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Module roosterjs-content-model-types



Type aliases

Type aliases


AddUndoSnapshot: (core: EditorCore, canUndoByBackspace: boolean, entityStates?: EntityState[]) => Snapshot | null

Type declaration

    • Add an undo snapshot to current undo snapshot stack


      • core: EditorCore

        The EditorCore object

      • canUndoByBackspace: boolean

        True if this action can be undone when user press Backspace key (aka Auto Complete).

      • Optional entityStates: EntityState[]

        @optional Entity states related to this snapshot. Each entity state will cause an EntityOperation event with operation = EntityOperation.UpdateEntityState when undo/redo to this snapshot

      Returns Snapshot | null


Announce: (core: EditorCore, announceData: AnnounceData) => void

Type declaration


ApplyMetadata<TMetadata, TFormat>: (metadata: TMetadata | null, format: TFormat, context: ModelToDomContext) => void

Type parameters

Type declaration

    • Function type to apply metadata value into format


      • metadata: TMetadata | null

        The metadata object to apply

      • format: TFormat

        The format object to apply metadata to

      • context: ModelToDomContext

        Content Model to DOM context

      Returns void


ArrayItemType<T>: T extends infer U[] ? U : never

A type template to get item type of an array

Type parameters

  • T: any[]


AttachDomEvent: (core: EditorCore, eventMap: Record<string, DOMEventRecord>) => () => void

Type declaration

    • Attach a DOM event to the editor content DIV


      Returns () => void

        • (): void
        • Returns void


BackgroundColorFormat: { backgroundColor?: string }

Format of background color

Type declaration

  • Optional backgroundColor?: string

    Background color


BoldFormat: { fontWeight?: string }

Format of bold

Type declaration

  • Optional fontWeight?: string

    Font weight of the element


BorderBoxFormat: { useBorderBox?: boolean }

Format of border box

Type declaration

  • Optional useBorderBox?: boolean

    Whether use border-box for this element


BorderFormat: { borderBottom?: string; borderBottomLeftRadius?: string; borderBottomRightRadius?: string; borderLeft?: string; borderRadius?: string; borderRight?: string; borderTop?: string; borderTopLeftRadius?: string; borderTopRightRadius?: string }

Format of border

Type declaration

  • Optional borderBottom?: string

    Bottom border in format 'width style color'

  • Optional borderBottomLeftRadius?: string

    Radius to be applied in bottom left corner

  • Optional borderBottomRightRadius?: string

    Radius to be applied in bottom right corner

  • Optional borderLeft?: string

    Left border in format 'width style color'

  • Optional borderRadius?: string

    Radius to be applied in all borders corners

  • Optional borderRight?: string

    Right border in format 'width style color'

  • Optional borderTop?: string

    Top border in format 'width style color'

  • Optional borderTopLeftRadius?: string

    Radius to be applied in top left corner

  • Optional borderTopRightRadius?: string

    Radius to be applied in top right corner


BorderOperations: "allBorders" | "noBorders" | "leftBorders" | "rightBorders" | "topBorders" | "bottomBorders" | "insideBorders" | "outsideBorders"

All Border operations


BoxShadowFormat: { boxShadow?: string }

Format of box shadow

Type declaration

  • Optional boxShadow?: string

    Box shadow in format "offset-x offset-y blur-radius spread-radius color"


Represents a selection used for cache


CachedElementHandler: (node: HTMLElement, type: "general" | "entity" | "cache") => HTMLElement | undefined

Type declaration

    • (node: HTMLElement, type: "general" | "entity" | "cache"): HTMLElement | undefined
    • Function type used for cloneModel API to specify how to handle cached element when clone a model


      • node: HTMLElement

        The cached node

      • type: "general" | "entity" | "cache"

        Type of the node, it can be

        • general: DOM element of ContentModelGeneralSegment or ContentModelGeneralBlock
        • entity: Wrapper element in ContentModelEntity
        • cache: Cached node in other model element that supports cache

      Returns HTMLElement | undefined


ColorTransformFunction: (lightColor: string, baseLValue?: number, colorType?: "text" | "background" | "border", element?: HTMLElement) => string

Type declaration

    • (lightColor: string, baseLValue?: number, colorType?: "text" | "background" | "border", element?: HTMLElement): string
    • A util function type to transform light mode color to dark mode color Default value is to return the original light color


