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Context object for API formatWithContentModel


  • FormatContentModelContext



Optional announceData

announceData: AnnounceData

Set this value to tell AnnouncePlugin to announce the given information

Optional canUndoByBackspace

canUndoByBackspace: boolean

Set to true if this action can be undone when user press Backspace key (aka Auto Complete).

Optional clearModelCache

clearModelCache: boolean

When set to true, formatWithContentModel API will not keep cached Content Model. Next time when we need a Content Model, a new one will be created

Readonly deletedEntities

deletedEntities: DeletedEntity[]

Entities got deleted during formatting. Need to be set by the formatter function

Optional entityStates

entityStates: EntityState[]

Entity states related to the format API that will be added together with undo snapshot. When entity states are set, each entity state will cause an EntityOperation event with operation = EntityOperation.UpdateEntityState when undo/redo to this snapshot

Readonly newEntities

newEntities: ContentModelEntity[]

New entities added during the format process

Readonly newImages

newImages: ContentModelImage[]

Images inserted in the editor that needs to have their size adjusted

Optional newPendingFormat

newPendingFormat: ContentModelSegmentFormat | "preserve"

Specify new pending format. To keep current format event selection position is changed, set this value to "preserved", editor will update pending format position to the new position To set a new pending format, set this property to the format object Otherwise, leave it there and editor will automatically decide if the original pending format is still available

Optional Readonly rawEvent

rawEvent: Event

Raw Event that triggers this format call

Optional skipUndoSnapshot

skipUndoSnapshot: boolean

When pass true, skip adding undo snapshot when write Content Model back to DOM. Need to be set by the formatter function

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