  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Represents a change to the editor made by another plugin with content model inside




Optional Readonly announceData

announceData: AnnounceData

Call editor.announce(announceData) directly insteaad

Optional Readonly changedEntities

changedEntities: ChangedEntity[]

Entities got changed (added or removed) during the content change process

Optional Readonly contentModel

contentModel: ContentModelDocument

The content model that is applied which causes this content changed event

Optional Readonly data

data: any

Optional related data

Optional Readonly entityStates

entityStates: EntityState[]

Entity states related to this event

Optional eventDataCache

eventDataCache: {}

An optional event cache. This will be consumed by event cache API to store some expensive calculation result. So that for the same event across plugins, the result doesn't need to be calculated again

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: any


eventType: "contentChanged"

Type of this event

Optional Readonly formatApiName

formatApiName: string

Optional property to store the format api name when using ChangeSource.Format

Optional Readonly selection

selection: DOMSelection

Selection range applied to the document

Readonly source

source: string

Source of the change

Generated using TypeDoc