      • lightColor: string

        Source color string in light mode

      • Optional baseLValue: number

        Base value of light used for dark value calculation

      • Optional colorType: "text" | "background" | "border"

        @optional Type of color, can be text, background, or border

      • Optional element: HTMLElement

        @optional Source HTML element of the color

      Returns string


A union type of Content Model Block


The format object for a paragraph in Content Model


The union type of Content Model Block Group


ContentModelBlockGroupType: "Document" | "FormatContainer" | "ListItem" | "TableCell" | "General"

Type of Block Group in Content Model


ContentModelBlockHandler<T>: (doc: Document, parent: Node, model: T, context: ModelToDomContext, refNode: Node | null) => Node | null

Type parameters

Type declaration

    • (doc: Document, parent: Node, model: T, context: ModelToDomContext, refNode: Node | null): Node | null
    • Type of Content Model to DOM handler for block


      • doc: Document

        Target HTML Document object

      • parent: Node

        Parent HTML node to append the new node from the given model

      • model: T

        The Content Model to handle

      • context: ModelToDomContext

        The context object to provide related information

      • refNode: Node | null

        Reference node. This is the next node the new node to be inserted. It is used when write DOM tree onto existing DOM true. If there is no reference node, pass null.

      Returns Node | null


ContentModelBlockType: "BlockGroup" | "Table" | "Paragraph" | "Entity" | "Divider"

Type of Block in Content Model


ContentModelCodeFormat: FontFamilyFormat & DisplayFormat

The format object for a code element in Content Model


Union type for segment decorators


ContentModelDividerFormat: ContentModelBlockFormat & DisplayFormat & SizeFormat

The format object for a divider in Content Model


ContentModelEntityFormat: EntityInfoFormat & IdFormat

The format object for an entity in Content Model


ContentModelFormatBase<V>: {}

Base type of content model format. All content model format should only have simple value type (string, number, boolean). So that we can use a single level copy ({...object}) to easily clone a format object

Type parameters

  • V: string | number | boolean | undefined | null = string | number | boolean | undefined | null

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: V


Type for FormatContainer


ContentModelFormatter: (model: ContentModelDocument, context: FormatContentModelContext) => boolean

Type declaration


ContentModelHandler<T>: (doc: Document, parent: Node, model: T, context: ModelToDomContext) => void

Type parameters

Type declaration

    • Type of Content Model to DOM handler


      • doc: Document

        Target HTML Document object

      • parent: Node

        Parent HTML node to append the new node from the given model

      • model: T

        The Content Model to handle

      • context: ModelToDomContext

        The context object to provide related information

      Returns void


Represents a map from content model handler name to its handle type

Type declaration


The format object for a hyperlink in Content Model


The format object for an image in Content Model


The format object for a list item in Content Model


The format object for a list level in Content Model


Union type of Content Model Segment


The format object for a segment in Content Model


ContentModelSegmentHandler<T>: (doc: Document, parent: Node, model: T, context: ModelToDomContext, segmentNodes: Node[]) => void

Type parameters

Type declaration

    • (doc: Document, parent: Node, model: T, context: ModelToDomContext, segmentNodes: Node[]): void
    • Type of Content Model to DOM handler for block


      • doc: Document

        Target HTML Document object

      • parent: Node

        Parent HTML node to append the new node from the given model

      • model: T

        The Content Model to handle

      • context: ModelToDomContext

        The context object to provide related information

      • segmentNodes: Node[]

        Nodes that created to represent this segment. In most cases there will be one node returned, except

        • For segments with decorators: decorator elements will also be included
        • For inline entity segment, the delimiter SPANs will also be included

      Returns void


ContentModelSegmentType: "Text" | "Br" | "Image" | "SelectionMarker" | "General" | "Entity"

Type of Segment in Content Model


Format of table cell


Format of Table


CreateContentModel: (core: EditorCore, option?: DomToModelOptionForCreateModel, selectionOverride?: DOMSelection | "none") => ContentModelDocument

