Metric Utils
- raimitigations.utils.metric_utils.get_metrics(y: Union[ndarray, list], y_pred: Union[ndarray, list, DataFrame], regression: bool = False, best_th_auc: bool = True, fixed_th: Optional[float] = None, return_th_list: bool = False)
Evaluates the performance of a prediction array based on its true values. This function computes a set of metrics and return a dictionary with the following metrics (depends if it is a regression or classification problem):
Classification: ROC AUC, Precision, Recall, F1, accuracy, log loss, threshold used, and final classes predicted (using the probabilities with the threshold);
Regression: MSE, RMSE, MAE, and R2
- Parameters
y – an array with the true labels;
y_pred – an array with the predicted values. For classification problems, this array must contain the probabilities for each class, with shape = (N, C), where N is the number of rows and C is the number of classes;
regression – if True, regression metrics are computed. If False, only classification metrics are computed;
best_th_auc – if True, the best threshold is computed using ROC graph. If False, the threshold is computed using the precision x recall graph;
fixed_th – a value between [0, 1] that should be used as the threshold for classification tasks;
return_th_list – returns the list of thresholds tested (be it using the ROC curve, or the precision and recall curve).
- Returns
a dictionary with the following metrics:
Classification: ROC AUC, Precision, Recall, F1, accuracy, log loss, threshold used, and final classes predicted (using the probabilities with the threshold);
Regression: MSE, RMSE, MAE, and R2
- Return type