException – if the internal driver is currently None

Return type


class quilla.common.utils.EnumResolver

Bases: object

Utility class to define shared behaviour for classes that need to resolve string values into appropriate enums