Type declaration


CreateEditorContext: (core: EditorCore, saveIndex: boolean) => EditorContext

Type declaration

    • Create a EditorContext object used by ContentModel API


      • core: EditorCore

        The EditorCore object

      • saveIndex: boolean

        True to allow saving index info into node using domIndexer, otherwise false

      Returns EditorContext


DOMEventHandlerFunction<E>: (event: E) => void

Type parameters

  • E = Event

Type declaration

    • (event: E): void
    • Handler function type of DOM event


      • event: E

      Returns void


The union type of 3 selection types


DatasetFormat: Record<string, string>

Represents dataset format of Content Model


DefaultImplicitFormatMap: Record<string, Readonly<ContentModelSegmentFormat & ContentModelBlockFormat>>

Default implicit format map from tag name (lower case) to segment format


DefaultStyleMap: {[ key in keyof HTMLElementDeprecatedTagNameMap]: Readonly<Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration>> } & {[ key in keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap]: Readonly<Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration>> } & { center?: Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration>; strike?: Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration> }

A type of Default style map, from tag name string (in upper case) to a static style object


Definition<T>: T extends any[] ? ArrayDefinition<T> : T extends Record<string, any> ? ObjectDefinition<T> : T extends String ? StringDefinition : T extends Number ? NumberDefinition : T extends Boolean ? BooleanDefinition : never

A combination of all definition types

Type parameters

  • T


DefinitionType: "boolean" | "number" | "string" | "array" | "object"

Types of definitions, used by Definition type


DeleteResult: "notDeleted" | "singleChar" | "range" | "nothingToDelete"

Delete selection result


DeleteSelectionStep: (context: ValidDeleteSelectionContext) => void

Type declaration


DirectionFormat: { direction?: "ltr" | "rtl" }

Format of direction

Type declaration

  • Optional direction?: "ltr" | "rtl"

    Text direction


DisplayFormat: { display?: string }

Format of display

Type declaration

  • Optional display?: string

    Display of this element


ElementFormatAppliersPerCategory: {[ Key in keyof ContentModelFormatMap]: (FormatApplier<ContentModelFormatMap[Key]> | null)[] }

A map from format parser category name to an array of parsers. This is for HTMLElement only


ElementFormatParserPerCategory: {[ Key in keyof ContentModelFormatMap]: (FormatParser<ContentModelFormatMap[Key]> | null)[] }

A map from format parser category name to an array of parsers. This is for HTML Element only


ElementProcessor<T>: (group: ContentModelBlockGroup, element: T, context: DomToModelContext) => void

Type parameters

  • T: Node

Type declaration


ElementProcessorMap: {[ key in keyof HTMLElementDeprecatedTagNameMap]: ElementProcessor<HTMLElementDeprecatedTagNameMap[key]> } & {[ key in keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap]: ElementProcessor<HTMLElementTagNameMap[key]> } & { #text: ElementProcessor<Text>; *: ElementProcessor<HTMLElement>; center?: ElementProcessor<HTMLElement>; child: ElementProcessor<ParentNode>; delimiter?: ElementProcessor<Node>; element: ElementProcessor<HTMLElement>; entity: ElementProcessor<HTMLElement>; strike?: ElementProcessor<HTMLElement>; textWithSelection: ElementProcessor<Text> }

A map from element processor name to its processor type


EntityInfoFormat: { entityType?: string; isFakeEntity?: boolean; isReadonly?: boolean }

Format of entity type

Type declaration

  • Optional entityType?: string

    Type of this entity

  • Optional isFakeEntity?: boolean

    For a readonly DOM element, we also treat it as entity, with isFakeEntity set to true

  • Optional isReadonly?: boolean

    Whether the entity is readonly


EntityLifecycleOperation: "newEntity" | "replaceTemporaryContent" | "snapshotEntityState" | "updateEntityState" | "click"

Define entity lifecycle related operations


Define possible operations to an entity


EntityRemovalOperation: "removeFromStart" | "removeFromEnd" | "overwrite"

Define entity removal related operations


ExportContentMode: "HTML" | "PlainText" | "PlainTextFast"

The mode parameter type for exportContent API


FloatFormat: { float?: string }

Format of float

Type declaration

  • Optional float?: string

    Float style


Focus: (core: EditorCore) => void

Type declaration

    • Focus to editor. If there is a cached selection range, use it as current selection


      Returns void


FontFamilyFormat: { fontFamily?: string }

Format of font family

Type declaration

  • Optional fontFamily?: string

    Font family


FontSizeFormat: { fontSize?: string }

Format of font size

Type declaration

  • Optional fontSize?: string

    Font size


FormatApplier<TFormat>: (format: TFormat, element: HTMLElement, context: ModelToDomContext) => void

