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Module roosterjs-content-model-plugins


Type aliases


AutoFormatOptions: { autoBullet?: boolean; autoFraction?: boolean; autoHyphen?: boolean; autoLink?: boolean; autoNumbering?: boolean; autoOrdinals?: boolean; autoUnlink?: boolean }

Options to customize the Content Model Auto Format Plugin

Type declaration

  • Optional autoBullet?: boolean

    When true, after type *, ->, -, --, => , —, > and space key a type of bullet list will be triggered. @default true

  • Optional autoFraction?: boolean

    Transform 1/2, 1/4, 3/4 into fraction character

  • Optional autoHyphen?: boolean

    Transform -- into hyphen, if typed between two words

  • Optional autoLink?: boolean

    When paste content, create hyperlink for the pasted link

  • Optional autoNumbering?: boolean

    When true, after type 1, A, a, i, I followed by ., ), - or between () and space key a type of numbering list will be triggered. @default true

  • Optional autoOrdinals?: boolean

    Transform ordinal numbers into superscript

  • Optional autoUnlink?: boolean

    When press backspace before a link, remove the hyperlink


HyperlinkToolTip: string | null | ((url: string, anchor: HTMLAnchorElement) => string)

A type to specify how to get a tool tip of hyperlink in editor string: Use this string as tooltip null: No tooltip function: Call this function to get a tooltip


OnTableEditorCreatedCallback: (editorType: "HorizontalTableInserter" | "VerticalTableInserter" | "TableMover" | "TableResizer", element: HTMLElement) => () => void

Type declaration

    • (editorType: "HorizontalTableInserter" | "VerticalTableInserter" | "TableMover" | "TableResizer", element: HTMLElement): () => void
    • Optional callback when creating a TableEditPlugin, allows to customize the Selectors element as required.


      • editorType: "HorizontalTableInserter" | "VerticalTableInserter" | "TableMover" | "TableResizer"
      • element: HTMLElement

      Returns () => void

        • (): void
        • Returns void


PickerDirection: "horizontal" | "vertical" | "both"

Direction option for picker


PickerSelectionChangMode: "next" | "previous" | "nextRow" | "previousRow" | "nextPage" | "previousPage" | "firstInRow" | "lastInRow" | "first" | "last"

Change mode that PickerPlugin will pass to child class


Format type of watermark text


Const ShortcutBold

ShortcutBold: ShortcutCommand = ...

Shortcut command for Bold Windows: Ctrl + B MacOS: Meta + B

Const ShortcutBullet

ShortcutBullet: ShortcutCommand = ...

Shortcut command for Bullet List Windows: Ctrl + . (Period) MacOS: Meta + . (Period)

Const ShortcutClearFormat

ShortcutClearFormat: ShortcutCommand = ...

Shortcut command for Clear Format Windows: Ctrl + Space MacOS: N/A

Const ShortcutDecreaseFont

ShortcutDecreaseFont: ShortcutCommand = ...

Shortcut command for Decrease Font Windows: Ctrl + Shift + , (Comma) MacOS: Meta + Shift + , (Comma)

Const ShortcutIncreaseFont

ShortcutIncreaseFont: ShortcutCommand = ...

Shortcut command for Increase Font Windows: Ctrl + Shift + . (Period) MacOS: Meta + Shift + . (Period)

Const ShortcutIndentList

ShortcutIndentList: ShortcutCommand = ...

Shortcut command for Intent list Windows: Alt + Shift + Arrow Right MacOS: N/A

Const ShortcutItalic

ShortcutItalic: ShortcutCommand = ...

Shortcut command for Italic Windows: Ctrl + I MacOS: Meta + I

Const ShortcutNumbering

ShortcutNumbering: ShortcutCommand = ...

Shortcut command for Numbering List Windows: Ctrl + / (Forward slash) MacOS: Meta + / (Forward slash)

Const ShortcutOutdentList

ShortcutOutdentList: ShortcutCommand = ...

Shortcut command for Outdent list Windows: Alt + Shift + Arrow Left MacOS: N/A

Const ShortcutRedo

ShortcutRedo: ShortcutCommand = ...

Shortcut command for Redo 1 Windows: Ctrl + Y MacOS: N/A

Const ShortcutRedoAlt

ShortcutRedoAlt: ShortcutCommand = ...

Shortcut command for Redo 3 Windows: Ctrl + Shift + Z MacOS: Meta + Shift + Z

Const ShortcutRedoMacOS

ShortcutRedoMacOS: ShortcutCommand = ...

Shortcut command for Redo 2 Windows: N/A MacOS: Meta + Shift + Z

Const ShortcutUnderline

ShortcutUnderline: ShortcutCommand = ...

Shortcut command for Underline Windows: Ctrl + U MacOS: Meta + U

Const ShortcutUndo

ShortcutUndo: ShortcutCommand = ...

Shortcut command for Undo 1 Windows: Ctrl + Z MacOS: Meta + Z

Const ShortcutUndo2

ShortcutUndo2: ShortcutCommand = ...

Shortcut command for Undo 2 Windows: Alt + Backspace MacOS: N/A



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