Type parameters

Type declaration

    • Apply format to the given HTML element


      • format: TFormat

        The format object to apply

      • element: HTMLElement

        The HTML element to apply format to

      • context: ModelToDomContext

        The context object that provide related context information

      Returns void


FormatAppliers: {[ Key in FormatKey]: FormatApplier<FormatHandlerTypeMap[Key]> | null }

All format appliers


FormatAppliersPerCategory: ElementFormatAppliersPerCategory & { text: TextFormatApplier[] }

A map from format parser category name to an array of parsers


FormatContentModel: (core: EditorCore, formatter: ContentModelFormatter, options?: FormatContentModelOptions, domToModelOptions?: DomToModelOptionForCreateModel) => void

Type declaration


FormatKey: keyof FormatHandlerTypeMap

Key of all format handler


FormatParser<TFormat>: (format: TFormat, element: HTMLElement, context: DomToModelContext, defaultStyle: Readonly<Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration>>) => void

Type parameters

Type declaration

    • (format: TFormat, element: HTMLElement, context: DomToModelContext, defaultStyle: Readonly<Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration>>): void
    • Parse format from the given HTML element and default style


      • format: TFormat

        The format object to parse into

      • element: HTMLElement

        The HTML element to parse format from

      • context: DomToModelContext

        The context object that provide related context information

      • defaultStyle: Readonly<Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration>>

        Default CSS style of the given HTML element

      Returns void


FormatParsers: {[ Key in FormatKey]: FormatParser<FormatHandlerTypeMap[Key]> | null }

All format parsers


FormatParsersPerCategory: ElementFormatParserPerCategory & { text: TextFormatParser[] }

A map from format parser category name to an array of parsers


GenericPluginState<Key>: {[ P in StatePluginKeys<Key>]: TypeOfStatePlugin<P> }

A type map from name of plugin with state to its plugin type

Type parameters


GetDOMSelection: (core: EditorCore) => DOMSelection | null

Type declaration


GetVisibleViewport: (core: EditorCore) => Rect | null

Type declaration

    • Retrieves the rect of the visible viewport of the editor.


      Returns Rect | null


HtmlAlignFormat: { htmlAlign?: "start" | "center" | "end" | "justify" | "initial" }

Format of HTML align attribute

Type declaration

  • Optional htmlAlign?: "start" | "center" | "end" | "justify" | "initial"

    Horizontal alignment, from HTML attribute "align"


IdFormat: { id?: string }

Format for element with Id

Type declaration

  • Optional id?: string

    Id of the element


ImageCropMetadataFormat: { bottomPercent?: number; leftPercent?: number; rightPercent?: number; topPercent?: number }

Metadata for inline image crop

Type declaration

  • Optional bottomPercent?: number

    Bottom cropped percentage. Rotation or resizing won't impact this percentage value



  • Optional leftPercent?: number

    Left cropped percentage. Rotation or resizing won't impact this percentage value



  • Optional rightPercent?: number

    Right cropped percentage. Rotation or resizing won't impact this percentage value



  • Optional topPercent?: number

    Top cropped percentage. Rotation or resizing won't impact this percentage value




ImageEditOperation: "resize" | "rotate" | "crop"

Type of image editing operations


ImageMetadataFormat: ImageResizeMetadataFormat & ImageCropMetadataFormat & ImageRotateMetadataFormat & { naturalHeight?: number; naturalWidth?: number; src?: string }

Metadata for inline image


ImageResizeMetadataFormat: { heightPx?: number; widthPx?: number }

Metadata for inline image resize

Type declaration

  • Optional heightPx?: number

    Height after resize, in px. If image is cropped, this is the height of visible part If image is rotated, this is the height before rotation


    clientHeight of the image

  • Optional widthPx?: number

    Width after resize, in px. If image is cropped, this is the width of visible part If image is rotated, this is the width before rotation


    clientWidth of the image


ImageRotateMetadataFormat: { angleRad?: number }

Metadata for inline image rotate

Type declaration

  • Optional angleRad?: number

    Rotated angle of inline image, in radian. Cropping or resizing won't impact this percentage value




InsertEntityPosition: "focus" | "begin" | "end" | "root"

Define the position of the entity to insert. It can be: "focus": insert at current focus. If insert a block entity, it will be inserted under the paragraph where focus is "begin": insert at beginning of content. When insert an inline entity, it will be wrapped with a paragraph. "end": insert at end of content. When insert an inline entity, it will be wrapped with a paragraph. "root": insert at the root level of current region


ItalicFormat: { italic?: boolean }

Format of italic

Type declaration

  • Optional italic?: boolean

    Whether it is in italic


IterateSelectionsCallback: (path: ContentModelBlockGroup[], tableContext?: TableSelectionContext, block?: ContentModelBlock, segments?: ContentModelSegment[]) => void | boolean

Type declaration


KeyOfStatePlugin<Key>: EditorCorePlugins[Key] extends PluginWithState<infer U> ? Key : never

Names of the core plugins that have plugin state

Type parameters


KnownAnnounceStrings: "announceListItemNumbering" | "announceListItemBullet" | "announceOnFocusLastCell"

Known announce strings


LetterSpacingFormat: { letterSpacing?: string }

Format of letter spacing

Type declaration

  • Optional letterSpacing?: string

    letter-spacing style


LineHeightFormat: { lineHeight?: string }

Format of line height

Type declaration

  • Optional lineHeight?: string

    Line height of this block


LinkFormat: { anchorClass?: string; anchorId?: string; anchorTitle?: string; href?: string; name?: string; relationship?: string; target?: string }

Format of hyper link

Type declaration

  • Optional anchorClass?: string

    Class attribute of anchor element

  • Optional anchorId?: string

    Id of anchor element

  • Optional anchorTitle?: string

    Title attribute of anchor element

  • Optional href?: string

    Href of the hyper link

  • Optional name?: string

    Name of this link

  • Optional relationship?: string

    Rel attribute of anchor element

  • Optional target?: string

    Target of the hyper link


ListMetadataFormat: { applyListStyleFromLevel?: boolean; orderedStyleType?: number; unorderedStyleType?: number }

Format of list / list item that stored as metadata

Type declaration

  • Optional applyListStyleFromLevel?: boolean

    When set to true, if there is no orderedStyleType (for OL) or unorderedStyleType (for UL) specified, use the list from its level For ordered list, the default list styles from levels are: 'decimal', 'lower-alpha', 'lower-roman', then loop For unordered list, the default list styles from levels are: 'disc', 'circle', 'square', then loop

  • Optional orderedStyleType?: number

    Style type for Ordered list. Use value of constant NumberingListType as value.

  • Optional unorderedStyleType?: number

    Style type for Unordered list. Use value of constant BulletListType as value.


ListStyleFormat: { listStylePosition?: string; listStyleType?: string }

Format of list-style

Type declaration

  • Optional listStylePosition?: string


  • Optional listStyleType?: string



ListThreadFormat: { displayForDummyItem?: string; startNumberOverride?: number }

Format of list thread id

Type declaration

  • Optional displayForDummyItem?: string

    For a list item, it should have "list-item" (default value) for display style. In those case, we will leave displayForDummyItem as undefined. But if there is other value than "list-item" in display style, we store it here and treat this item as a dummy item. Dummy item won't have list bullet or number, and we won't add 1 for list number for such items

  • Optional startNumberOverride?: number

    When restart a new list thread, set this value to be the restart number. Otherwise, leave it undefined to continue last list


MarginFormat: { marginBottom?: string; marginLeft?: string; marginRight?: string; marginTop?: string }

Format of margin

Type declaration

  • Optional marginBottom?: string

    Margin bottom value

  • Optional marginLeft?: string

    Margin left value

  • Optional marginRight?: string

    Margin right value

  • Optional marginTop?: string

    Margin top value


MergePastedContentFunc: (target: ContentModelDocument, source: ContentModelDocument) => InsertPoint | null

Type declaration


Map of metadata handlers

Type declaration


ObjectPropertyDefinition<T>: {[ Key in keyof T]: Definition<T[Key]> }

Object property definition type used by Object Definition

Type parameters

  • T: Object


Type declaration


OperationalBlocks<T>: { block: ContentModelBlock | T; parent: ContentModelBlockGroup; path: ContentModelBlockGroup[] }

Represent a pair of parent block group and child block

Type parameters

Type declaration


PaddingFormat: { paddingBottom?: string; paddingLeft?: string; paddingRight?: string; paddingTop?: string }

Format of padding

Type declaration

  • Optional paddingBottom?: string

    Padding bottom value

  • Optional paddingLeft?: string

    Padding left value

  • Optional paddingRight?: string

    Padding right value

  • Optional paddingTop?: string

    Padding top value


ParsedTable: ParsedTableCell[][]

Represents a parsed table with its table cells


ParsedTableCell: HTMLTableCellElement | "spanLeft" | "spanTop" | "spanBoth"

Parse a table, this type represents a parsed table cell. It can be a cell element, or a string to indicate where it is spanned from


PasteType: "normal" | "asPlainText" | "mergeFormat" | "asImage"

Specify what type of content to paste


Editor plugin event interface


PluginEventData<T>: PluginEventDataGeneric<PluginEvent, T>

A type to extract data part of a plugin event type. Data part is the plugin event without eventType field.

Type parameters


PluginEventDataGeneric<E, T>: E extends BasePluginEvent<T> ? Pick<E, Exclude<keyof E, "eventType">> : never

A type to extract data part of a plugin event type. Data part is the plugin event without eventType field. This type is a middle result and only used by PluginEventData type

Type parameters


PluginEventFromType<T>: PluginEventFromTypeGeneric<PluginEvent, T>

A type to get specify plugin event type from eventType parameter.

Type parameters


PluginEventFromTypeGeneric<E, T>: E extends BasePluginEvent<T> ? E : never

A type to get specify plugin event type from eventType parameter. This type is a middle result and only used by PluginEventFromType type

Type parameters


PluginEventType: "keyDown" | "keyPress" | "keyUp" | "input" | "compositionEnd" | "mouseDown" | "mouseUp" | "contentChanged" | "extractContentWithDom" | "beforeCutCopy" | "beforePaste" | "editorReady" | "beforeDispose" | "scroll" | "entityOperation" | "contextMenu" | "enteredShadowEdit" | "leavingShadowEdit" | "editImage" | "beforeSetContent" | "zoomChanged" | "selectionChanged" | "logicalRootChanged" | "beforeKeyboardEditing"

Type of plugin events


PluginKey: keyof EditorCorePlugins

Names of core plugins


Auto-calculated State object type for plugin with states


RestoreUndoSnapshot: (core: EditorCore, snapshot: Snapshot) => void

Type declaration


SelectionType: "range" | "table" | "image"

Type of DOM selection, it can be one of the 3 below: range: A regular selection that can be represented by a DOM Range object with start and end container and offset table: A table selection that can be defined using the Table element and first/last row and column number. Table selection can cover multiple table cells, it does not need to be continuous, but it should be a rectangle image: A image selection that can be defined with an image element. Not like a regular range selection with an image, image selection is created when user single click the image, then we will show a selection border rather the blue background to show the selection


SetContentModel: (core: EditorCore, model: ContentModelDocument, option?: ModelToDomOption, onNodeCreated?: OnNodeCreated) => DOMSelection | null

Type declaration


SetDOMSelection: (core: EditorCore, selection: DOMSelection | null, skipSelectionChangedEvent?: boolean) => void

Type declaration

    • Set current DOM selection from editor. This is the replacement of core API select


      • core: EditorCore

        The EditorCore object

      • selection: DOMSelection | null

        The selection to set

      • Optional skipSelectionChangedEvent: boolean

        @param Pass true to skip triggering a SelectionChangedEvent

      Returns void


SetEditorStyle: (core: EditorCore, key: string, cssRule: string | null, subSelectors?: "before" | "after" | string[], maxRuleLength?: number) => void

Type declaration

    • (core: EditorCore, key: string, cssRule: string | null, subSelectors?: "before" | "after" | string[], maxRuleLength?: number): void
    • Add CSS rules for editor


      • core: EditorCore

        The EditorCore object

      • key: string

        A string to identify the CSS rule type. When set CSS rules with the same key again, existing rules with the same key will be replaced.

      • cssRule: string | null

        The CSS rule string, must be a valid CSS rule string, or browser may throw exception. Pass null to remove existing rules

      • Optional subSelectors: "before" | "after" | string[]

        @optional If the rule is used for child element under editor, use this parameter to specify the child elements. Each item will be combined with root selector together to build a separate rule. It also accepts pseudo classes "before" and "after" to create pseudo class rule "::before" and "::after" to the editor root element itself

      • Optional maxRuleLength: number

        @optional Set maximum length for a single rule. This is used by test code only

      Returns void


SetLogicalRoot: (core: EditorCore, logicalRoot: HTMLDivElement | null) => void

Type declaration

    • (core: EditorCore, logicalRoot: HTMLDivElement | null): void
    • Set a new logical root (most likely due to focus change)


      • core: EditorCore

        The EditorCore object

      • logicalRoot: HTMLDivElement | null

        The new logical root (has to be child of physicalRoot or null to use physicalRoot as logical root)

      Returns void


SizeFormat: { height?: string; maxHeight?: string; maxWidth?: string; minHeight?: string; minWidth?: string; width?: string }

Format of element size

Type declaration

  • Optional height?: string

    Height of the element

  • Optional maxHeight?: string

    Maximum height of the element

  • Optional maxWidth?: string

    Maximum width of the element

  • Optional minHeight?: string

    Minimum height of the element

  • Optional minWidth?: string

    Minimum width of the element

  • Optional width?: string

    Width of the element


Union type for all 3 selection types for Undo Snapshot


SpacingFormat: { borderCollapse?: boolean; borderSeparate?: boolean }

Format of spacing

Type declaration

  • Optional borderCollapse?: boolean

    Whether borders of cells are collapsed together

  • Optional borderSeparate?: boolean

    Whether borders of cells are separated


StatePluginKeys<Key>: {[ P in Key]: KeyOfStatePlugin<P> }[Key]

All names of plugins with plugin state

Type parameters


StrikeFormat: { strikethrough?: boolean }

Format of strikethrough

Type declaration

  • Optional strikethrough?: boolean

    Whether it has strike through


SuperOrSubScriptFormat: { superOrSubScriptSequence?: string }

Format of superscript/subscript

Type declaration

  • Optional superOrSubScriptSequence?: string

    Sequence of superscript/subscript e.g. sub super sub


SwitchShadowEdit: (core: EditorCore, isOn: boolean) => void

Type declaration

    • Switch the Shadow Edit mode of editor On/Off


      • core: EditorCore

        The EditorCore object

      • isOn: boolean

        True to switch On, False to switch Off

      Returns void


TableAlignOperation: "alignCenter" | "alignLeft" | "alignRight"

Operations used by editTable() API for align table


TableCellHorizontalAlignOperation: "alignCellLeft" | "alignCellCenter" | "alignCellRight"

Operations used by editTable() API for align table cell horizontally


TableCellMergeOperation: "mergeCells"

Operations used by editTable() API for merge selected table cells


TableCellMetadataFormat: { bgColorOverride?: boolean; borderOverride?: boolean; vAlignOverride?: boolean }

Format of table cell that stored as metadata

Type declaration

  • Optional bgColorOverride?: boolean

    Override default background color

  • Optional borderOverride?: boolean

    Override default border value

  • Optional vAlignOverride?: boolean

    Override default vertical align value


TableCellVerticalAlignOperation: "alignCellTop" | "alignCellMiddle" | "alignCellBottom"

Operations used by editTable() API for align table cell vertically


TableDeleteOperation: "deleteTable" | "deleteColumn" | "deleteRow"

Operations used by editTable() API for delete table cells


TableHorizontalInsertOperation: "insertLeft" | "insertRight"

Operations used by editTable() API for insert table cell horizontally


TableHorizontalMergeOperation: "mergeLeft" | "mergeRight"

Operations used by editTable() API for merge table cells horizontally


TableLayoutFormat: { tableLayout?: string }

Format of Table Layout

Type declaration

  • Optional tableLayout?: string

    Whether borders of cells are collapsed together


TableMetadataFormat: { bgColorEven?: string | null; bgColorOdd?: string | null; bottomBorderColor?: string | null; hasBandedColumns?: boolean; hasBandedRows?: boolean; hasFirstColumn?: boolean; hasHeaderRow?: boolean; headerRowColor?: string | null; tableBorderFormat?: number; topBorderColor?: string | null; verticalAlign?: "top" | "middle" | "bottom" | null; verticalBorderColor?: string | null }

Format of table that stored as metadata

Type declaration

  • Optional bgColorEven?: string | null

    Background color for even row or even columns

  • Optional bgColorOdd?: string | null

    Background color for odd row or odd columns

  • Optional bottomBorderColor?: string | null

    Bottom border color for each row

  • Optional hasBandedColumns?: boolean

    Set banded columns

  • Optional hasBandedRows?: boolean

    Set banded rows

  • Optional hasFirstColumn?: boolean

    Set first column

  • Optional hasHeaderRow?: boolean

    Set header row

  • Optional headerRowColor?: string | null

    Header row background color for even cells

  • Optional tableBorderFormat?: number

    Table Borders Type. Use value of constant TableBorderFormat as value

  • Optional topBorderColor?: string | null

    Top border color for each row

  • Optional verticalAlign?: "top" | "middle" | "bottom" | null

    Vertical alignment for each row

  • Optional verticalBorderColor?: string | null

    Vertical border color for each row


Operations used by editTable() API


TableSplitOperation: "splitHorizontally" | "splitVertically"

Operations used by editTable() API for split table cells


TableVerticalInsertOperation: "insertAbove" | "insertBelow"

Operations used by editTable() API for insert table cell vertically


TableVerticalMergeOperation: "mergeAbove" | "mergeBelow"

Operations used by editTable() API for merge table cells vertically


TextAlignFormat: { textAlign?: "start" | "center" | "end" | "justify" | "initial" }

Format of text-align

Type declaration

  • Optional textAlign?: "start" | "center" | "end" | "justify" | "initial"

    Horizontal alignment, from CSS "text-align"


TextColorFormat: { textColor?: string }

Format of text color

Type declaration

  • Optional textColor?: string

    Text color


TextFormatApplier<TFormat>: (format: TFormat, textNode: Text, context: ModelToDomContext) => void

Type parameters

Type declaration

    • Apply format to the given text node


      • format: TFormat

        The format object to apply

      • textNode: Text

        The text node to apply format to

      • context: ModelToDomContext

        The context object that provide related context information

      Returns void


TextFormatParser<TFormat>: (format: TFormat, textNode: Text, context: DomToModelContext) => void

Type parameters

Type declaration

    • Parse format from the given text node


      • format: TFormat

        The format object to parse into

      • textNode: Text

        The text node to parse format from

      • context: DomToModelContext

        The context object that provide related context information

      Returns void


TextIndentFormat: { isTextIndentApplied?: boolean; textIndent?: string }

Format of text-indent

Type declaration

  • Optional isTextIndentApplied?: boolean

    Due to the special behavior of text-indent style, we need to know if this text-indent style is already applied to any child block. Then after that, we can ignore it for the block at the same level.

  • Optional textIndent?: string

    Text indent of a paragraph


TriggerEvent: (core: EditorCore, pluginEvent: PluginEvent, broadcast: boolean) => void

Type declaration

    • Trigger a plugin event


      • core: EditorCore

        The EditorCore object

      • pluginEvent: PluginEvent

        The event object to trigger

      • broadcast: boolean

        Set to true to skip the shouldHandleEventExclusively check

      Returns void


TrustedHTMLHandler: (html: string) => string

Type declaration

    • (html: string): string
    • A handler type to convert HTML string to a trust HTML string


      • html: string

      Returns string


TypeOfBlockGroup<T>: T extends ContentModelBlockGroupBase<infer U> ? U : never

Retrieve block group type string from a given block group

Type parameters


TypeOfStatePlugin<Key>: EditorCorePlugins[Key] extends PluginWithState<infer U> ? U : never

Get type of a plugin with state

Type parameters


UnderlineFormat: { underline?: boolean }

Format of underline

Type declaration

  • Optional underline?: boolean

    Whether it has underline


ValueSanitizer: ((value: string, tagName: string) => string | null) | boolean

Specify how to sanitize a value, can be a callback function or a boolean value. True: Keep this value False: Remove this value A callback: Let the callback function to decide how to deal this value.


The original value


Tag name of the element of this value


Return a non-empty string means use this value to replace the original value. Otherwise remove this value


VerticalAlignFormat: { verticalAlign?: "top" | "middle" | "bottom" }

Format of vertical alignment

Type declaration

  • Optional verticalAlign?: "top" | "middle" | "bottom"

    Vertical alignment


WhiteSpaceFormat: { whiteSpace?: string }

Format of white space

Type declaration

  • Optional whiteSpace?: string

    White space


WordBreakFormat: { wordBreak?: string }

Format of word break

Type declaration

  • Optional wordBreak?: string

    Word break CSS value

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